View Full Version : Cutting your dogs nails...

01-11-2003, 03:03 PM
Mistys are getting way too long and i have to wait FOREVER to get an appointment anywhere!! Should i wait or cut the nails myself??

01-11-2003, 03:28 PM
Unless you are very confident, I would not cut them yourself. It is very easy to cut them too short and they will bleed. This can also happen to the proffessional, but you need the proper powder (quick stop) to stop the bleeding. I do not know of any way to stop the bleeding without quick stop. If you have the powder and won't be scared by the possibility of a bleeding nail then go ahead and try. Start by cutting only the tip. On white nails you can see a pink color, that is the quick (blood vessel) do not clip that far down. On black nails you will not see this. Then it is a judgement call. Even people like me, who have clipped pets nails for over 20 years, often clip them too short. Use your best judgement.

01-11-2003, 03:28 PM
I've never had the nerves to cut my dogs..especially seeing they have black. If you dogs nails are white you can atleast see the blood vessels..I guess it all depends on how confident you are in it ;] If it was me I'd wait, but I don't think I have the nerves to do it lol

01-11-2003, 04:02 PM
I clip Ruby's nails. She has both white and black nails, the white ones are so much easier, but sadly there is only 4 of them :rolleyes: It's a little nerveracking at first, but you get used to it. If the dog's nails are very long just trim the nails a tiny bit. The blood will begin to receed farther back into the nail. Wait a few days then trim some more. Etc etc... You can get quick stops at most pet stores just in case you do cut they claws too short. It's good to have on hand, but so far I've never had to use it. Good luck :)

01-11-2003, 04:30 PM
Only cut your dogs nails if you have a nice sharp dog nail clipper, and some quick stop available. And since you are obviously not familiar with it, I'd do what others said and only trim a tiny bit off at a time.

You would probably feel more comfortable having someone else do it. Is there any groomers in your area? Most will cut the nails without an appointment. Please don't let the nails go too long, as it is painful for a dog to walk on long nails.

01-11-2003, 05:08 PM
We trim Sadie and Cincy's nails ourselves. we start when they were babies, so they hardly fight it. Sadie has one white nail, but all the rest of hers and all of CIncy's are black, which makes it hard to see the quick. If you only take a little off though and do it frequestnyl, it should be a problem.

Flour or cornstarch can be used in place of quick stop.

01-11-2003, 05:14 PM
I clip all my dogs nails all the time. It's actually very easy.

Since you don't know how, I would suggest making an appointment with a vet or groomer to have them done, and then have them explain to you how to do it properly, and the best type of clippers to buy.

Then, after you are shown how, you can do them yourself in the future.

01-12-2003, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
We trim Sadie and Cincy's nails ourselves. we start when they were babies, so they hardly fight it. Sadie has one white nail, but all the rest of hers and all of CIncy's are black, which makes it hard to see the quick. If you only take a little off though and do it frequestnyl, it should be a problem.

Flour or cornstarch can be used in place of quick stop.

I clip my dog's nails too, it's quite easy when you get used to it. Of course, some dogs really freak out about it, but mine are ok. I tried using cornstarch on a bleeding nail of Reggie's once and it didn't do much for me. I had also heard to plug it up by rubbing it in a bar of soap, and that really didnt' work either.

Dixieland Dancer
01-13-2003, 12:46 PM
I do not use nail clippers on the dogs anymore. I invested in a dremel tool (small electric grinder/sander). The dogs nails never split or crack now from a not so clean cut. Bleeders are also more preventable with the dremel.

Dakota's Mommy
01-14-2003, 11:42 AM
Actually, we just cut the girls nails on Sunday, but luckily they both have white nails. Dakota makes it tough because she just wants out of there. She was actually eaiser for us than Destiny was though. Destiny did not want her nails cut. She little enough that she just wiggles and wiggles and it's hard to be still enough to get them done. We ended up getting both done by having Brian hold them and I cut the nails. This is the 3rd times we've had to cut Dakota's and the 2nd time we've cut Destiny's! It's hard to believe that I did Dakota's 1st ones all by myself and it was pretty easy, she didn't fight that much. I wish she would be that good now!

01-15-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

Flour or cornstarch can be used in place of quick stop. [/B]

One time my brother was removing old window panes and one broke and he somehow cut his hand pretty bad. He went in the house and put flour in the wound to stop the bleeding and it worked. The ER was pretty impressed. They had never heard of that. I never thought that you could use it on dogs. Now I can trim the nails a little further back. We always have flour in the house.

01-15-2003, 10:01 AM
I do not use nail clippers on the dogs anymore. I invested in a dremel tool (small electric grinder/sander). The dogs nails never split or crack now from a not so clean cut. Bleeders are also more preventable with the dremel.

Yeah, I bought one of those too. Can't get anywhere near my kids with it, though. They take off running as soon as I open the cabinet where I keep it! We tried desensitizing them to the sound and feel of it, even gave the best treats. No luck. Oh well, they do at least let me file their nails with an emory board after I cut them. :rolleyes:

01-15-2003, 10:08 AM
I trim both Katie's and Bull's nails and thankfully have only cut too short once (knock on wood). I used a piece of ice wrapped in a paper towel. I read somewhere you can also use packing foam never had a chance to try it though.