View Full Version : Thoughts on Door to Door Solicitations

01-13-2003, 09:39 PM
You know, we gave at the office, so sorry.....
(Tenny on the left, Dakky on the right)


01-13-2003, 09:54 PM
That picture is funny. :D

My cats don't trouble a door to door salesperson, but my dogs are a different story. They just hand me a flyer, and head off fast when they hear a dog or 3 behind the door barking :D

The last one was a guy trying to sell home delivered steaks and meats. I think just his smell coming under the door, got my dog's mouths watering. :D

01-13-2003, 10:01 PM
Whenever someone rings the doorbell, Tilly runs to the door growling, Nutmeg runs to the door to see who it is, and Bassett runs upstairs and hides under a bed :D Tilly is so funny though.. she has even growled at a doorbell on TV!! :D

All Creatures Great And Small
01-13-2003, 10:11 PM
Wow - I'd LOVE to come to your front door if that's who will be greeting me! :D

I HATE door-to-door solicitors. I usually just don't answer the door if I look out the peephole and don't know who it is. I'm getting very good at just saying no and shutting the door on those rare occasions I do open it. I'd probably answer if it was neighborhood kids though, especially if they came bearing the Girl Scout cookie order form! :p

01-14-2003, 12:16 AM
Since I live in a security building, I usually don't get any solicitors. If I did Storm would be the only brave cat to greet them. Sunny would hide in my room and Pepper would just hide somewhere. :) Thanks for the great pic of your furkids Johanna. :) Now that you know how to post them we expect many more. :)

01-14-2003, 04:03 AM
I hate door-to-door solicitors too! I never buy things at the door ; I prefer to go to the shop myself ! Since we live in our new house , we can always see who is ringing at the front door on a little screen in the kitchen :D :D
Is VERY good !! No more intruders !

01-14-2003, 05:27 AM
What a great picture. What beauties they are. :D :D
We have a phone which is linked to the doorbell. So we don't have to open the door when we hear someone is selling encyclopedias.

01-14-2003, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Wow - I'd LOVE to come to your front door if that's who will be greeting me! :D

Me too!:D

01-14-2003, 05:38 AM
wow, look at those two bundles of joy!!!!!

01-14-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Wow - I'd LOVE to come to your front door if that's who will be greeting me! :D
Great picture. I love the expression on their faces.
Juni growls like a dog when she hears the ringbell and she somehow knows when it's us and our friends, or salesmen and even worse - beggers.

01-14-2003, 07:57 AM
I love that photo. What a couple of cuties! Mostly our cats run away if someone comes to the door. Ginger is very curious, though - and she won't try and escape.

01-14-2003, 08:35 AM
That is such a great picture! :) Tenny and Dakky are so cute and beautiful, what a treat anyone they open the door to are in for! :)

01-14-2003, 09:36 AM
:mad: :mad: We dont get a lot of them around here , just the satellite dish guy who barely speaks English and will pound on your door , even after you say NO! Of the lost cats , Joseph , Moose and Sam are the only ones that show any interest in visitors. The rest just hide themselves away!

01-14-2003, 09:38 AM
:mad: :mad: We dont get a lot of them around here , just the satellite dish guy who barely speaks English and will pound on your door , even after you say NO! Of the lost cats , Joseph , Moose and Sam are the only ones that show any interest in visitors. The rest just hide themselves away!The photos are incredible , was the person selling cat treats?:rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-14-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Wow - I'd LOVE to come to your front door if that's who will be greeting me! :D

Me three! :D What a great picture. For some reason - I have no idea why, Tenny seems to be my favorite of your 6. Sure, they're all black and white, but for some reason, maybe it's the regal way he stands in the pic in your signature line. I love those little tufts that come out of his feet. (I hope he's a he, I don't remember for sure though :o ).

When our doorbell rings, Peanut immediately dashes to the nearest hiding spot, even if she was dead asleep before that. She absolutely hates the doorbell. Tubby takes our cue and either jumps right up to see who it is, or casually saunters down to see who it is. Needless to say, Peanut hates Halloween - poor kitty.


01-14-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Me three! :D What a great picture. For some reason - I have no idea why, Tenny seems to be my favorite of your 6. Sure, they're all black and white, but for some reason, maybe it's the regal way he stands in the pic in your signature line. I love those little tufts that come out of his feet. (I hope he's a he, I don't remember for sure though

Thanks! Jenluckenbach told me essentially the same thing. If I might share a little bit about Tenny....(of course I can, right?). Tenny was found by my mom at the school where she teaches. He was being abused by some kids. So, home he came! Tenny was severely malnourished and dehydrated, and had huge huge matts, and a wound that had abscessed. He weighed about 3 pounds, and fit under your chin. He started purring the moment you picked him up- AND HASN'T STOPPED YET five years later. Tenny = LOVE. Today, he is 16.5 pounds, sweet as they come, putty in your hands. When you see him coming towards you, you smile, cause you know he is going to love you to pieces. When I sit in the computer chair, he paws at me to pick him up! He can be snuggled like a baby at night, and wouldn't hurt a flea. He is soooo fluffy, with tufts of hair EVERYWHERE! One of the funniest things about him is his weenie whiny baby soprano cry....I love Tenny very much.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-14-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic

