View Full Version : Pet Allergies

01-12-2003, 02:54 AM
Hi everyone. My roommates friend would like to adopt a dog and a cat but a friend of hers who would be visiting quite often is allergic to pet dander. I would like to know what is the best way to help to control this. I've heard of some products that you can put on your carpet to help this situation but I don't recall their names. I also know that bathing an animal will also help this problem. Does anyone have any suggestions and/or product names for this?

01-12-2003, 03:02 AM
I think that a pet that doesn't shed would be less likely to cause allergies. There are a few breed of dogs that don't shed...such as poodles, schnauzers, etc.

I have a seen a product to put on cats (some lady made us put it on her cats after being bathed lol) that is supposed to help with the allergies, but I don't remember what it was called.

01-12-2003, 03:20 AM
We do a few things to control the allergy factor for myself and our guests:

1. Bathe the animals regularly
2. Vacume with a hepa filter often, especially the day the guest come over.
3. Brush the cats/dogs before you vacume, it seems to get all the dander and hair away if you brush first.
4. Shampoo carpets often...we are lucky to have access to a carpet cleaner, so this really helps, but may not be an easy option.
5. Wash all linens very often, this will leave less places for hair to settle.
6. Dust often as well, for the reason in #5

We do this stuff and no one we know has had any problems with allergies/asthma at our house. Even me, and Noah and Olivia share my pillow at night. :)

01-12-2003, 07:58 AM
The product that you put on the animal is called Allerpet.