View Full Version : Three close-up pictures of Ebby

01-16-2003, 11:20 AM
I reallylike this one so I am going to use this one in my sig pic




Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2003, 11:27 AM
The first one is my favorite too. Wow...she is one black beauty!!!

01-16-2003, 11:30 AM
Chris, I love it! They are all so beautiful but that first one is the best! It made me think of handsome Casper's gorgeous photos or Tubby in his younger days.
It looks like she has settled in pretty good if she's letting you get close- up photos now! I can't wait to see the photo in your new signature!:D

01-16-2003, 11:40 AM
Oh, Chris, what a beauty Ebby is! While are three pics are stellar, I like the SECOND one best. It seems as if she is saying, 'Now, you do understand me, don't you?"

Just wonderful upclose shots!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-16-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
It made me think of handsome Casper's gorgeous photos or Tubby in his younger days.

Yup, just what I was thinking. :)

I like the first one best too, although in the last one it looks like she's in Peanut's "flatso" mode. :) She is certainly a beautiful kitty. :)

01-16-2003, 11:59 AM
She is beautiful! I like the way you can see her little claws in the first two pics...just a reminder that she's beautiful but tough! :)

01-16-2003, 12:00 PM
She is such a gorgeous girl! I love all three, they convey her personality...very pretty!

01-16-2003, 12:16 PM
Ebby is such a beautiful girl!! I like all of them but I think I like the first picture best also!

01-16-2003, 12:43 PM
Thanks so much :) I love my pretty kitty a lot.....maybe one day she will feel the same. LOL. :D

01-16-2003, 01:16 PM
Ebby is beautiful. I love the first picture.

01-16-2003, 04:15 PM
Great picture. I always find it so difficult to photograph my all black cats. (maybe it is just me)

01-16-2003, 04:51 PM
Thanks Jen :)
I find it hard to get a decent picture of Ebby too, I have had to discard so many pictures, mostly because my camera is not a very good one but her being so dark makes it harder still. That is why most of my pictures are in a `batches` so to speak, if the light is right I take a few, one after the other! LOL.


01-16-2003, 04:57 PM
Great pix-what gorgeous eyes!!

All Creatures Great And Small
01-17-2003, 12:09 AM
She's beautiful! How is she doing as far as exploring the house and/or getting to know you?

01-17-2003, 12:16 AM
I think that all 3 pics are great. :) Ebby is one gorgeous cat. I also find it hard to photograph my Pepper. :)

01-17-2003, 02:42 AM
Gorgeous face! What a kitty!

01-17-2003, 05:30 PM
Thank you, I am glad you all enjoyed seeing some pics of Ebby. :)

All Creatures Great and Small, as far as exploring goes she is quite comfortable with upstairs, but her and Bob are not pals yet so the stairs barrier is kept there and at night I shut her door so Bob can wander. The barrier, I hasten to say is to stop Bob coming up not Ebby going down, she manages that quite well through the bottom rails, when she is feeling brave that is :D Most times when she does go on the stairs she just sits and watches the silly hairy monster. As for as how she is with me, well, sometimes she likes me and plays purrs, other times she sort of avoids me and just kind of accepts being stroked. Don`t think she is ever going to be a cuddly cat, but thats ok, I love her however she is!:D
