View Full Version : Nebo peed in the house!

01-12-2003, 01:35 AM
Ack! :eek: He has been potty-trained for a long time, and he's been potty-trained very well. He rings the bell on the door when he wants out, and we haven't had any problems with him. He was also neutered at a young age (4 months) and he doesn't even really lift his leg to mark yet.

Well, he got a new bed a while ago. Reggie and Smokey keep laying on it. I can tell it makes him mad, he always runs and kicks them off. I was gone today and he was in his dog run....Smokey and Reggie were free in the house. I'm sure they were laying on it all day. There was a nice indent in it. I really don't mind Reggie laying on it, but I dont' want Smokey laying on it...he tends to pee on things and he already puked on it once. We yell at Smokey for laying on it (he has his OWN bed anyway) but he doesn't listen.

Not long after I got home and Nebo had already been outside, just barely in the house...I was sitting there, and Nebo deliberately stands on his bed and pees on it!! (it happens to be right in the spot the other dogs had been laying too) I caught him in the act so I yelled at him and rushed him outside.

:confused: Ughh.....I really hope this was an isolated incident....I'm going to wash his bed really well and try to keep the other dogs off of it. He has never peed in the house before. (well except when we were first potty-training him of course) Do you think he was just trying to "mark" the bed as his own??

01-12-2003, 03:00 AM
poor Nebo. I think that's excactly what he's doing..MY BED - STAY OFF:mad: My boy's do the same thing sometimes and that's just "the way things are" (to quote the mice in the movie Babe) :rolleyes: You can't get too upset over it..they are ever so worth the frustration they can be, just like any child. Nebo is sooooo beautiful and gives you soooo much joy, just be patient - he will come to accept the fact that he just has to deal with "the other ones". Maybe that's not much help but I'm feeling quite accepting of life's reality's right now and that's all I can offer. Besides, it's 3:30 in the morning and I'm a bit tired.

01-12-2003, 08:40 AM
Absolutely, that is classic "this is MINE!" marking behavior. Hopefully it's a one-time deal, and the others got the message!

Dixieland Dancer
01-13-2003, 11:16 AM
Nebo is coming into that age of marking his territory! Since he *LOVES* his bed so much it is just natural he will try to mark it to keep the others OFF.

He may do it again if you can't find a way to keep Reggie and Smokey off *HIS* bed!

01-13-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Absolutely, that is classic "this is MINE!" marking behavior.

Nebo wants the bed for him and only him !! Let's hope , for your sake , that the other doggies got the message , hey !!;)

01-13-2003, 12:00 PM
I read somewhere that if your dog has an "accident," put a paper plate with some dog kibble on the spot that he peed, and let him eat it. Dogs won't want to eliminate where they've eaten.

Anyone know if this works?

I'm sure Nebo's just protecting his property. Whenever we visit my parents with our Murphy, their dog Coco (who's 10 years old!) eliminates in the spot where Murphy's bed was. He only does it once, though.

01-14-2003, 12:32 AM
Nebo chews/eats things on his bed all the time....I don't think it was really a matter of where he eliminates, I really do think he was marking his territory.

The only way I can keep Smokey off of it is to tie him up........he LOVES Nebo's bed, and so does Reggie. Of course, if Nebo is around, they don't stay on the bed for long, it's when he's not around that's the problem...he can still smell them.

01-14-2003, 02:26 AM
Smokey and Reggie are probably protesting to WHY their mommy got Nebo such a nice bed and didn't get any nice comfy bed for them when they have been with you for years and years and Nebo just came a few months ago. :p What an injust mommy! :p LOL! j/k

Since Smokey and Reggie LOVE Nebo's bed so much, and Nebo doesn't like them touching HIS bed, I would suggest buying Reggie and Smokey their own new beds that are JUST like Nebo's. That "might" solve the problem.

01-14-2003, 08:42 AM
lol....No, that would just cause mass confusion lol. Then there would be 2 beds to fight over! Smokey has a bed already, it's in the kitchen. Reggie has his kennel in the room right by where Nebo's bed is.......Reggie's kennel/crate has padding in it, and he's always gone there as his room/bed.

I really don't mind Reggie laying on it. He's probably down there asleep right now. I just don't want Smokey on it...he threw up on it once, and he pees on everything. He also smells like pee (as he goes constantly and can't help it) so he makes the bed smell like pee.

01-23-2003, 01:36 AM
Poor Smokey. :(

01-23-2003, 01:58 AM
I know :( That's why he has his own bed though. We actually have him wearing diapers......it looks funny, but hey, it helps! See, sometime's he'll bark to be let out, and other times, he will just go!

01-23-2003, 02:24 AM
A dog with diapers?!? LOL! Are those baby diapers or they make dog ones?

01-23-2003, 02:44 AM
Baby diapers, size small........none of the dog ones seem to work very well for male dogs.....

01-23-2003, 02:46 AM
Who changes them?! :eek: He actually lets you put them on? I want to see a pic of him with a diaper! Poor pup! :(

01-26-2003, 09:42 AM
I didn't know they made "dog diapers" we had to use baby dipers for our roommates dog. She was being potty trained and she had an accident so we had to keep her in the house during the day while we were at work........(the accident) she cut her foot and had it bandaged up for a week......it was winter and she couldn't get it wet......

I would love to see a pic!!!!!!! LOL

01-26-2003, 08:41 PM
It is so frustrating when they have accidents in the house! But like Lbaker said, in hindsight it is worth the frustration. Malone has had 2 or 3 "accidents" in the house since he was completely trained, and this is my theory. He gets really good at asking to go, no accidents in the house, and so naturally we relax on the praising/discipline. He then thinks that he can try and get away with it (because we aren't in that training mode). We usually catch him in the act, and then he is good as gold again for a couple of months. And the cycle turns around again. So since the last time, I have kept on top of praising him and making sure that he asks to go out before just taking him. And so far (knock on wood) it's probably been 2 months. Just my theory...

Aspen and Misty
02-01-2003, 09:15 PM
Don't know if this has been said already.

Maybe the bed should only be allowed out when Nebo is in the house. That way you can watch who is on the bed and who isn't and if Nebo feels the need to kick them off he can do so.


02-11-2003, 01:40 AM
The only time Buford ever peed in the house was when we frist brought him home and he walked over to the dog bed and peed on it. Exact same thing. He hasn't urinated in the house again.