View Full Version : ok--we did it

01-08-2003, 09:32 PM
We went out to dinner tonight, and set up the video camera on the dogs while we were gone. It was hilarious:D
I thought Abbey was such an angel, cause she's always laying down when we come home, but it turns out, it's the other way around. Kito kept trying to sleep, and she kept bugging him to play. He even laid down on their blankie, and she spinned him completely around, and he didn't even care.

If anyone else has a video camera, I recommend this--it is so funny to watch. We told a friend we were doing it, and she thought we were nuts, but all of you will understand!!

01-08-2003, 11:30 PM
We just got one for X-mas. I am totally going to do it. It has got to be funny to waych. Thanks for suggesting it LOL

01-09-2003, 01:05 AM
LOL How cute! I got one for Christmas too. Unfortunately, we don't normally leave our dogs loose in the house when we are gone (parents rules...). I would *love* to somehow film Nebo while he's in his dog run. I know he does strange things....there's always fresh muddy pawprints on top of his igloo and inside but I've never even seen him touch it. He's also been trying to dig under it, but I've never seen him do that either. I wonder if I could film his dog run from an inside window? *hmm*

Dakota's Mommy
01-14-2003, 02:19 PM
What a great idea! I've thought about doing that but we never do! Now we lock Destiny up so it would just get Dakota. It would have been interesting to do it before we locked Destiny up because we always wondered if Dakota did the things that we blamed on Destiny to see how much she could get her sister in trouble for, or if our suspicions were right and it really was Destiny! Maybe we'll try it sometime!

Dixieland Dancer
01-14-2003, 03:01 PM
HUMMMMM... I may have to try this. Might get on America's funniest home videos. :cool:

01-14-2003, 03:02 PM
I agree, that is a terrific idea. Maybe there is material good enough for one of those funniest video shows!

01-14-2003, 08:30 PM

What a great idea. I would love to do this sometime. I'll bet
we could all learn something new. I've many times wished
I could be a "fly on the wall" and see what goes on when
I'm not around.:D

01-15-2003, 12:00 PM
Yeah, it was pretty funny!!
They aren't actually free in the house. They have a huge pen which is set up in our laundry room (the laundry room is the biggest room in the house:rolleyes: ), with their toys and water dish and blankie, and the radio on.
And it was funny--now they've started digging into the wall (I'm pretty sure it's Abbey), and they'll end up in the neighbor's apartment if they don't cut it out. They've made it to the insulation, so now there's a piece of metal there so they can't get to it. It's like in the movie "Shawshank Redemption", only they forgot to put up a poster:D