View Full Version : RB

01-13-2003, 04:45 PM
So many of us have lost are pets that have gone to the RB. We

always say that its good to talk about it, so ive decided to open a

thread so everyone can talk about their lost pets.

My bunny died from the heat this summer! His name was sunny, and he was a show bunny. the best bunny ever! I loved him so much! when i went outside to give him new water and food, i saw him lying there in his straw. instantly i began to cry and ran inside the house. I started screaming what happened to my family and when i went back out there l8er, he just looked so peacful!
And now im sure he is happy on the RB.
R.I.P. Sunny

01-14-2003, 06:18 AM
This is the story about my RB-cat Sydney ; you can see more pics on my web-site

My name is SYDNEY . I was born in Lochristi on August 15 , 2000 , in a litter of 1 female tiger and 2 male black cats .My cat-mom was called Darwin . My human mom saw all these kittens and she chose the one that was nice to the other kittens and came to lick her fingers too : Black SYDNEY ! They took me home in a heardbord-box . It was funny when I came home : I jumped out of the box and immediately started discovering the whole place !! One of my first serious jobs was chasing away the big black neighbour cat Barouche , who was used to get her daily breakfast at our place , EVERY DAY !!! This was MY home now : NO INTRUDERS !!!

A few months later my folks were getting ready for the move to our new house. Wow , I was such a great help here : I inspected every box to remember what was in there, and to make sure that nothing could be added !! In my new house then , I made sure to know where my mommy put all the cat stuff , like food , toys , etc..!

Everything there went great , until my visit to our new vet . I had a high fever and I was very lethargic . This vet discovered I had a severe heart-murmur. After having got an ultrasound at a cat-cardiologist ,we knew I had a heart-disease , called "FELINE HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY" . With good medication , my heart would get stronger , but the specialist decided to wait 6 months ... ! I didn't care to much , as all I wanted to do was sleep as much as I could ; playing with my mice was to much trouble ..!

On July 10th 2002 , my mom brought me to a cat-pension for 2 weeks ; and then they left for France . Imagine the blow my humans got in their face , when they came back to pick me up : the pension-keeper had to tell them that I had died a few days before! This was a real drama for my mom : she felt so guilty that she was not there when I was so sick , and because I was all alone when I got that fatal heart-attack !!

Sweet Mommy , do not cry anymore ! I am at the Rainbow Bridge now , playing with all my new friends here !

Take care of your new kitten Maya ! I told her you were such great humans , and that she had to yell as loud as she could on the moment you entered the shelter where you went looking for a new cat ! I can see that Maya succeeded ! She is so lucky to have you !!! Last month I also took the liberty to send you a new poor malnourished kitten . She, INKA ,was part of the clan in no time !! Congrats mommy !!