View Full Version : Goodbye forever.*

05-24-2001, 11:42 AM
He no longer runs around the yard barking at birds or sleeps at my feet for security when I go to bed. His sparkle in his eyes are gone, and his happy personality is too, but his soul will remain in my house and in my yard. Rebel was hit by a car yesterday at 6pm. That stupid red car has took away something that I can never replace. It took away my joy, my heart, my Rebel, and a peice of my heart. What did he ever do to deserve to die?! I've been crying ever since yesterday at 6pm, and I haven't stopped yet. Poor, poor Rebel. I have so much anger in me for that dumb red car. Why him? Why now? He never did anything to hurt anyone. All I have left is Roxy now. And I can tell she knows too. She's been laying in one spot only to get up to use the bathroom. Everyone tells me that it is going to be okay, but it's not! They don't understand how much I love Rebel. He is like a kid to me not a dog. And the nerve of that car! They didn't even stop! The worst part is I saw the whole thing. It's all my fault. I was playing fetch with them outside and the ball slipped out of my hand and went in the road. Rebel went to get it and the car never slowed down. I know that I can always come to you guys for comfort. Please tell me something that I can do to quit mourning over Rebel....It's emotionally killing me.

05-24-2001, 11:49 AM
I am so sorry. We all know how much you love your dogs. I know its very hard to accept your loss because Rebel left before his time. Take comfort in the fact that he will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. Don't beat yourself up about the mistake but at the same time, you can learn from it and be very careful with Roxy. When something bad happens to someone else's pets, especially the ones here at Pet Talk, it feels like something happened to my own child. Tears are being shed here for Rebel and you and Roxy will be in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong, Roxy needs you.

05-24-2001, 12:16 PM
Violet. I can't believe what I'm reading. I can't stop crying. I feel like I got to know Rebel so well these past few weeks. I am totally heartbroken for you and Roxy. Oh, why do these things happen. For sure it was not your fault. It was an accident. Made worse because this cold, cruel person was too uncaring to even stop. Something none of us here can imagine. Please don't think that it was your fault. Violet, I know there is little we can say to stop the incredible sorrow you are feeling right now. Please know that we are all here. And that Roxy needs you more than ever. You are right. Rebel will always live on in your heart. Please write me anytime you feel like talking. Talking helps. Be with those whom you love and who love you and Rebel. Violet, I am so, so sorry. My heart aches along with yours. I can't find the words. We have all been through this, but it never gets easier. All of my prayers and love and strength I send to you and Roxy and your family. Love, Sandra

05-24-2001, 12:29 PM
Violet I think that is the most awful news that I have read so far since being on Pet Talk. I know right now there is nothing that can be said to ease the pain that you are feeling. How terrible for you!!! I really don't know what comfort to offer except that we share in your sorrow and are here to listen.

05-24-2001, 12:33 PM
Oh my gosh, Violet. I can't believe it. It's so quick. I am so, so very sorry from the bottom of my heart. My eyes filled up with tears when I read your post, I just can't believe it. These things happen so sudden sometimes that it's a shock. Rebel sounded so beautiful. I felt the love in your words when you wrote about him. It's unfair and it's so sudden, but know that it is NOT your fault, and that he's in a place now where there are no cars, fences, curfews, pain, or sadness. He's happy. I don't know what to say, other then I am so, so sorry and I hope you can heal your saddened heart. I don't really have any advise accept spend some special time with Roxy, do the things she likes to do most (car rides, going to the park, going on nice long walks) spoil her lots because she's feeling what you are feeling now and it will help her aching heart to get some special time with you doing the stuff she loves.

05-24-2001, 01:15 PM
Violet, I'm sitting here crying, trying to write this poem that may help:


Don't grieve too long for now I'm free
I've followed the path God set for me
I ran to Him when I heard his call
I swished my tail and left it all.

I could not stay another day
To bark, to love to romp or play
Games left unplayed must stay that way
I found such peace, it made my day.

My parting has left you with a void
Please fill it with remembered joy
A friendshiip shared, your laugh, a kiss
Oh yes, these things I too shall miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow
My life's been full, you've given so much
Your time, your love, and gentle touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief
Lift up your head and share with me
God wanted me, He set me free!

05-24-2001, 01:36 PM
Oh Pam....
How upsetting for you, and for all of us, who feel so connected to Rebel. Bless his heart and yours. I am SO sorry about his untimely death. You can not allow yourself to feel guilt over this...you loved him, and we all know it.
Please come to us as often as necessary while you grieve.

05-24-2001, 01:47 PM
Violet, I'm crying as I read this - it makes me remember my pain from going through this before. Nothing I can say will make the pain go away for you. But everyone on this message board is here for you and we understand its real pain.
Give comfort to Roxy as he needs you and you need him. I'm so so sorry for the emptiness that you are feeling.

05-24-2001, 02:03 PM


When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free!
Miss me a little, but not for long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me, but let me go!
For this is a journey we all must take.
And each must go alone,
It's all a part of the Master's plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know.
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
Miss me, but let me go!

