View Full Version : Pjevs - caught in his house

01-06-2003, 04:06 PM
It's been snowing quite a lot here yesterday, so I thought I'd better go down and check on Pjevs. I brought some food, but it seemed he wasn't in his house. :eek: Then I started showeling the snow away from the entrance - and there he was! :) - But he would not come out, so he had breakfast in bed! Just after that, I borrowed a huge showel and made a path for him to get all the way out, but I think he stayed inside.

I've just been down again and put an extra curtain up, so I really hope he'll keep warm! The house is made of wood and insulated with polystyrene - he's laying on a dobble sheepskin blanket and an extra wollen sweater. The weather forecast is down to - 18! :(

It doesn't look that high, but I borrowed John's moon boots and I still got snow inside! The pics I took to show didn't come out (batteries)

This is what is look like:



For those of you who don't know Pjevs, here's a picture from this summer.


Edwina's Secretary
01-06-2003, 04:32 PM
What a lovely little house Pjevs has! And it is the same green as his eyes. It certainly looks roomy. Is it a one-room house?

Although I doubt Pjevs agrees with me...I think all that snow looks like fabulous fun!

Stay warm Pjevs!

01-06-2003, 05:28 PM
Hey,Pjevs , you are a lucky boy , having such a caring step-mom. ;) ...and breakfast in bed !

Below 18 ,I'm freezing at only to tink at it.
This mornig we got some snow on the border with France, just twoo fingers of it .
And it has been an ordeal, blocked roads, for some hours, all the trucks (5.000) on the parcking lots ect...go figure if we have got the snow you got :rolleyes:

01-06-2003, 05:58 PM
What a wonderful little house he has! I bet he's nice a snuggly in his blanket and warm house.

He looks a lot like the new cat at the shelter we visit on Saturdays, her name is Angie and has the exact same markings in her chest/chin. :)

Miss Meow
01-06-2003, 07:01 PM
What a cute little cat house! No wonder Pjevs likes his breakfast in bed, I wouldn't leave either with that snow!

Randi, it is going to be 37 degrees here today. We have a 55 degree difference between our temperatures :eek:

01-06-2003, 07:54 PM
With plenty of food & those warm woolen blankets, I'm sure
Pjevs will stay warm.:) Do you mean it's -18 degrees F.?
Burrrr, I would not leave my house either.:D

01-06-2003, 10:46 PM
I would also have breakfast in bed if it was that cold here. He's so lucky to have such very caring parents. :)

01-07-2003, 02:21 AM
What a neat house!!
I think Randi meant it's -18 Celsius.

01-07-2003, 02:30 AM
What a pretty cat, and a neat house! Lol, I finally know what "Pjevs" is....I'd heard it before, and I had no clue what you were talking about! How do you pronounce that?

01-07-2003, 10:38 AM
This is soooo strange!!! I just got this psychic pm from Fister, and he told me that he wants Pjevs to come inside with him, to be his special friend! He said there is plenty of room on the duvet for him, and then he, too, would have a special friend.

Hmmm...isn't that just strange?

01-07-2003, 12:18 PM
Sorry for replying so late, but we're having a party here with Filou, Maya and Inka. Will report about that later. ;)

Pjevs was lucky! The temperature didn't drop till minus 18 C - I don't think. When I went to bed it was down to minus 5.

I checked on him today and he came out of his house to have a cuddle and some food.


When he realized there was a passageway to get all the way out, he had to check the yard. :)


But he didn't know how deep the snow was, so he jumped right in it and was rather busy to get out again. :D


I'm so glad he's not freezing! He's an old cat - at least 12 years. When we came to live here in 94, he had already been an outside cat for some years - someone had left him. :( :mad: He was living in an old pram. After living more than 10 years outside, we can't take him in. He will come up to the staircase, but won't go in. It seems that he's quite content in his house! :)

Koxka, what a work of art!:)

01-07-2003, 12:37 PM
WHAT? Lut and Barbara are with you? I don't believe it!!! Are you pulling my leg?

01-07-2003, 12:46 PM
Cataholic, I think you'd better check "Rescue me Gabe" ;) ;)

01-07-2003, 01:31 PM
Are you tricking me? I was sooooo excited to hear how everyone got along, and, alas, dissapointment. Thanks. Thanks alot!:(

If you guys have all this time on your hands....why don't you put it to some good use, and tell us another Fister tail? That would make everything all better. Maybe it can be a Pjevs and Fister story....

01-07-2003, 01:47 PM
Dear Johanna,
we all know that our children, when they are teenagers, need parties without their mom (I am sure Lillycat knows that:) ).
Beautiful Pjevs may be a little too adult to party with them but of course I am glad he's well now and can leave his cute little home.
;) :p

01-07-2003, 02:31 PM
He he he...well, that MIGHT be true...I am sure Pjevs was in his little house, snug as a bug, thinking, "Wow, what a lot of noise those other cats make! I am glad I am in here". Plus, since Randi gives room (house?) service, I am sure Pjevs is fine with it all!!!! But, what a story!

01-07-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
If you guys have all this time on your hands....why don't you put it to some good use, and tell us another Fister tail? That would make everything all better. Maybe it can be a Pjevs and Fister story....
LOL! Let's see! John is busy with his work at the moment, if only his PDF would behave! :mad: - but perhaps in a few days, he may post another tale! ;)

01-07-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Randi

LOL! Let's see! John is busy with his work at the moment, if only his PDF would behave! :mad: - but perhaps in a few days, he may post another tale! ;)

YES! YES! YES! It will be the first offical Fister tail of 2003! I think it could be related to snow somehow...:D :D :D :D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-10-2003, 05:42 PM
Pjevs' house looks soooo comfy!!! I'm sure he's fine out there since he is outside all the time. They know how to take care of themselves.

My dad made a house for their recently arrived outside kitty. I forgot to take a picture of it when I was there last, but it's also made of wood - insulated and has nice comfy bedding stuffed in it. When my mom opens the door to let the Cranker out, Goofy will stick his nose in, but won't make any attempt to come in at all. Here he is on the front porch

He has really gotten fat since since last we saw him. My mom feeds him in the morning and at night, and I'm sure he is supplementing with wild critters in between.

We were sitting around having some dessert after the second feeding (early Christmas with the family), and I felt soooo bad that we couldn't let him in here. If it were my house he would have been in long ago, but my mom says......:( :mad: :) That's my dad in the reflection.

I feel bad for him, but I'm sure he's like Pjevs, that he's been out all his life,and it would just be a bit strange to live inside now. The good news is my mom did get him fixed so he won't stray or contribute to any new kittens. He is really a sweet loving kitty, and is sooo pretty. They all adore him, they just don't let him inside....which I just can't understand, but......

01-10-2003, 06:04 PM
Ever since this thread began, I have thought "If you are going to be a feral or an outside cat, for goodness sake, move into a Pet Talk household's yard!

I love Pjev's little house! :)

01-10-2003, 06:32 PM

If I was that kitty, as well as that house is insulated and as well as he's fed, I wouldn't want to venture out in that cold either!!! You're such a good foster mama. Good job!