View Full Version : Boy that was a scare!!!

01-07-2003, 01:52 PM
Rocky got outside a few minutes ago, but I am real surprised at how well he did..he didn't attempt to run away or anything but he did do alot of sniffing....I stayed out there with him and had my 4 year old dd get the treats to get him to run back to the house...he didn't at first but I followed behind slowly..he was very curious....I didnt want him to be afraid of the outside but I really don't want him out there at all..I tried grabbing him as he ran like lightening to the door and there was no way i could have caught him......ohh well..i got him back in now safe and sound and relieved....when I was grabbing him trying to keep him from going out I jammed my thumb nail and now I have a huge bruise on it now...youch! have your kitties ever been out at all???

01-07-2003, 02:15 PM
Ouch -I am feeling my thumb right now. Filou also one time escaped for an hour or so. He is VERY good in vanishing in the apartment so it took some time before we saw he was not in:eek: :eek:
When we opened the outside house door he was ready to come in again:) We were very lucky because a street with much traffic is only 100 m away (1/16 mile:D ) and some of the outdoor cats in our neighborhood have been killed there:(

It's a big relief that you have him back I am sure.

01-07-2003, 02:55 PM
Shiloh hasn't been outside. I have a leash for her but I still don't want to use it because I don't want her to get used to outside and try to run out when I open a door. For a long time, she was scared of the outdoors and showed no interest. Now she creeps towards open doors like she might go out. I never leave them open though so no problems yet.. THANK GOODNESS!

I'm glad Rocky got back in safely. What a scare!!!

01-07-2003, 05:11 PM
This past summer my kids decided to bust out the screen on the window and go for a stroll. I had no clue they did it until my fiance came home yelling that the cats were outside! Luckily he went around back and Cookie and Neko jumped back inside the window when they saw him. Pumpkin tried to run, but brian caught her and brought her inside. Tama of course tried to run from brian (just like he does IN the house) so I brought out some food for him and he slowly crept up to brian. Thank god brian got him when he did cause a huge truck was about to come down our dead end street and i know that if Tama would have heard or seen it, he would have run away.

01-07-2003, 05:45 PM
Luckily Sunny and Storm have never attempted to go outside. Pepper has a few times but it doesn't take him outside. My door leads into a hallway. A few times he ran out the door and I didn't even notice until I heard a loud meow in the hallway. I opened the door and there was Pepper. At least he knows where he lives. :) He hasn't tried this for quite some time. Maybe he's finally learned his lesson. :) I'm so glad that you were able to get Rocky back inside. Hopefully he'll learn not to do this in the future. :)

01-07-2003, 05:48 PM
Our cats Jackson and Rosie have gotten out a couple of times when a door was left open way too long. But they did like Rocky, just stayed by the house, and sniffed. We didn't try your method of getting them inside with treats, we were lucky enough to simply catch them and take them back inside. :)

01-07-2003, 06:00 PM
Mine go in and out at will, but I can imagine my horror if I had indoor only kitties and one got out!!!! Glad everything worked out ok!!! :D Whew!!!

01-07-2003, 06:34 PM
Both Livvy and Cassy have 'door dashed' in the past and it scares the hector out of me.

Usually it's Cassy (my lunatic silver swirl tabby male) who gets out. The most recent occurance was Saturday evening as I got home from the cat show.

I hate it, I really do. But chasing him seems to make it worse, so now I just open the sliding glass door on the patio and let him come home on his own. (Okay, we make interesting noises in the kitchen and that usually brings him home sooner. Usually.) Saturday he was out for an hour.

Livvy hasn't figured how to get outside from the patio -- the railing is waist high and there's shrubs. Cassy can vault both, but is faster than I can catch.