View Full Version : shiny objects................

01-12-2003, 10:26 AM
is ur cat attracted to shiny objects? if so....... what kind? my cat and her brother are attracted to a shiny object with lotz of shiny string attatched.

01-13-2003, 06:12 AM
s_s, Yes, I have a recent adoptee named Chris (short for "Christmas cat", because I got him on the 24th of Dec. this year), who plays for what seems to be hours with a "dingely bird". It is a cat toy that is on a short pole, with about 18" (6-1/2 cm) of elastic string that also has some flashy strips of plastic on the end with a bell. In fact, he is playing with it now, as I am writing this. Yesterday, he nearly tore up the play area playing with this toy. I'll have to buy a few more of them, because between him and Fawn, they don't last long. Chris is the only cat that I have who consistantly plays with cat toys. None of the others, except Fawn, appear to be interested in them. I have attempted to make cat toys for my pride, but unless they have some flashy stuff on them they will not attract much attention.


01-14-2003, 05:59 AM
the cats favorite "shiney" toy is the flat kind of christmas tinsel on the end of a pole. They go so crazy for this that I have to hide it when we are done playing.

01-14-2003, 02:29 PM
jen; You mentioned hiding the toy when they are done playing with it. If I leave out their dingely bird, then it apparently becomes "old hat" to them and they will not play with it as hard nor as often. But, whenever I bring one (or two) of them in from the grocery store, all that is necessary is to inadvertantly make the little bell ring and Fawn and Chris come, seemingly from anywhere. and immediately want to play with it.:D I have to hide the toy when they are not watching, otherwise, they will find it and retrieve it, and begin dragging it all over the house.

01-14-2003, 05:38 PM
Thanx for ur posts. I just love to read what is on this site (since I havent been here in a long time). Keep posting please.

01-15-2003, 03:33 AM
My cats are fascinated by reflections. With the reflections of my watch I can chase them through the living room.