Dixie Belle
05-24-2001, 02:41 PM
I know exactly how you are feeling right now. I just lost one of my baby kittens Tuesday night. I still cry thinking about her. But I remember that she is in a happy place and that all of my pets from my childhood that passed away years ago are with her. Rebel is not alone. He is Rainbow Bridge with all the other pets who have gone before him. He will wait there until your time to join him. Spend alot of time with Roxey. Yes, she does know, just like Salem knows that his sister is gone. Love her, pet her, talk to her. Let her remeber that you are there. And it's okay to be angry at the car. I was when I lost my cat Jake years ago because he was hit. I still can get angry and it happened eight years ago. It takes time. Things won't ever be the same, but one day you will think of Rebel and you will be able to smile. Our thoughts and prayers are with you until that day comes.

05-24-2001, 02:50 PM
Oh, so sad, so sorry, but you know, you know for sure he just followed that ball right across the Rainbow Bridge, right? There he will romp and play, and no mean red cars even exist.

I'd call the police, to report the hit and run anyway, even if you don't have a license plate or anything. It is a serious offense, not to be taken lightly.

05-24-2001, 03:01 PM
Nothing can make the ache go away, i know that, but believe in the fates and in god. pay attention to Roxy's pups...you may find rebel returning in one of those pups. i know this can happen cuz bug carries a part of a dearly loved cat in her soul - the timing of the cat's passing and bugs birthday are the same and there are days when i see more of jem in bug.
But for now follow Karens advice of calling the police.
I am sooo sorry for you. this is the tragedy we all fear...and we all shed tears for.
Blessings be to you, roxy and rebel.... he is safe now.



[This message has been edited by bugmom (edited May 24, 2001).]

05-24-2001, 03:14 PM
I am so, so sorry for what happened. I think you must still be in a state of shock from the enormity of it all. I know how empty your home must feel and that big hole that is in your heart hurts so bad. I too just can't find the words right now. Please know that we understand the pain and take care of yourself and spend as much time with Roxy as possible.

05-24-2001, 03:36 PM
Violet ~

Our deepest sympathy for your loss of Rebel.

Try to remember all the good times you shared with him. And know that he'll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Love from Phred, Cinder and Smokey

05-24-2001, 04:37 PM
Oh my god I am Soooooo sorry. I just have to tell you that it is not your fault.

This is a weird question but is Roxy pregnant? If she is, those puppies are part of Rebel and you could keep one-even though it is not him.
Once again I am so sorry and I hope that you fell better

Daisy's Mom
05-24-2001, 04:41 PM
Violet I am so sorry! I know there is nothing to say to make the pain go away, so just know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Get comfort from Roxy, and from knowing that Rebel is dancing around at the Rainbow Bridge, safe and happy. Please don't blame yourself over this. Learn from your mistake but don't be too harsh on yourself. I haven't known you for very long but the impression I get is that you are a very good mother. Know that time heals all, and we at Pet Talk are always here for you to help that healing process!

Bridget and Daisy

05-24-2001, 05:16 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Please know that it was not your fault. It is a terrible thing that the driver did, not even stopping to see if the dog was alright.

05-24-2001, 05:36 PM
I feel your pain, as a short while ago a similar thing happened to my black lab. Right now it probably feels as though nothing will ever make the pain you are feeling and that hole in your heart go away. But you will heal with time and you will be able to cherish those wonderful memories of Rebel. Roxy is feeling a great loss too, so give her a big hug and shed those painful tears with her. God Bless you, I am so sorry for the loss of your angel Rebel.

05-24-2001, 05:41 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Rebel.
In the Loss of Your Loved One
In every life,
there comes a time
to walk in shadows
and in sunlight,
to hear silence and song,
to shed tears of sadness
and of joy,
to forget what
has been taken,
and remember
what has been given.

Again, I'm so sorry to hear about your dear Rebel. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif

With Sympathy,
LabLover and sadie May

***Sadie May and LabLover***

Jasper's Mom
05-24-2001, 06:26 PM
My heart aches for you. A part of your heart is missing and the pain is unbearable right now. Taking care of yourself and Roxy is so important for now and at some day and time you will find time has helped to heal your heart. The Humane Society in my town actually has a group of people who get together to share their stories of loss of their animals. I hope you can find such a group at your home town and in us. It helps to talk, talk, talk to ease the pain, if only for a few minutes. You will be able to go on again for awhile until the pain gets heavy, and then you go ahead and let it off to us again. Anyone connected with animals in any way will help to share your grief. I found making a memorial, with pictures and other items, helped me a lot. Making tributes in his name, doing something for other dogs that have no one, in his name. In small ways it helps. Nothing can take the pain away, but you can turn your loss into some type of good to help others in Rebel's name. I have been there, I feel your pain. Talk to everyone here and we will help you. You are not alone, we share your grief.

05-24-2001, 08:36 PM
Oh Violet! I am so sorry about Rebel. And we were just getting to know him... I'm so so sorry.

