View Full Version : New Year Pups ~ PICS!

01-07-2003, 10:52 AM
I spent New Years in Chicago and the Michigan contingent (Myself, Andy, Cheri, and Dave) stayed at our friends house.

Luis and Mary have two furkids, Lady and Pooh. They were dogsitting their friends Husky, Scarlett. Sadly, she had been abused by her previous owners and was very skittish and shy. It took awhile but I earned her trust. She wanted no part of Andy's affection and I would have to coax her out from behind the Christmas tree whenever he entered the room. :(

Scarlett is making progress though. She's only 3 so I hope she'll soon realize that not all people are bad.







01-07-2003, 10:56 AM
Scarlett is gorgeous!! I know that with love and patience, she will learn to trust humans again.

Lady looks like a sweet pup. And Pooh! I love scruff dogs! He is adorable!

Dixieland Dancer
01-07-2003, 12:22 PM
Nice pictures of all the pups! I hope Scarlett regains her trust in humans. Stories like that just make me so sad because these dogs are so helpless to defend themselves against cruel people. It sounds like the abuser was a male since she doesn't like Andy.

01-07-2003, 12:32 PM
Lady & Poo are adorable, but I must say Scarlett is my fav:rolleyes:
I'm so glad to hear she is trying to trust people again, I like stories with a good ending:)

01-07-2003, 03:09 PM
awww, scarlett, pooh and lady are all adorable! :)

01-07-2003, 08:04 PM
Very adorable pictures!!

01-08-2003, 02:03 AM
VERY cute dogs!! Scarlett is gorgeous!

You know, Nebo is rather skittish at times, and seems to be more afraid of men/boys then women. He's never been abused, and he has absolutely no reason to fear men.....he is completely spoiled by my dad. He is usually not afraid (at all lol) of people who come into my house...but if it is some place new...he was just terrified when I first brought him to my grandparents house. Some dogs are just like that.

01-08-2003, 02:52 AM

How could anybody even think of hurting something as beautiful as this is???? :mad: :eek: I am glad that she is starting to trust again.

01-08-2003, 03:47 AM
Wow!!!! They are ALL gorgeous!!!Like Souraya said: Gotta love those Scruffy Dogs!!!!!!! and the pretty ones too!!!!!!!!

I hope that they gain back their trust in humans...they are ALL SOOO Precious!!!!

Thank you for Sharing them with Us!!!!!!

Wheres' Kias' New Year Pic???

01-08-2003, 08:50 AM
Pooh is definately a Scruffy dog. :D She's a terrier/chiuahha mix.

Anna, LOL! I knew you'd like Scarlett. ;)

Originally posted by delidog
Wheres' Kias' New Year Pic???
Since I was in Chicago, Kia spent New Years with my parents. I don't think they took any pics of her. Instead they spoiled her rotten. ;) :rolleyes: