View Full Version : Basic Obedience

01-12-2003, 01:50 AM
Nebo is officially enrolled in Petsmart's Basic Obedience class. We start next Wednesday at 7:30, though he doesn't get to go to the first class.

He completed the puppy class...he was great at times, and uhh...not-so-great at other times. I'm hoping he will be better for this class. :) It looks like all of his classmates are around the same age (6-9 months) and size (medium-large) so I think he will enjoy himself!

Please be a good boy Nebo! :D

01-12-2003, 05:57 AM
Good luck Nebo. We will be getting our Ginger and the foster DJ in a class soon.

01-12-2003, 09:06 AM
good luck to nebo! hope he has lots of fun! (and learns a lot too ;))

01-12-2003, 09:29 AM
Good luck Nebo :] Zeke has to go to classes sometime soon too, but probably won't till summer :o

01-12-2003, 09:40 AM
Hope you and Nebo have a great time in Obedience classes. :)

01-12-2003, 10:04 AM
Good luck

Side note: beware of falling food bags. That happened to Leiloo just before her CGC exam and was completely spooked by them. It took me close to a month to desenthisize her to PetsMart and food bags! :p

01-12-2003, 12:20 PM
Good luck! I bet Nebo will have a great time.

01-12-2003, 01:22 PM
Good luck with your classes Nebo...:D

Moki starts his next session of classes on Tuesday the 14th.
It's called Advanced learning,

Advanced Learning
We'll focus on performance despite distractions, and reliability when at a distance from a pet parent. Key topics covered in these classes include:

*Brief review of prior exercises
*Responding with and without reward
*Learning despite distractions
*Additional language ("heel," "stay," and more)
*Relationship-forming games and play
*Performance while "off-lead"

We'll have the same instructor he had in Basic Puppy class &
I hope he does well. The" learning despite distractions" should
be interesting :rolleyes:

01-12-2003, 01:52 PM
Thanks everyone. :) I probably could have put him in the Advanced Class, but hey, it has been a while since he graduated Puppy Kindergarten.........I think it was in September. I'll be putting him in the advanced after he finishes the basic. :)

Melissa was going to have Lady in the class also, but her parents threw a fit! They say it's a waste of money, etc. Oh well, Nebo will probably be much better behaved without Lady there...

01-12-2003, 02:08 PM
Good Luck Nebo and Smokey! Cincy is starting a new class too, on the 27th. She is going to be a Therapy Dog!

01-12-2003, 02:15 PM
Just wanted to say that it wasn't my idea to put Moki in the
Advanced Puppy class, it was the instructor's advice. Our first
classes were so small that she pretty much could evaluate each
dog indivdually. I actually wanted the next class to be the
Obedience class, but I took her advice about the choice. I trust
her judgement, but think it will be hard for Moki. Maybe that's
a good thing, I don't know. Well anyway, Best of Luck with
Nebo in his upcoming classes.:)

p.s. Just read about Cincy's classes too.:D Way to go Cincy !!!

01-12-2003, 02:16 PM
Good luck to beautiful Nebo I hope he does well!!!!:D

01-12-2003, 05:57 PM
hi wolfq!

kewl deal! Oz's last puppy class is this Monday at Petsmart.
He's done real good, but he gets a lil' bored with repetition.
If the trainer keeps adding new things, we do great. But if
we do the same thing too many times, he's like eh I already
know how to do that, let's do something else.

We're starting Basic Obedience Jan 30th at a training facility that
specializes in dog agility vs Petsmart though, because what I
really want to do is dog agility with Oz.


01-12-2003, 07:37 PM

I'm sure Moki will do fine in his next class. The instrcutor wouldn't push him if he wasn't ready. Our girls were bumped up in their agility class...we signed them up for basic and they asked to move us to advanced. They did fine and I'm sure Smokey will do great "skipping a grade" too!


01-13-2003, 08:32 AM
Best of luck to Nebo and Moki on their upcoming training!

Dixieland Dancer
01-13-2003, 12:39 PM
Congratulations on taking Nebo to Obedience Class Amy! You are doing the right thing by continuing his education. It will only make him that much more special to you. It's hard to explain but a bond occurs with dog and handler when they learn together.

Liz, best wishes for Mokies success. If you feel like the trainer is going to fast you can request going back a step if you want. Most trainers don't have a problem doing this.

Wishing Cincy luck in his therapy dog classes. Is he taking them in conjunction with the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test? Dixie is a registered TDI (Therapy dog international) dog. We don't go visiting too often but it's nice to be able to when time permits.

01-13-2003, 03:45 PM
I'm not sure yet how Cincy's classes will be setup. I believe they are in conjuction with CGC, but I'm not postive. I do know there is a field trip to a nursing home involved with the class. I think she will do well, although I am not sure how she will react to the wheelchairs/walkers. Objects do usually scare, but noises sometimes do. We are working on that with her though and she is getting much better!

01-14-2003, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
Congratulations on taking Nebo to Obedience Class Amy! You are doing the right thing by continuing his education. It will only make him that much more special to you. It's hard to explain but a bond occurs with dog and handler when they learn together.

I totally agree. There is a bond between me & Roxey that is unbelievable. I'm so glad that we went to all our classes together. I'm sure Nebo will do just great (and your probably right, even better without Lady there:D )
Good Luck you two!

Dakota's Mommy
01-14-2003, 10:43 AM
Best of luck to all the puppies about to take new classes! I'm sure you'll all do great and make you're parents proud of you and your accomplishments! Please come back to let us know what you thought of your class when you finish it!

01-14-2003, 11:14 PM
Thanks everyone!! :D

I think we might end up in the Advanced instead of the Basic. The trainer called and left a message today (to remind everyone about the class on wednesday) and she mentioned that since Nebo had already been in the puppy class, he'd probably be better off in the advanced. I think she rather likes Nebo, as I've ran into at Petsmart a few times after he graduated from the puppy class, and she's always giving him treats and saying what a good boy he is. Ermm.....I think she might be referring to a different dog.....lol ;)

I'm just going to go to the first class tomorrow and talk to her. I'll have to see when the Advanced is offered, as I'm not sure what I can do with work.

01-27-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer

Wishing Cincy luck in his therapy dog classes. Is he taking them in conjunction with the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test? Dixie is a registered TDI (Therapy dog international) dog. We don't go visiting too often but it's nice to be able to when time permits.

Cincy started her class tonight, and the last week we have the CGC/TDI test. If she passes we can register with Therapy Dog International. After the first class, I see no reason she shouldn't pass! I thought she might be afraid when they brought out the walker and wheelchair, but no problems at all!!!

How are Nebo and Smokey's classes going?

01-28-2003, 12:48 AM
I'm glad Cincy is doing well! The trainer suggested that Nebo could take the CGC after the class, but by the way things are going now, I'm not sure if I want to attempt that one yet. He was a little erm...<butthole>...at the first class. I'm hoping he will do better this week! He'll be going this wednesday.

01-28-2003, 10:48 AM
Congrats to Cindy on doing so well in her classes.:)

Well, Smokey's first class last Tues. was embarrassing for me.:o
Moki acted like he never had a lesson in his life. There was no
"free play" period in the class, all business. He's in a class with
bigger, older dogs & all he wanted to do was play.:rolleyes:
I decided to really do more practicing at home this week, even
bought a treat bag to hang at my waist & have been using a
short 2 ft leash for the heel exercizes. He's been doing better
in the at home lessons, but I'll wait to see how he does at 4pm
this afternoon. Wish us luck.:D

01-28-2003, 09:18 PM
Good luck to Moki!! I'm curious to see how it went today. :) I'll let you know how Nebo does tomorrow also. It sounds like Nebo was having the same problem as Moki.....he wanted to PLAY!!

01-29-2003, 10:21 AM
UGH Nebo's class is today, and I'm not excited for it at all...


01-29-2003, 11:27 AM
Hi ya'll!

Not that Oz listens to everything I tell him in class either, but
one thing I do that seems to help is to exercise him before we
go to class. Not too much that he's too exhausted to move, but
just enough so that he's not wound and unable to focus on me.
I also would get there about 15 mins early so I could walk
him around and let him adjust to all the sights and sounds.
We start our basic obedience class tomorrow night, so crossing
my fingers that he hasn't forgotten everything from puppy
class too.:)


01-29-2003, 03:15 PM
Moki did much better at his class last night. YEA !!!

We worked on Targeting (touching nose or paw) to an object,
and Recall. Come when called from a distance & tempted with
treats or distraction by another person. Moki did well on both.

We still need to work on the down/stay. He does the down
but won't stay:rolleyes: Moki & I also need to work more on
heeling. All in all thou, he did much better than last time.:)

Good luck tonight Wolf_Q & Nebo !!!:D :D

01-29-2003, 04:05 PM
Yeah Smokey! Glad to hear classes are going well!

Good luck with Nebo tonight, Amy. Cincy went through spell, where she didn't want to listen at all, but now I think she listens better the Sadie! Keep with it...he'll get better as he gets a little older!

01-30-2003, 07:42 PM

Waiting for an update. How did you & Nebo do in class?
It's never perfect, but I'll bet you saw some improvement,
right? Please let us know when you have time. O.K.?