View Full Version : Smokey , our grey furball

01-18-2003, 03:47 AM
AW , what a soft fur , and what great colour !!
I wish I could cuddle you all day , Smokey !!
Get into action (is good for the weight :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ) and earn an extra treat , as you are our COTD !!

Dan Holder
01-18-2003, 05:54 AM
Smokey sounds like he has a personality as appealing as his appearance. And it's a good thing you all did for the momma cat and kittens. Best of luck.

01-18-2003, 06:47 AM
I agree with your humans you are a beautiful grey furball. I like the way you posed for your picture. I bet your humans have lots of pictures of you. My cats seem to pose for the camera too. I hope you gets lots of bellyrubs and treats for your special day. You are welcome to come and visit me in America. I have one tomcat and three female cats. Your visit would even up the odds a little bit. LOL Congrats on being Cat Of The Day. I love your grey fur. You look as soft as velvet. :D :cool:
I am submitting a picture of Star in the dryer. I took this picture as a funny. PLEASE do NOT let your pets do this, as it could cause a dangerous habit :eek: :(

01-18-2003, 08:18 AM
Smokey you are such a cutie! Football at midnight? Sounds like you have quite a lot of fun doing that! I'm glad you got to go to a loving home with a wonderful mommy! I hope you receive many special things on your special day! Congratultions on Cat of the Day!:cool:
Britt, Floppsy, Lady, Sally, Kelsey, Mooka, Bubbles, & Popcorn

smokey the elder
01-18-2003, 08:29 AM
Smokey, you are one handsome boy! But you have a kinda grumpy look on your face!;)

01-18-2003, 08:48 AM
Good Morning Smokey, my what a handsome cat you are. I love that photo of you looking so very regal. Congratulations dear, sweet Smokey Our Very Best Cat of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

01-18-2003, 09:06 AM
We are very happy to meet you, Smokey - all the way from Scotland!! You have that beautiful "Russian Blue" type of silky, soft gray fur...and I agree, your photo is wonderful! What a great story - your purrsons get paw applause for saving your entire family!!! May God bless them for their efforts! Be happy, sweet gray boy...catgratulations on being a very special Cat of the Day!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride

01-18-2003, 09:10 AM
Smokey - what a beautiful boy you are! You knew what you were doing, wrapping your paw around your Mum! You knew that she couldn't resist you and now you have a forever home.

Keep up that football game and stay in shape!

Congratulations on your honor today.

01-18-2003, 09:34 AM
:) This is just the kind of story that brightens the day of anyone who reads it! What a wonderful thing that you did for the moher cat and her kittens , hopefully they all got good homes!:D :D my old cat Smokey was a dead ringer for your Smokey at the same age and he lined to the ripe old age of 23.:cool: :rolleyes: All the best to Scottish Smokey COTD!:p :p

01-18-2003, 10:37 AM
Smokey no wonder your brothers and sisters all found a good home. You look like a son of my first cat Grisette. She also had babies but only one of them was grey as you are -or should we say blue?
Enjoy your day playing football at midnight. Filou here thinks that's a good idea and asks whether you can play it at 2 a.m. too;)

01-18-2003, 12:17 PM
Silky, sunspot-loving, Smokey! You just SHINE in your photo, and you look soooo content and loved!! Are you planning moves for your next Midnight FurBall Football game? I can tell from your story that you have the best care ever!!! What a wonderful Furr-ever Family you have, Sweetie!!! Congratulations on our COTD today!!! You started my Saturday with a SMILE!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

01-18-2003, 12:18 PM
What a handsome fellow you are to be sure! You remind me of my brother's cat named Smokey he had while growing up. I don't blame your guardians for wanting to keep you. Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day today, sweetie.:)

01-18-2003, 12:25 PM
Smokey what a handsome fella you are for sure. I just loved reading your story about how you, your mom and siblings were all rescued.
Congratulations on being our COTD.
Lots of kitty hugs and kisses for you on your special day. :D

01-18-2003, 12:40 PM
I loved hearing your story today Mr. Smokey. You sure are one beautiful blue boy, my goodness! SO glad you found an awesome home. Go Smokey!!! :) :D :)

Howie's Mama
01-18-2003, 01:45 PM
Oh, what a beautful boy your Smokey is! Great picture of your big, grey guy! Congratulations, Smokey on being Today's Cat of the Day!!

01-18-2003, 05:16 PM
Smokey, I have to go back and look at you every so often. What a gorgeous boy you are! You're my type of cat for sure!! ;)

I hope you'll have fun today and get to play football at midnight! Be careful with the treats! ;)

Congratulations on being our lovely Cat of the day, Smokey!

many hugs and headbumpies from,
Fister & his mum

01-18-2003, 06:41 PM
Hi there handsome Smokey!! What an honor it is to meet such a bonnie Lad!! (I hope a Lad can be "bonnie!";)) Here in America, we'd call you a "hunk!!":D What a lovely tale your family tells of your resuce and "coming to be!" With your stunning good looks and captivating purrrrsonality, I'm not surprised you captured your Mum's heart!!:) I'm sure your fanclub runs deep and far!! And many, many thanks to your loving family for showing such compassion for your entire fur family!! Congratulations to beautiful, soft as a cloud Smokey, our most precious Cat of the Day! Lots of cuddles and belly rubs to you sweet boy on your very special and much deserved day of honor!!:)

01-18-2003, 06:47 PM
What a cool cat you are, Smokey! I love your plush, thick fur coat! Looks like a true invitation to snuggle up to, without a doubt! Congratulations on being our delightful Cat of the Day!!

01-18-2003, 07:35 PM
Hello Sweet Fellow,

Smokey, you are one gorgeous fur baby,:) I loved reading
your story today, how your Momma & siblings were found
and rescued by some pretty special people. I'm glad that
all of you now have wonderful folks to love & care for you.:)
Congratulations Smokey on being picked for a special day of
honor as our Beautiful Saturday CAT OF THE DAY !!!:)

01-18-2003, 10:19 PM
Hey, you good looking big boy! It's a delight to celebrate today as SMOKEY day: Smokey you are a beautiful big boy. Hope you have a very happy day as our CAT of the DAY!!!

01-20-2003, 03:30 AM
So handsome!!!!

01-21-2003, 12:12 PM
Dear Smokey, I know that Scotland can get very chilly in the wintertime (and in the summertime too), so I would venture to guess that you make a very welcome big warm spot on the bed when you curl up for the night. My husband and I have four cats, and on cold nights here in the North Woods, we all cuddle up together in a cozy heap. Life is sweet when the whole family crawls into bed for a long winter's nap. Congratulations on making Cat of the Day, Smokey!

Killearn Kitties
05-12-2003, 03:41 PM
Thank you all so very very much for sending Smokey so much love on his special day. We all enjoyed reading these messages so much. I can't believe it has taken me so long to register and send thanks, but now that I have, there will be no stopping me! I just have to figure out how to attach pictures of my beautiful cats to the messages now.