View Full Version : Earl the Pearl

01-12-2003, 03:53 AM
And you are a pearl, too!

So glad to hear good news on your health. May you live to be 20 (at least)!

Former User
01-12-2003, 06:03 AM
What a lovely white cat you are Earl! I'm glad you are doing better now and I wish you a long and health life.
Enjoy your day today sweet white one.


01-12-2003, 06:12 AM
Earl it's so nice to see you in that playful pose on your back. We are so glad to hear that your heart murmur is benign and I also hope that you at least double your age!

01-12-2003, 06:50 AM
Hey Earl , I would love to see all our Pettalkers bend their head to the left , to get a better view of you !! Want a belly-rub , hey ?!!
I am sending you heaps of kisses and lots of belly-rubs !, because you deserve it , sweet COTD !!

01-12-2003, 06:54 AM
Great name, Earl! I think you are the perfect accessory for that bed. Stay healthy, baby!

01-12-2003, 06:54 AM
Ear the Pearl is right! What a playful youthful boy you are. Possibly it is all that playing around that keeps you so agile? I wish I could give you a big belly rub, but, I will ask your purrants to do that instead! What a Gem we have for the COTD!!

01-12-2003, 07:49 AM
Oh Earl I wanna kiss that belly! Enjoy cotd. Hope you get lots of treats!:D

smokey the elder
01-12-2003, 08:51 AM
Earl the Pearl with the paws in the air! Caught any rebounds lately? You are such a handsome white kitty and I'm glad your purr-ents take such good care of you to find out exactly what's wrong!

01-12-2003, 10:12 AM
You are such a handsome man. I am glad your heart murmur was benign. I know your humans would hate to lose you. You look so cute with your little paws in the air. Congrats on being COTD!:D
I hope you get lots of treats. Maybe you can come over to my house and even up the odds for my tomcat Manny. I have 3 female cats so its a little one sided over here:) ;) Visit us anytime.:D

01-12-2003, 10:50 AM
Earl, a very special pearl! A California boy I see!

It is very difficult not being able to reach into the screen and give that cute belly of yours a good rubbing.

Congratulations, Earl, on your special honor today!

(glad to hear that you are in good health too!).

01-12-2003, 10:55 AM
What a beautiful boy you are, and so full of life too! You keep on keeping those other kitties in line, my boy, and have many more healthy years to come!!! Congratulations on your special day!:D

01-12-2003, 11:15 AM
Earl you are one gorgeous white kitty cat. I pray you will have continued good health and many many more years with your humans and kitty friends. Congrats for being Our Cat of the Day sweetie! :) :)

01-12-2003, 11:52 AM
Purrfect name! You accessorize the comforter soooooo nicely, too! Just the pose to make me wish I could give you a big belly nuzzle!! I'm so glad your health report is a good one! You bring such joy to your people, and youf feline family. Have a great day today, and thanks for being our Cat of the Day!

01-12-2003, 12:00 PM
You certainly look comfy in your picture! I'm glad your health problem is not serious. A sweet boy like you needs to be around for a long time to bring lots of smiles and love to your family. Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day today, sweetie.:)

01-12-2003, 12:06 PM
Our Pure Pearl, Earl, you are the most precious pearl in the sea!!!! As I was saying recently with another playfully posing Cat of the Day, "you've got your 'dogs' up!" ha,ha!!! My husband and I adore when our cats roll belly up and smile at the camera, and we ADORE you today as well!!!!! I'm sorry you were sick, but I think you've rebounded and are only in the middle of your long life!!! I wish you MANY HEALTHY, beautiful years together with your loving family!!!! So nice to have met you!!!! :cool: :D :p :)

01-12-2003, 12:22 PM
What an adorable picture of you Earl. Oh I just want to reach through the screen and give you a big old belly-rub.
So glad to hear your heart murmur is benign. Here's to a long and healthy life my sweets.
Congratulations on being our COTD.
Lots of kitty hugs and kisses for you on your special day. :D

01-12-2003, 12:31 PM
:) earl I would tilt my head to seeyou , but I am at the Public Library! OH well I am old and they will think that I am toppling over! WOW! you certainly are a great cat Earl , and i am so releived that the heart cndition is not serious and that you,will be with your family for years to come!:cool: :cool: Excellent EARL the Pearl , COTD! :p :p :cool:

01-12-2003, 12:47 PM
Oh Earl you are a handsome Guy!!!
You look like Kylie's sister Tome'.
Keep being your sweet self!

Miss Meow
01-12-2003, 03:22 PM
Earl you gorgeous thing! California must be the Cute Cat Capital :) Hope you have many more years of healthy heart life and giving your hoomans much enjoyment!

