View Full Version : Life, according to Honey!

01-15-2003, 03:45 PM
Hi everyone, this is Honey. Logan is my "mom" and Helen is my big sister. I have lived with them for almost four years now. Life was good for me. It was just us, plus Lilly, my half sister, and our two cats and our two birds for a long time. Then my mom went and fell in love . That, I learned to handle. That man, Scott, turned out to be ok, and when he came to visit, I didn't bark at him. THEN, he went and asked my mother to marry him!! Oh no!!!!

So the next thing that happened is that my mom said, "oh goodness, we have to sell our house and find a bigger one". That meant that there were lots of people coming and going in our house for a few weeks, and every time, Mom would load us in the car and take us for a long ride, or over to Scott's house, which I was NOT happy about.

Then, she took us to a kennel for a few days. In a way, I was glad because I was scared of all those boxes everywhere!! But a kennel?? Couldn't we have gone to the beach and stayed with our Aunt Betty?? Give me a break!! She said it was for my own good, so the movers wouldn't scare me. I don't know about that. All I know is that when it was over, she brought me "home" to a new place and I was not happy about that either. Everything was so new and there were all those bad boxes again!

I learned a new trick, though!! Hehehe!!! I decided to try to dig under the fence.....Woohoo!!! My mom caught me more than once on the golf course behind our house!!! I was running like the wind, but I always came back to her when she called me. She covered my holes and made it impossible for me to escape under the fence......but she didn't realize I would jump over it!! And I did, until the day she caught me. I have been given a severe punishment. I have to be on a leash or a tie out all the time now until my new fence is finished. My new daddy is working hard on it to make it taller. They say they're trying to make life good for me, but I don't know. We'll see about that!!

In the meantime, I still don't like this new house. Mom finally got rid of her boxes, but then she got married! And a whole new set of furniture and boxes moved into our house!!! I am very shy about these things, and I have decided that I will only park myself in my mom's bedroom. That's it!! So, she feeds me and gives me water in her bedroom. She says I am the Queen of the downstairs!! And I do get a lot more walks on the leash than before. Maybe I should try to jump the new fence too, so I can keep on walking on the leash!!

Last week, Mom said I did something really scary. It was Friday night. Scott had been gone all week long, and he unpacked his bags when he got home. He left a few things on the bed that needed to be put in the bathroom cabinet. When my mom walked into her bedroom, she found me with a package of Immodium tablets between my feet, thanks to my brother, Butter, who knocked them on the floor. I ate six of them before she caught me. She screamed for my dad because she was scared I was going to be very sick. She called the emergency vet and told them what happened. They said, "make her throw up". Imagine that!!! Mom and Scott took me outside and gave me something called Hydrogen Peroxide, every five minutes, until I threw up. When they brought me back inside, I threw up all over their carpet!! My mom said "thanks" and she wasn't even mad at me, but she wouldn't let me eat my dinner that night. She says she is thankful that everything is ok and I am doing my business normally. I was told that I should never scare her like that again!!

I am not a normal Golden Retriever, so I'm told. I am "a nervous Nelly". Mom said that should be my name, not Honey, but I am her Honey and she loves me anyway. Whew!! I sure am glad....I don't think I would want to have to move again!!!

Bottom line.....I'm trying to be a good girl. And mom promises that they will keep on trying to help me to be happy. I am happy as long as they don't make any more changes!!!


Aspen and Misty
01-15-2003, 04:05 PM
O Honey! The things your mother puts you through! We'll gee, next time tell your mom to send you over here insterad of the kennel :D we would love to have you visit! And your mom is right! Never scare her like that again. You had me scared, almost fainted! You be carefull and I'm glad your trying to be good. Gotta love them goldens!


01-15-2003, 05:40 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: That sounds very heart-stopping about the medicine. Oh Honey, you sound so beautiful!! (Psssst...ask your Mom if she would post some pictures of your gorgeous face!!!)

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-15-2003, 05:59 PM
POOR Honey Pup.....
I am sorry you are having a hard time with the move.... I am sending some BIG BEAR HUGS for you and your mommy....
Try to trust your mommy and know that she loves you very much and I am sure with a little more time you will be used to your new house....
And stay away from that nasty medicine..... we love you and don't want you gettin sick...:)

01-15-2003, 06:47 PM
[COLOR=red]Hiz Honey

is Winter, I knows where you coming from with all da changes in your life...my mommy says my nose is out of joint because of Tama...maybe that's what's wrong wit you, if it is can you find out how to put your nose in to joint and tell me. Mommy also says dat good little girls shouldn't scare dare mommys like dat because they don't wants to see us hurts or even tinks about us getting hurts. Ooos gots to go I'm goings to plays tonight wit mommy at da barn, of course da boys are going to but dats okay.

Luvs Winter.

01-15-2003, 06:56 PM
Shame on you Honey, scaring your mommy like that. You know she loves you very much and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you...ever!
I know all this moving and newness is really strange and scares you, but just remember all the people in your house who love you.
Now, be a good girl and don't eat anymore of those nasty pills, and don't try to jump over the new fence either, I'm sure mommy will walk you on the leash even if you don't jump it:D

01-15-2003, 09:13 PM
Missy here...

Hi Honeyz,

I hopez you're slowly adjusting to your new house ;) Whatever happenz, you'll still be the bestest Golden HONEY in the entirez universe ! :)

I lovez you !

Can we see more picturez of youz? :p

01-16-2003, 08:21 AM
My mom has been a little slack with her picture taking lately.......an old one will have to do for now. Here I am!!



And Mom's favorite of my big sister, Mimi, and me:


01-16-2003, 08:42 AM
Hey there Honey, this here's yer ole pal Star**Shine! Me and my sis Cody are sure sad to hear yer goin thru such tough times right now.:( Yer a lot like Cody, so sensitive and sweet, takin those scary changes to heart. I think you both outta be a lot more like me...pushy, demanding and FEARLESS; ooozing self confidence:D But, while yer workin on that, know that yer Mommy and new Dad and sister Helen and the whole group love ya tons and will do whatever it takes to make ya feel safe and comfortable and happy again! And Honey, you sure look purrrrty in yer pics! And you and Mimi look just like Cody and Mr. B, snuggling together!:) You try and be strong, Honey. And paw me off a PM if you want some one on one coaching! Love, yer pals, Star***Shine and Cody Girl!!:)

01-16-2003, 09:03 AM
Oh, Honey! I am so sad to hear that you don't like your new place. I am sure in time, though, you will love it! And your mommy and the rest of the family will do all they can to keep you happy!

Logan, you must have been terrified with that Immodium accident. So glad to hear that it went OK and that Honey is doing fine. How about the rest of the crew? How are they adjusting? We are very fortunate that Drake adjusts very well to our move. The poor guy has moved 5 times in the past 2 and a half years!! And there will be another move in October too!

01-16-2003, 01:24 PM
Honey, you sound like a very sweet doggy! :) I hope you adjust to your knew home soon. I'm sure you will learn to love it :)

Dixieland Dancer
01-16-2003, 02:30 PM
Poor Honey! I just want to hug you and make you realize everything mom has done so that everybody will be more happy! Don't try to escape again because you are not going to find it anywhere better than the home you have now.

Poor Logan! You must of been terrified to see the emply pill containers. Glad everything turned out ok. Miss Nervous Nellie will be fine. She just needs a little more time to adjust. She sounds like one of those very emotional Golden Girls!