View Full Version : Muddy Paws!

01-10-2003, 01:46 AM
Well...Nebo HAD hairy toes...I thought they were pretty cute, really. I've trimmed up the fur on other dogs feet plenty of times but never my own, lol...and never this much. Huskies are supposed to have furry toes.

But he's been trying to dig under his igloo...and the dirt around here is basically clay. I'd been having to carry him up 2 flights of stairs practically every day to wash his paws off in the tub. I tried wiping them off with a wet cloth, but the dirt clumped so bad it just wouldn't come off!

So uhh....yeah, I think I cut them pretty short...too short I'm sure. Oh well, if it helps with the muddy paw traffic from at least one dog, he'll survive! That's the main reason Reggie is sporting a very short trim around the feet/legs also.

Do you have trouble with muddy paws? It seems the bigger and furrier (is that a word?) they are the worse it gets. Smokey is such a light-weight I guess his paws don't sink in much...because there's rarely a problem with him. Of course he doesn't DIG either...:rolleyes:


01-10-2003, 08:00 AM
Yes, I also have a problem with muddy paws. I get all 3 of my dogs shaved, all over :D

01-10-2003, 08:47 AM
I have a springer and a newfy and hardwood floors . You did a great looking job, Thats todays task bathe Merlin and trim feet, before our next round of snow and then wasrming trend.

Dixieland Dancer
01-10-2003, 09:28 AM
I love the look of a nicely groomed paw! I keep Dixie and Dusty's paws groomed on a regular basis. Everyone always tells me what pretty paws they have.

When I get the grooming table out they both fight to see who gets on first. LOL

01-10-2003, 10:24 AM
My husky mix has the same problem. I always keep the fur cut short just like your pic. It not only keeps it cleaner but helps a lot more w/ traction. In the snow it actually helps to keep them short so the snow does not clump on on the hairs and can cause frostbite. I keep a "mudday paw towel" in a bucket near the door & wipe them everytime he comes in. It does the job & easier than washing them everytime.

01-10-2003, 10:45 AM
Amazingly enough, with 2 terriers I don't seem to have a muddy
paw problem. I've got pretty thick grass in the backyard, which
helps. But about the only time they really dig is when I'm
planting something and then they feel the need to help me by
digging a hole beside me, where I don't need one.:)

Oz isn't much of a digger at all. He's never dug in the yard.
Okay well one pitiful excuse for a hole in my flowerbed that was
so small, Murph shook his head at it.:) And he's dug the loose
dirt out of big pot I have sitting on the patio a couple of times,
but hard to get muddy paws with dry loose dirt. Actually the only
one who got dirty was Murph, cuz he felt the need to lay in the
big ole pile of dirt Oz had disposited on the patio, just for him


01-10-2003, 12:40 PM
Yes... we do have a muddy paw problem. And Ruby's hair is very short. She's not even a digger, she just has a thing for running in mud I suppose. We purchased a mat to leave by the back door that is supposed to absorb mud off of feet before coming into the house. I knew it was too good to be true... it doesn't work very well. So, we are constantly cleaning doggy paws and vacuuming dried mud from the carpet. :rolleyes: Oh well, Ruby's worth it ;)

01-10-2003, 01:47 PM
I have muddy paw problems too. All three of our dogs dig! So usually I try to have something ready to wipe their feet of with. I still usually have to end up cleaning muddy paw prints off the floor though.:rolleyes:

01-11-2003, 10:32 AM
Well, let's see.....muddy paws? Nope. One more reason kitties are simpler...:D :D I will admit 'sometimes' they get muddy elsewhere...yucky!

I love the close up of the paws....and, the shorter does look neater. I hope you didn't tickle him too much!!:D

01-11-2003, 10:48 AM
Ah yes! Muddy paws! My Bella has been known to enjoy digging a good hole in the mud! Fortunately she is improving in that regard these days but she does manage to get mud on her paws right after a heavy rain because there is an area in our yard where grass won't grow under the trees and of course that's where she enjoys running. Fortunately I have my trusty little blue bowl. When she comes in muddy she gets her paws dipped in the bucket, one at a time, and dried off. She is so used to the routine now that if I say "Oh Bella you are all muddy" she goes right to the sink and waits for me to fill the bowl. Being a poodle, her feet are clipped very close every 6 weeks but if she digs she can really get yucky! Here's a picture my hubby took of Bella submitting to the "blue bowl." :rolleyes:


01-11-2003, 10:59 AM
Funny enough my too don't have muddy paws after digging just muddy toenails and noses. I think they go mole hunting or something. :rolleyes:

01-12-2003, 12:28 AM
Oh we really have a problem with muddy paws and the fact that we have hardwood floors just makes it worse. That could be why when it's wet or muddy out we stop the dogs in the doorway and wipe their paws on the area rug we have there, it's either that or I get out a treat and make them spin in circles, which also wipes their feet. :D

01-12-2003, 06:45 AM
We won't go there!! ;) :p :D Let's see....80 muddy paws...yep....get out the mop! lol

01-14-2003, 09:22 AM
We tell them to walk around, before we let them in. Of course Angus is the best at this & will walk in a circle every time I tell him to walk around. Now Roxey is ok, but she just kind of paces back & forth in front of the door. Huney, she just moves around to get out of the way, she don't quite understand what we want her to do yet:p
Then we have a big sheet on the floor & make them lay on it until they are cleaned up. What a pain, expecially with the weather we have been getting. But I wouldn't give it up for anything:D

Dakota's Mommy
01-14-2003, 10:48 AM
LOL, Mugsy! I thought one great dane was bad enough, I can't imagine two along with 18 other dogs too!

I know I'm sick of whiping paws for now! We've got so much rain the last couple of days, I can't wait for it to get sunny and dry all up! Brian told me that while he was whiping Dakota's paws on her way in yesterday, she hit her head on our coffee table. He told me that she then went on to shake her head before plopping very dramatically onto her side to lay down while he finished cleaning off her paws. She was fine, she just likes to be our little Drama Momma, LOL! I wish I had been there to see it, she's so funny. Plus, I wish we could have caught it on tape!

01-17-2003, 11:49 AM
Thought this pic was perfect for this thread :D

01-17-2003, 01:27 PM
LOL, that cartoon was perfect! I love it! Thanks for sharing. I have to show that to my parents!