Thanks! Jenluckenbach told me essentially the same thing. If I might share a little bit about Tenny....(of course I can, right?). Tenny was found by my mom at the school where she teaches. He was being abused by some kids. So, home he came! Tenny was severely malnourished and dehydrated, and had huge huge matts, and a wound that had abscessed. He weighed about 3 pounds, and fit under your chin. He started purring the moment you picked him up- AND HASN'T STOPPED YET five years later. Tenny = LOVE. Today, he is 16.5 pounds, sweet as they come, putty in your hands. When you see him coming towards you, you smile, cause you know he is going to love you to pieces. When I sit in the computer chair, he paws at me to pick him up! He can be snuggled like a baby at night, and wouldn't hurt a flea. He is soooo fluffy, with tufts of hair EVERYWHERE! One of the funniest things about him is his weenie whiny baby soprano cry....I love Tenny very much.

Awww...that all makes me love him even more. What a big sweetie. :)

01-14-2003, 11:27 AM
What a great story. This cat must be loved!!!!!

01-14-2003, 03:10 PM
I really love that picture....its great!!!! They are really, very gorgeous...in a manly way of course. :)

This thread is just too cute!

01-14-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

Thanks! Jenluckenbach told me essentially the same thing. If I might share a little bit about Tenny....(of course I can, right?). Tenny was found by my mom at the school where she teaches. He was being abused by some kids. So, home he came! Tenny was severely malnourished and dehydrated, and had huge huge matts, and a wound that had abscessed. He weighed about 3 pounds, and fit under your chin. He started purring the moment you picked him up- AND HASN'T STOPPED YET five years later. Tenny = LOVE. Today, he is 16.5 pounds, sweet as they come, putty in your hands. When you see him coming towards you, you smile, cause you know he is going to love you to pieces. When I sit in the computer chair, he paws at me to pick him up! He can be snuggled like a baby at night, and wouldn't hurt a flea. He is soooo fluffy, with tufts of hair EVERYWHERE! One of the funniest things about him is his weenie whiny baby soprano cry....I love Tenny very much.

OMG! What a sweetie!! Can I have him??!! ;)

I also hate door-to-door solicitors, but if these two cuties showed up...I'd surely let them in! :D LOL

01-14-2003, 03:24 PM
OK, now let's get this straight! If Tenny is going anywhere it is to PA and Jen Luckenbach. So back off....hee hee:D

01-14-2003, 03:25 PM
p.s. isn't it amazing how cruel the human race can be to such wonderful beings as the animals of this world?

Miss Meow
01-14-2003, 05:36 PM
Yay, Cataholic's posting more pictures!

That one is so sweet. I agree with T&P's Mom, Tenny is a very regal boy. He must love you to death for rescuing him from his former life. And Dakky is a big cuddlemonster too :)

01-15-2003, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
And Dakky is a big cuddlemonster too :)

I will go into more detail on Dakky when he gets his official 'roll out', but, suffice it to say, Dakky is a VERY close second to the official loverboy, Tenny. In fact, those two love each other so much it is pathetic. Where one is, the other is not far behind...stay tuned for the official roll outs...

P.S.- Tenny and I talked last night. He said while he will willingly visit everyone, he 'kneads' to stay with Mommy, cause they have a very symbiotic relationship.

01-15-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
....Tenny was found by my mom at the school where she teaches. He was being abused by some kids. So, home he came! Tenny was severely malnourished and dehydrated, and had huge huge matts, and a wound that had abscessed. He weighed about 3 pounds, and fit under your chin. He started purring the moment you picked him up- AND HASN'T STOPPED YET five years later. Tenny = LOVE......

Oh, Tenny you gorgeous loverboy of a tuxedo kitty! When I read your story I wished I was right there to pick you up and whisper in your ear that I was sorry that happened and that you are a wonderful boy. But I am sure your Mom does that a lot, so next time she hugs you it's from me, too. :)

Just a thought....I am always amazed by the animals who are abused or neglected but come through it to be loving furfriends with happy purrsonalities. Kitties are the best!!!!:) :)

01-15-2003, 11:22 AM
with little hats and machine guns those two would look more
like a couple of gents from the 'Strong Arm Collection Agency",
they look too tough to be solicitors!

01-15-2003, 11:38 AM
We are the Men in Black:D

01-15-2003, 12:00 PM
Do they always answer the door with their "tuxedos" on?

Two very beautiful cats.

Door to door solicitors? Mine are almost always the religious kind......so I have stopped opening my door for them......after the 15th visit, you get tired of being polite.

Felicia's Mom
01-15-2003, 09:43 PM
I don't worry about them. I live on the second floor of my apartment bldg., the outside door is locked, and my doorbell has been disconnected.