05-24-2001, 10:47 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I could take away the pain but I can't. It will take time. Just try to remember the good times. You will never forget but with time, the pain will lessen. Jackie posted the perfect poem. Please read it and try to abide by it. I know how you feel. I lost Dusty and Lucky to untimely deaths. Please believe me: It is not your fault! I won't tell you not to mourn. Not to would be inhuman. But remember, you gave Rebel the happiest times he has ever experienced in his life. You, for a while, made a difference. Remember that. Rebel is having fun at the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure he will be friends with my Lucky and Dusty.

05-24-2001, 11:02 PM
Oh no!! I am so sorry for you and Roxy. What a terrible tragedy. It was an accident. Don't blame yourself. Rebel had a wonderful life with you. Think of the good times and remember he is with so many of the dear departed dogs from Pet Talk. I know how much it hurts. I am so very sorry.

05-25-2001, 07:46 AM
My angel gone....
My silent child,
my precious baby,
close to my heart,
I'll keep you with me,
an important job,
God has sent for you,
there is love to give,
and work to do.

He needs an angel,
big and strong,
to shine light on many,
and give love to all.
Before you go,
I give you this,
half of my heart,
and one last kiss.

I'll miss you dearly
that I know,
but by God you were chosen,
so to heaven you must go.

I can't seem to get my mind off of Rebel. I try to think of the good times we had, but every time I do, I just start to cry again. But I guess it's good to cry. It eases your pain. Roxy isn't doing well either. I'm tring to take of alot of time with her, but I think she's going to mourn herself to death. Any ideas of how I can get her to eat?

05-25-2001, 08:12 AM

I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner but I've had to re-register AGAIN. I was Tanya14, then Tanya1414 and now Tanya&Hans. I am so sorry about Rebel. I lost my boxer, Rocky, suddenly on May 7th. I truly understand what you are going through. All I can say is that it takes time. I no longer cry myself to sleep. I no longer think about the last hour of his life but now think of all the good times we had. There are support groups that meet monthly for grieving pet owners. This really helped me to talk to people that were going through the same pain. I also have another dog and he is still grieving. He's very lonely. Give Roxy lots and lots of love and attention. The good news is I'm going to look at puppies this weekend. Maybe in time you can do the same. Time heals. A week after I lost Rocky, one of my best friends was killed in a car accident. They were the worst 2 weeks of my life. But, we have to keep going, keep moving on. We are still alive and we have to live every day like it's our last. My prayers are with you and please try and think of the good times. You loved him so much and he had a wonderful life, even if it was cut too short. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk or vent. Take care and remember it WILL get better.


05-25-2001, 08:26 AM
Violet, I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing I can do or say can ease your pain right now but I just want you to know that you and Roxy are in my prayers.
When I lost my dog in January, my other dog would not eat for two days. When my grandmother died, my aunt (who grandma lived with) took their dog to the vet because she was not doing well. He said that they mourn just like we do.
Just give Roxy lots of love and some time. Try hand feeding her. She will eventually eat again. It's only been two days. Maybe if you're really worried you could call your vet and see what he or she says.

05-25-2001, 08:33 AM
I have had the same problem with Hans since Rocky died. I find if I put 2 pieces of food in his mouth, it gets his appetite going. Also, if I pour beef bouillon over his food, he'll eat.

05-25-2001, 10:29 AM
Perry grieved so much when Kona passed on last November, he would go in his crate and no amount of coaxing would bring him out. Kona was quite sick and pretty old and he would lick her eyes and face during the day., he was very close to her. We just let him have his time to grieve and in a few days he came back and joined the family. Just give it a little time and maybe offer some food in your hand for a while.

05-25-2001, 10:43 AM
Well Roxy still isn't eating, and I'm supposed to go to the lake this weekend. I'm going to take her with me. Maybe it'll cheer her up a little.

05-25-2001, 12:16 PM
I know what a devastating experience it is to loose a beloved furry friend. When one of the dogs of a Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue member goes to Rainbow Bridge, we send them this poem. Many people have told us that it brought them a sense of peace:
We have a secret,you and I,that no one else shall know.
For who but I can see you lie each night, in fireglow?
And who but I can reach my hand before I go to bed,
And feel the living warmth of you and touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths and see, ahead of me
Your red form racing with the wind, so young again and free.
And only I can see you swim in every brook I pass.
And, when I call, no one but I can see the bending grass.
by Beulah Fenderson Smith
My thoughts are with you and Roxie.

05-25-2001, 12:48 PM
When Syrus my black lab was hit, Sam really mourned for her. He didn't eat, and starting jumping out of the yard just to be near someone. It became a major problem because I didn't want something to happen to him too. Sam defintely missed the company of Syrus, so we ended up (after several months) getting Montana. I couldn't have even thought about doing that any sooner cause it hurt too bad, but Sam definitely benefited from it. Maybe the change of scene this weekend, being at the lake will do you all good. Grill some hamburgers, and treat Roxy! I haven't stopped thinking about you since I read your email. My prayers are with you both.

05-25-2001, 06:23 PM
I am so sorry for your loss, I was in shock as I read your post. You poor soul, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Kisses from Shai and Hugs from me.

~~"You do not own a dog, the dog owns you."~~