View Full Version : Feet-Kicking Action!!

01-15-2003, 11:23 PM
My grey calico (the famous Minnie) only plays with her hind feet. She grabs a hold on a toy, and kicks it as far as it will go and walks away ..... That's her idea of fun! *LOL* Does anyone else own a kitty who plays in that manner?? Please share! I think Minnie may start a new sport!!

01-16-2003, 05:13 AM
Jill, no, none of my furkids play in that manner. In fact, they seldom play with each other, except for the occaisional game of chase through the house. Although I have seen them grab something or some other furkid with their front paws, and kick with their hind feet. This is a normal cat-way of playing.:D Yet, I have never seen them kick anything away, using their hind feet.


01-16-2003, 06:03 AM
Welcome to pet talk.
I also have seen them hold onto a toy and kick it. But now that I think of it, When Amber plays with a hard type of ball, she does stand over it and kick it with her back feet, then she finds it and does it again.

01-16-2003, 09:55 AM
like Juni in this one?
she was about to kick the doggy's but too in this one

01-16-2003, 09:56 AM
Another one, almost forgot about it

01-16-2003, 09:59 AM
Yeah Juni, kill the vischious old ball!
Tigris plays like that too:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-16-2003, 10:01 AM
Peanut does that all the time with her mousie. She'll hang onto it with her front feet and kick the daylights out of it with her back feet. :D When she's attacking it, she will walk over it with her front fee - as if it's not even there - then when it gets to her back feet she'll stop, paw at it with a front foot, then flop down and go at it. It's so funny when she does this. :D

Sometimes she will kick it away, but usually when that happens it ends up on the floor and then it's no fun anymore. For some reason the mousie is only fun and attack worthy when it's on the bed. ;) :rolleyes: :D

01-16-2003, 06:27 PM
*LOL* *LOL* WOW!! Those pictures are worth a thousand words!! Look at how fired up she is in the 2nd pic!! (rotf)

Minnie resembles mostly in the first pic. one two three HIKE!! Except she does it while standing up. I definitely think there's a trend here ..... omg thanks so much for sharing those pics!!!

01-17-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Peanut does that all the time with her mousie. She'll hang onto it with her front feet and kick the daylights out of it with her back feet. :D When she's attacking it, she will walk over it with her front fee - as if it's not even there - then when it gets to her back feet she'll stop, paw at it with a front foot, then flop down and go at it. It's so funny when she does this. :D
I can picture this. Juni does the same - pretend that it's not interesting at all, but when she touches it, by accident, with the back feet, she goes crazy. Kind of - How dare you touch my feet, darn mousie? (or doggy).

smokey the elder
01-17-2003, 07:04 AM
Bosun decided to do a "toy audit" last night. I think she played with every single toy in the living room (about two dozen.) The larger ones she'd stand on with her back feet and "rabbit kick" them. The tiny mousies, she'd fling up in the air. Then she'd get on her back and four-wheel-drive the Dr. Pussum's catnip sack!:D

All Creatures Great And Small
01-17-2003, 07:33 AM
I just can't get enough pictures of Juni - she's so beautiful, and funny! I posted about the back-foot thing on a thread about catnip toys: The thing I love about all the kitties I've known is this particular move they make when they're playing with their toys - if the toy is just sitting there on the floor, they will deliberately walk OVER it, and just "happen" to step on it with their back paw, which makes them have to turn around and fall onto the toy and start beating the snot out of it. Every kitty I've known did this, and it never fails to crack me up. Sounds like a lot of your kitties do the same thing! My camera is too slow to catch the kitty kicking and playing, so I don't have any pictures!:(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-17-2003, 12:01 PM
This picture isn't the best quality to begin with, then Peanut is extra blurry because she was moving too fast for the camera, but you can see a little bit of feet-kicking action here. Her top hind leg is trying to kick the mouse while she holds onto it with her front paws. ;) :)