View Full Version : Marvelous Minnie!!!

08-28-2021, 02:37 PM
Hi there Minnie! Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart, and happy 7th (who's counting, lol) birthday wishes to you, too, cutie pie!:)

Oh Minnie! Your brother Kiwi (and your human spokesperson) are such hoots! I was laughing out loud, smiling from ear to ear, reading of all the festivities, the non stop celebrating going on at your house! Last May, Kiwi's birthday; July it was brother Mickey's turn as the birthday boy and now your special day! (Not to mention all three of you having been inducted into the Dog of the Day Hall of Fame!)

I only wish I could beam myself out to Sacramento, tons of jerky and chicken, cookies and sausages in hand, to celebrate along with you all! But I have no doubt your Mom and Dad, along with your grandparents Por Por and Gong Gong and brothers Kiwi and Mickey are all making it a very special, fun and love filled day!

Remember my brother Mickey's birthday last month? It was wooftastic! We got extra chicken, cookies, and a puppy fro-yo! I've been having a blast because my grandparents (Por Por and Gong Gong) are visiting us from overseas, and we get to see them all the time. I really enjoy seeing my family so if one of you is reading this and hasn't visited today, please stop by and bring some chicken jerky or sausages. If you need help with which one to get, you can text my mom or dad.


Oh, how very lucky your family is, Minnie, having a furkid as beautiful and adorable, as sweet and loving (and well behaved!) as you, Minnie! Yep, girl power in action! Gotta keep those unruly boys in line, right Minnie?

What a perfect addition to the pack you are, sweetheart! Your family truly hit the trifecta in you, Mickey and Kiwi!!! Needless to say, rescue is the way to go and you, Minnie, are living, laughing, loving proof of that!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Being able to celebrate you here today, being treated to your family's heartwarming tribute and seeing your bevy of heart-melting pics has been such fun! Now, on with the celebrating, including but not limited to a spin about town in your Mini Minnie wheels (windows and sun roof open!); chowing down on lots of yummy birthday treats...sausage and chicken and cookies and a puppy fro-yo; receiving countless cuddles, kisses and belly rubs; being spoiled to the max and loved to bits! May all your wishes come true, precious Minnie, our very special and most deserving Birthday Girl Dog of the Day, today abd EVERY day!!!:love::love::love: Loads of love, snuggles and smooches to you, Minnie, and to brothers Kiwi and Mickey, too!

The 3 amigos!!!
Now that's one super fine, girly girly birthday outfit!!!

08-29-2021, 10:51 AM

Happy birthday, Minnie. Hope you had a good one.
Love all of your pictures, you are so cute.
It is hard keeping brothers in line, but you do a good job
Celebrate your special day and every day

08-29-2021, 03:53 PM
Dearest Minnie, what an utterly adorable Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua mix lady you are! You're so cute in all those great photos, and thank you for sharing them with us. They capture so well not only your physical beauty but so many different sides to your delightful personality, too! You and your brothers Mickey and Kiwi and grandparents Por Por and Gong Gong and people all have a great time together! You make up a terrific family, and you all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Minnie, on being chosen Dog of the Day, and belated Happy Birthday wishes to you for yesterday's big day! We hope you and Mickey and Kiwi and Por Por and Gong Gong and people and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats, with some extra chicken and some cookies and a tummy rub and, most important, a car ride in the Mini with the top and windows down!
