View Full Version : Sick Siamese!

01-06-2003, 09:37 AM
Does any one else have the problem with thier Siamese cats throwing up on a regular basis? The vet has cleared them , all of them , and it doesnt seem to matter what brand of cat food , even Eukanuba or royal canin. Its not all the time but enough to be a pain in the neck , esp4cially when they do it where I have to walk. Advice from ths Simese owners , Please!

01-06-2003, 10:59 AM
Well, I don't have a siamese, but, I do have a chronic tuxedo vomiter....as long as the vet gives the ok, I make the following suggestions:

1) incorporate hairball gook into the diet...I forget what it is called, but, it is that corn syrupy stuff;

2) when feeding wet food, do it in small increments;

3) if you have scarfers...make sure they don't go long without food...cause then they gobble it up, and...vomit it up!

01-06-2003, 12:04 PM

I do have a Siamese (who does not vomit) and I did have a Tuxedo (who did)

I never thought it was a matter of hairballs, there was never fur in the sick. They never knew why my Tuxedo vomited so much, he lived to be 16.

What about that Megaesophagus thing. Any vet personnel out there to explain that one?
It means they regurgitate due to an enlarged throat. What helps?

Frequent meals, like Cataholic says, and an elevated food dish.

I hope this helps your meezer. Good Luck.

Can we see some pictures?:)

01-06-2003, 03:11 PM
Tigris is no Siamese but he throws up if he is too greedy. When we are home they get frequent small meals and he nearly never vomits, but when we are travelling, the petsitters come only 3 times per day and then they often report that Tigris vomits. So I also would follow Cataholic's recommendations.

Both of them vomit hairballs from time to time, usually after having had some cat grass.

01-06-2003, 06:34 PM
Bastet throws up if she;

a) eats processed meat products or pet meats with preservatives in them

b) Can't have a feed of cat grass after a meal (or any grass)

c) Eats food that disagrees with her system

Maybe look at diet. Your kitty might be allergic to some kind of preservative in the foods. I also found that the dry cat foods are the worst for making bastet sick. She eats the eukabana *moist* dry catfood - the dry food that is chewy rather than just dry biscuits. I alternate her moist foods between tinned and raw meats - she eats what us humans do because of the preservatives in the so called fresh pet meats.

Hope this helps.

BTW: Since doing this a year ago she has only been sick twice and that was from running after a big meal. She was a regular regurgitator (at least once a day) for a year and a half before that.

Miss Meow
01-06-2003, 06:36 PM
Mini always throws up when he munches on cat grass as he scoffs too much.

Sometimes he tries to throw up a furball. We are giving him some fish in oil (sardines, tuna etc) to help keep his digestion happy and we're going to look at hairball food as well. He only does it a couple of times a week so it's not a real worry for us, just sounds revolting! The oily fish does the trick for us.

01-06-2003, 08:02 PM
Cassy is a gray tabby who has this problem most often among my brood. Both fur kids enjoy cold cuts as treats, but Cassy must be limited to no more than two slices of those really thin sliced sheets -- the ones that look like you can read through that come about 10 -12 in a pouch designed to be one human sandwich worth? He sometimes gets too much with two slices, but three slices will tip him over for sure. He had a problem 3 years ago swallowing grass wrong, got sick at half hour intervals for about 6 hours and I rushed him to the vet. Since he loves grass, they still get it, but I cut it to no more than 3" in length [uh... 3" is 1/4' and 3' ~ 1 m, so 3" ~ 1/12m ... ~850 cm??? 3 inches is roughly the length of my forefinger, if 850 cm is a rediculous fingerlength just assume I've horsed up the math, okay?]

So, keeping him on hairball formula kibble, limit his cold cuts, and the length of the grass he eats reduces his 'upchuckies' to about once every other month. This is an amount I can live with and his vet isn't worried about... for what it's worth...

01-06-2003, 08:37 PM
My guys gack up the dry food from time to time. Amazingly enough, Gabe, the long hair does not have many furballs. I give him treats with furball goop in them and I think that might help. My little ones, G & M, throw up the dry food sometimes. I did have one kitty some time ago that was always leaving presents for me. She lived to be a ripe old age, my carpets didn't.

Invest in some good carpet cleaner and lots of paper towels.

Have you ever considered the raw meat diet? You just feed them regular meats. I bet if you do a search via Google, you will get lots of ideas.....about diet modifications.

Good luck with the gacker!!! Ewwwwwwwwwww. Keep us posted.:eek:

01-06-2003, 10:42 PM
I used to have a big problem with this a few years ago. Now I feed them dry food only and give them hairball stuff every other day. They'll occassionally throw up a furball or throw up food but very rarely. :) http://www.gifs.net/animate/thecatsign.gif

01-07-2003, 05:05 AM
Tiger is my lynx-point Siamese, and she used to barf up all the time. So now, I feed her separately on top of the frig, where the others cannot get to her food. I feed her a combination of canned food and some dry kitten chow -just a little at a time. In fact, she comes back to me to feed her more about every 15 minutes or so, until she is full. Her barfing always occured after scarfing down the regular dry food that I feed the rest of my furkids. I do not know if her tummy is small or what, but she will eat grass practically every day, if I give it to her. I am surprised that this problem is common to Siamese, however. This is the first time that I recall it being discussed on Pet Talk about meezers.:)


01-07-2003, 11:41 AM
Thank you for the help . I have elevated the cat dishes , havebought cat grass and have given everyone whom I can catch hairball remedy. the worst barfer is Bo who has a delicate tummy , and Sam who eats like a pig , a furry pig that is.I thought taht the premium foods would eliminate the problem , but Bo cant seem to tolerate anything nd she hates human food. Thanks for all the answers and help . Catmandu and [email protected].

01-07-2003, 12:13 PM
Even though it wasn't my question, thanks for the suggestions! I think I will try again some of these things on Tex. Poor Tex- he is sooo tired of being my guinea pig (no offense to the guinnies! ).