View Full Version : boxer goes for other dogs

01-17-2003, 04:05 PM
hello, my name is claire firth, i own a white boxer, i live in the uk.
wen he was a baby he was attack by a dog, so defending himself be pinned it down, now after that he still goes for dogs, he is a well trained dog but wen it comes to that, he has attack a german shepherd made the gsh bleed and yelp. and jack(boxer) blood on face from the gsh blood, owners wasn't bothered wen went to c if ok. There was a staffiex on the loose, it wanted to play he went for it and there;s being more, i have now decided to put him on a muzzle but hope to try and get him out of it, he's had training 4 problem, but it works in front of the trainer but doesn't wen he's not there HELP

01-17-2003, 08:41 PM
well, that one sure stumps me...*sigh*....one of my dogs would definately try to attack other dogs, but whenever she goes for it, i can just call her back and she will come...i know something that does work, but it wont unless you are near ur house...if your dog attacks another dog, u could spray him with the hose...they hate that lol....but that will not work unless you r near ur house, so im no help lol....another thing i read about is to take him to a place that usually has a few dogs, and keep in a crate so he can watch the dogs go by and realize that he will never be able to get to them and get used of it after time.....but the first thing u should do is realize what kind of aggression he is displaying...ive read about four types of aggression: fear aggression, teritorrial aggression, dominance aggression and predatory aggression...maybe you could talk to Jacks dogs trainer about what u think might be bothering jack, so u could both work it out?

01-18-2003, 06:50 PM
I feel for you, I have a similair problem with my male
Akita having fear aggression with dogs.

If I walk him in public, I use a choke collar with a gentle
leader attached.
I do not walk near any people walking their dogs.

If I see a loose dog, I walk the other way.
If a loose strange dog comes up to us.
I yell at the top of my lungs to scare the dog away.
Better that, than it gettng close enough where my male
can grab it.
When my girlfirend use to walk her dog, she walked with
a walking stick. If a loose dog approached and
would not scare away, she would use her walking stick
on the loose dog to scare it away.
You might also want to try behavior training using treats.
It did not work in my sitution, but he did improve.

You might also try one of the yahoo e-mail groups. I believe their
are some on training/aggression for dogs or check out
Web sites.
Good luck.

01-18-2003, 07:53 PM
This particular problem/question has been bothering me
for the last few days. I would like to ask if you keep your
dog on a leash when walking him? You must be able to
control your dog when out in public with him, if not, he should
be kept inside a well fenced yard while you work on this
problem. A muzzle is a good idea until you get the dog and
his problem under control. A dog, once attacked by another
dog, will NEVER forget the attack. He cannot be cured of the
problems the attack has given him. You say he's o.k. when
with the trainer, but not with you alone. I would take him
back or at least talk to the trainer about more lessons for
yourself. The trainer cannot cure the dog, only help you find
ways to deal with it & let the dog live a more normal life.
Your dog is scared out of it's mind that he will be attacked
again, and so he wants to take down the other dogs before
the imagined attack happens. Just think that every dog that
your dog manages to confront & attack, just spreads the
aggression problem to another helpless dog. Please get the
help you & your dog need. I wish you good luck with dealing
with this. It can get better, but will take a real commitment &
listening to advice of a good trainer to do it.

01-18-2003, 09:09 PM
Oh my gosh! I hope your dog is always leashed in public.
Good point lizbud.
One thing I do, If I remember to bring treats,
if another neighbor is walking their dog,
I leave plenty of distance and destract
Rocky with a treat. IF he is a good boy, he gets
the treat. But you have to do it in a way where
he thinks he is being rewarded for ignoring the other

01-19-2003, 08:43 AM
Sorry i can't really help you. Molly is shy around strange dogs and Elly is too friendly. Rocky...he's a different story. My two yorkies usually just bark at dogs as if to say "Clear the way for the princesses!"


01-20-2003, 12:32 PM
well he is always on a lead never of it, except wen were in forest were we know that we have never seen any dogs b4, he isn;t bothered about treats, or toys wen he's on the lead. wen we see another dog, we cross the road and i try and distract him away with treats, toys but doesn't work, but wen there isn't a dog he walks fine, and response to u.

01-20-2003, 08:44 PM
a good idea for dogs that get away from u on the leash is a jolt collar...they dont really hurt, they just give a little pang and remind the dog what they are not supposed to be doing....it worked great on my dog when she was in heat and would try to leap the fence.

01-27-2003, 05:05 PM
wats a jolt lead i live in the uk so it could be called something else like u say leash we say lead

01-27-2003, 06:40 PM
its an electric collar...it bugs the heck out of dogs by giving them a tiny bolts of electricity when they do something wrong....u can get ones where u press a button and it will jolt the dog whenever u feel like they r doing something wrong, or ones like when they pass a certain restricted area and it just goes off, but i dont like those ones very much because they keep going off until the dog goes back into the proper premises....

01-27-2003, 06:56 PM
boxermad: Have you visited this site Boxerworld (http://www.boxerworld.com/) and Boxer Board (http://www.boxerworld.com/forums/ ) ;)