View Full Version : For all Hamster Lovers and Owners

01-13-2003, 09:53 PM
There is a site called hamsterific.com and it's awesome for hamsters lovers, owners, or wannabe owners. I post there almost every day. I am using this site to keep everyone informed about my rabbits.....Heather and I LOVE our bunnies. But my parents are keeping me from housing them inside. So, I want to give them to a rescue organization because I love them and know it's best for them. I will miss them dearly, if anyone knows of any good rabbit rescue organizations in the state of Missouri, please tell me about them. Anyway, I'm not going to post my hamster stuff on this site, cuz I don't want to write it twice. Yea, I know...I'm lazy. Hehehe...


Heather Wallace
01-15-2003, 04:11 AM
Thanks for the info onthe site, i shall have to check it outside sometime soon.

01-15-2003, 08:17 AM
I'm sorry about your bunnies. Here is a site I just found out about this week. It rescues rabbits. They have two chapters in Missouri. Here is there url: www.rabbit.org
Maybe they could help you or give you some advice.
Good luck.