View Full Version : Outstanding Oreo

03-20-2020, 05:58 PM

Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
What a handsome bunny who knows what he likes to eat.
You enjoy your exercise time or just being petted.
Celebrate your special day.

03-20-2020, 06:12 PM
Dearest Oreo, what a precious Mini Lop Rabbit you are! You are so pretty with that soft-looking white fur with black spots, and that sweet face with the cute grey ears and those lovely dark eyes. And what a delightful personality you have! You enjoy sitting in your hutch, looking out at the scenery. You're very affectionate and love to be petted and have the top of your head rubbed. You stay as close to your dear people as you can, and you even come over to snuggle when someone sits or lies on the grass! You're very fussy about your food, eating it in "like" order. Sometimes you even dump the least-liked dish to let your people know you've had enough of the slop and want some treats! You and they all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Oreo, on being chosen today's Pet of the Day! We hope you and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


Felicia's Mom
03-20-2020, 07:48 PM
What a handsome bunny you are, Oreo.
Congratulations on being POTD!

03-21-2020, 12:44 AM
Oreo is so adorable and smart!! Life is short, why just eat the healthy stuff ?? Eat some greens and then skip to the tasty, delicious bits 👍🏿🐰 cute bunster indeed 🐇🐰 Awsome POTD

03-21-2020, 09:20 AM
Congratulations, Oreo, on being POTD! You are adorable and precious! :) However, pet bunnies are NOT outdoor pets ... We hope you live inside your family's home 99% of the time. (Pet bunnies can be litterbox trained.) Loneliness, boredom, predators, poisons, illness and extreme temperatures can be fatal to pet bunnies housed outside in hutches. Pet bunnies want to be part of the family's interaction inside their home every day ~ play with the family, cuddle with the family on the couch, be a REAL part of the family like every beloved pet. We're praying for your safety and that you live inside your family's home, where all Heaven-sent pet bunnies belong. God Bless you, precious Oreo! :love: XOXO http://www.guineapigsrfun.net

03-21-2020, 10:51 AM
Hi Oreo! Happy Pet of the Day!:)

What a beautiful, most precious Mini Lop bunny you are, sweetheart! How lucky your family is, having a furkid as sweet and loving as you, Oreo; the ultimate snuggle bunny, that you are; pure Velcro, hehe! It's easy to see how your mom fell hopelessly in love with you, Oreo, having been chosen by you to your very own! Yes, you truly are one extra special boy, Oreo. But like all kids, you do have your moments, especially when it comes to food!:D

Oreo loves eating treats and will eat his food in "like" order, finishing everything he likes first, and leaving what he likes the least for last. He'll even dump his dish to tell you he's had enough of the slop and would like more treats.

What a scamp!:p How lucky your mommy is, having a furkid, a source of never ending joy, love and laughter in you, Oreo! You're a treasure, a joy, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!!!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, Oreo! Meeting you has been such fun! I hope you were treated to a very special day of celebration...chowing down on all of your fave foods and treats; receiving countless cuddles and head skritches; being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, snuggles and smooches to you, adorable Oreo, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!!!:love::love::love:

SO beautiful!!!


03-21-2020, 07:57 PM
Oreo is a calm rabbit who loves to just sit in his hutch and look out at the surrounding scenery. He is a very gentle Mini Lop who loves to be petted. When you open his hutch, he comes right to the door to have the top of his head rubbed. When he is let out of his hutch for exercise, he never tries to run away. Instead, he will always try to stay as close to us as possible. If you sit or lay on the ground, he will come over and snuggle up right next to you.

Oreo loves eating treats and will eat his food in "like" order, finishing everything he likes first, and leaving what he likes the least for last. He'll even dump his dish to tell you he's had enough of the slop and would like more treats. It's officially my daughter's pet rabbit. She took care of him for the first three days, and I have been taking care of him ever since. She can't have him back!!!!

Hello, Oreo! Happy Bunny Pet of the Day!

What a beautiful bunny you are! I like your mostly white fur with the darker spots, your whiskers, and your brown lop ears!

You are a snuggle bunny, coming right next to your person, receiving petting and being adorable! You are calm and sweet. You are smart at meal time, eating your favorite foods first and leaving behind the food you don't prefer. I would be glad to serve you a treat, or give you loads of head rubs and snuggles! You are very special!

Happy, happy Bunny Pet of the Day to dear Oreo!