View Full Version : Another grooming question

01-13-2003, 03:58 PM
I take Miss Molly Cupcake (aka MollyMonster) my 8 month old Yorkshire Terrier to the groomer every 6-8 weeks for a puppy cut. We are leaving her body hair longer during the winter because it's so cold but since she is not too crazy about the brushing, this makes it easy on both of us.

The problem is her face hair and I'm not too sure if it can be helped, but between the munching anything edible she can find (wet or dry), dunking her face in the water dish just to get a drink and the slobber from playing toy as many hours as she can convince someone to play; her face hair takes a beating. Boyfriend told me today that she looks like she's had a fight with a hairspray can, a mixer and the hair dryer (We don't use any of those things on her).

Does anyone else have a problem like this with their dogs? I know there are other breeds with face hair and didn't know if they had run into solutions to this. Any suggestions welcome and appreciated :D

01-14-2003, 08:35 AM
My aunt used to have a yorkie, and her facial hair was the same way, always taking a beating:D She just kept it trimmed, and wiped her face after eating and drinking.

01-15-2003, 02:38 PM
I have a Yorkie. Actually her hair is long but I don't have that problem with her face hair. Actually your Yorkie is still a puppy. I'd wet a paper towel and wipe off her face after she eats. Then you can give her face a quick comb through. You have to get a Yorkie puppie used to the comb and brush. It takes awhile but they do get used to it. I blow Tiffany's hair dry after a bath and that took awhile too. Good luck! Can you post a picture of her? I'll bet she's adorable!

01-28-2003, 03:45 PM
I sometimes have to take a wet washcloth to my little doggies faces. They do get messy whiskers, but that is part of being so furry!