View Full Version : Video Footage of Police killing dog...

Desert Arabian
01-10-2003, 03:12 PM
I just got done watching Inside Edition, and they showed video footage from the dashboard camera- I'm in shock. It's the sickest thing I've seen. They showed the dog romping around by the cops, like a puppy would do, and all of a sudden the cop rasied his gun 1 foot from the dogs head and pulled the trigger, and the sound the dog made and the reaction of the family made me scream and made me chuck my cracker at the t.v. (lol). I started bawling. Then the police officer came on and was talking about how he is getting death threats (good!) and how he feels "awful" for what happened, his expressions showed no pity at all. All I have to say to that evil person is: @#)(*#$&(_@*#Y^*$#%^^#$&*%(^@#(*%^*&@#^%&*@#$^%&*)^$#@%&*@#_%^&#^%_@#^%(&@#^%@#^%&*)@#^%(@#^%(_^@#%&(#%^_@#^%^!!!! I don't even want to talk about it anymore. Did anyone else see this footage??

01-10-2003, 03:21 PM
I won't watch it - no way. No offense to those who do, but I will be wrecked for the whole day if I look at that.

It reminds me of a case in St. Paul MN a few years ago. The cops were going in to raid a crack house, but it was the wrong house. A family lived there, and when the officers went in the gate the family dog came out to greet them - and they shot her! This was a lab, an old one at that. There was a lot of outrage, and I can't remember what happened to the cop that shot the poor dog.

The police later admitted they went to the wrong house, but how scary. My dog got maced by a meter reader one day and I raised a big stink. I was so mad.

01-10-2003, 09:22 PM
I saw it just this morning and let me tell you every body and their momma knows that I think the stupid jack@** should fry in a less than pleasent place (I'm trying to be good here). He shot the dog at close range with a shotgun twice! I watched it a couple of times (just to watch the cop) and he fired twice maybe three times. Which just goes to prove that he was on a power trip! Do you think he would have shot a human from a foot away multiple time. (at least I hope he wouldn't) He was acting out of fear of the "big bad pit bull" attacking him. :rolleyes: Yes, so mean a dog approaching with his tail wagging. I'm shaking! :rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
01-10-2003, 09:40 PM
I agree with ya'll 100% He should be fired. That was an awful thing to do, now maybe if the dog was attacking him. I hope the family Sues.