01-12-2003, 03:34 PM
We sure enjoyed meeting you today, Earl!!! We hope you stay healthy, and we are so happy you have such a wonderful home. It is obvious that your purrsons love you and are watching out for you. You are a "pearl" for sure.

Noserubs, snuggles and healing purrs...Bari and the Pride

01-12-2003, 04:29 PM
I had to chuckle when I saw your picture today. You look ever so cute on your back with your little legs in the air. And the story of a true survivor. Boy oh boy, I hope you're around for a long time to come and keep your humans happy. By the way, white cats rule!!! I have 3 of my own.
:) :)

01-12-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by lotsacats6
I had to chuckle when I saw your picture today. You look ever so cute on your back with your little legs in the air. And the story of a true survivor. Boy oh boy, I hope you're around for a long time to come and keep your humans happy. By the way, white cats rule!!! I have 3 of my own.
:) :)

OMG!! Your cats are GORGEOUS!!!!! More details!!!! The long haired one looks like my Kylie!!!

01-12-2003, 07:34 PM
Earl, what a treat to greet a beeee-yew-tiful neighbor (well, a couple communities away) as our most respected and honored Cat of the Day.

You deserve it sweetie, for being so durned cute and sweet and funny and being an 'overcoming' kind of guy. May today bring you lots of treats and your own favorite kind of fun stuff, honey!

Hurrah for Earl the Pearl, Cat of the Day! Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah!!!

Howie's Mama
01-12-2003, 08:00 PM
Wow - a big shout out to our neighbor, Earl from Howie in Willow Glen! Your sweet guy is a very handsome cat and sounds like he has personality to spare!
Congratulations, Earl, on being today's Cat of the Day!

01-12-2003, 11:38 PM
Earl you are the Earl of Cats.:D
Sandy Frost

01-13-2003, 06:37 AM
What a sweety!!!
Be happy and healthy, Earl ;)

01-29-2004, 01:59 PM

Earl The Pearl was selected as Cat Of The Day for 12 Jan 2003.

Sadly, Earl was put to sleep yesterday following a brief illness.

He will be sorely missed by his owners Peter and Judy, particularly Judy who knew him from the 1990s. (He was a walk in stray, so we have no further history).

Earl was one of the most demanding cats we've lived with, always marching to the beat of his own drum and at times universally annoying humans and other cats alike. But, everyone remembers Earl as winning their hearts and demonstrating exceptional skill (how many cats walk on the alarm clock radio buttons during the night to get attention from sleeping adults?)

He was laid to rest in our garden.

Comments Welcome!

01-29-2004, 03:53 PM
Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about Earl's passing, but I know he's very at peace now at the Rainbow Bridge! I do remember his bio well from last January--how adorable his photos are and what a precious personality he had! Thank you for letting us know--our prayers and hearts go out to you in this very sad time of your loss. Earl is a precious Angel that will live in our hearts forever. God Bless!!

01-30-2004, 01:31 AM
How sad to hear this. Now he's pain free.

01-30-2004, 10:33 AM
We are sorry to hear of Earl's passing, he was a handsome hunk o' cat. You could re-post this over in Cat Memorial, I am sorry but the software doesn't allow me to move just a few posts from within a thread. We are sure Earl will always be with you, curled up in a corner of your heart, and leaving little white hairs on your clothing for years to come.

01-30-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Karen
We are sorry to hear of Earl's passing, he was a handsome hunk o' cat. You could re-post this over in Cat Memorial, I am sorry but the software doesn't allow me to move just a few posts from within a thread. We are sure Earl will always be with you, curled up in a corner of your heart, and leaving little white hairs on your clothing for years to come.


Thank you (and the other Earl "The Pearl" fans out there) for your kind words. Judy found the memorial section of your site last night (I didn't know it existed), and I'm encouraging her to post a new message there.

Earl's nomination as Pet Of The Day (the first in our family) was often spoken as praise by Judy, who is taking his loss very hard.

I hope to make time soon to post in the discussion thread about the changes we're seeing now that Earl has left a gap in our cat clan. Aparently Earl commanded over the other cats more than we humans realized!

Some of our youger cats are keen to be a future Cat Of The Day soon. Wish them good Luck!

Peter J. Stonard
Office phone/voicemail: (408) 377 7496
Cell phone/voicemail: (408) 489 2862
website: www.stonard.com
email: [email protected]

01-31-2004, 06:28 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad he rests in your garden. Earl was such a charming man. I feel in love with his picture. I loved hearing about him. Just remember all the good times you had with your little man.


01-31-2004, 10:04 PM
I'm so sorry to learn of Earl's passing. He was a great cat, with idiosyncrasies that endeared him to his family. He'll be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.