View Full Version : Pet Peeves??

01-05-2003, 04:52 AM
Meow meow meow...I thought I'd come up with this... Of course, everyone loves their animals but also lose their patience when they're being bratties! :p What do you extreme dislike by sight...or hear of what your animals have done...and that have broken your dearly heart?

1) I'd scream when one of my cat is eating a holly-x-mas plant!!!
2) My dog is eating her dessert in backyard...(cat's waste, yep...it's a chocolate to dogs!)
3) forgot a pizza cutter sitting in sunk, my cat would love playing with some metals...ahh no more cuts! Poor my babie...
4) Seeing my precious creatures not eating!!!
5) Busting flea(s) sitting on my pets' face!!!! (smokes coming out my ears...)
6) My dog eats my cat's food! (this problem..solution discovered but argghh!)
7) Cont'd when think more....looking forward to hear yours!

01-05-2003, 05:07 AM
When Joey gets hungry for items other than DOG FOOD!!!!!

25 CDS' (almost All Johns' Music!!!!)
remote control (Johns' T.V.)
Delilahs bed...(Foamies ALL Over the House!!)
GArdenia bush...(poor Tree!!)(That John Planted and watch Grow!!)
all of our vines on our fence!!!!(The Better to Tug on Before ingesting!!)
Boat Shoes
Levi Shorts
Miami Dolphins Hat(last three all in one afternoon)(all Johns' belongings!!)
The tomatoes on the table left to ripen(silly John!!!,what was he thinking??)
The BOX SPRING On OUR BED!!!!!!!!! 2 Whole Corners....Plus tried the frame!!!! came home..Looked like the leaning towre of Pizza!!!

I'll stop for now,I know that theres' more!!!

Do you think that Joey is trying to tell John something????;) :)

No trips to the Vet!!! Joey is Healthy as a Horse!!!

01-05-2003, 06:57 AM
well I must admit that I yelled at Kim yesterday when she jumped on my keyboard and erased 4 paragraphs of work, and I didn't know how to get it back.:mad:

But my #1 pet peeve is when they bathe so loudly you can hear them in Siberia

01-05-2003, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
But my #1 pet peeve is when they bathe so loudly you can hear them in Siberia

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!! You are dozing and they jump on the bed and start that NOISE!.......ewwwwwww!! :D

I guess my biggest pet peeve is when Malone gets into one of his "moods"...it's kind of hard to explain, but he stands and whines at you, but doesn't want to go out, eat, play, or sleep. He's just being a whiny brat. And if you ignore him, he comes and nips you. :eek: When he acts like that I usually give him a time out in his kennel for a little while, and then he will snap out of it.

01-05-2003, 12:27 PM
when i bend over to pick up somthing and odie thinks he's got to jump up and try to like my face, then he gets me with his teeth and it HURTS!!!!!

01-05-2003, 12:50 PM
well, i obviously hate it when mickey ignores me :mad: but he doesn't really know his name yet...:rolleyes:
what i really don't like is when he gets in that mood like malone does. he'll whine but for no specific reason. also, when he runs under the table and doesn't come out. i have to go nuts on my hands and knees trying to catch him :eek:

i hate when rocket jumps on my hand as i'm changing the food and water. it's like he can't wait for it. sky likes to tip over the food containers until its actually on the floor. :rolleyes: :mad:

01-05-2003, 01:31 PM
Oh my .... where to start?!? :p

Lacie is old and deaf and lays right in the middle of the hallway, usually when I'm trying to carry in groceries or something. She can't hear, so she doesn't move. She also crawls under the couch, bed or desk to sleep, and since she's black, she's hard to see. I don't see her, she doesn't hear me leave the room and close the gate .... about an hour later, after I'm asleep, she wakes up and realizes she's locked in .... and starts screaming and howling. *sigh*

Vanilla BARKS! And barks and barks and barks! Squirt bottles have an effect for approximately 12 seconds.

Wishbone liiiiicks, and liiiiiicks and liiiiiiicks his paws and front legs .... very slowly, and loudly. Sllllluuuuuurrrrrrppppp, Sllllluuuuuurrrrrrppppp, Sllllluuuuuurrrrrrppppp. :mad:

Pepper hides under the bed and won't leave the bedroom, then when I give up and leave, she gets back on the bed, under the covers and sleeps all day.

But the worst .... the worst! ... is Georgie, Jack and Wishbone marking in the house. Nothing is more irritating, frustrating or infuriating than finding a little puddle of pee along my baseboards! :mad: :mad:

01-05-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
............Vanilla BARKS! And barks and barks and barks! Squirt bottles have an effect for approximately 12 seconds.

Wishbone liiiiicks, and liiiiiicks and liiiiiiicks his paws and front legs .... very slowly, and loudly. Sllllluuuuuurrrrrrppppp, Sllllluuuuuurrrrrrppppp, Sllllluuuuuurrrrrrppppp...........

Yes, these would be my "Pet Peeves" also, Louie isn't called LOUD Louie for nothing. He has become an expert at Doggie Haiku:
Invisible Man
Come to get us all

And there is a reason Louie has learned the command "NO PIGGIES"..... I think he thinks he's a cat.:rolleyes:

01-05-2003, 04:40 PM
I know, Simba is such a great dog... but he does piss me off sometimes.

When he does a trick perfectly, then when people are here he acts dumb like he's never heard the word "stay".

How he WAY overly protective over my family and i.

How his eyes, face and everything about him is irrisistable....And i can't stand being mad at him.

01-05-2003, 05:38 PM
My pet peeves are the following:
Storm: When he's in one of his very needy, buggy moods and he nips me if I don't pay enough attention to him. He thinks he's a dog so I guess that's why he sometimes acts more like a dog. He'll also nip me to try to wake me up in the morning.
Pepper: When he gets very excited and drools all over me. He'll also get nippy too. Also when he jumps out of the litterbox and then goes over to his food dish and tries to bury his food. The part that bothers me is that he leaves litter all over the place mat. He also sometimes forgets to cover up his business.
Sunny: When he meows very loud early in the morning or very late at night. Also when he plays in the water dish which makes a big mess. When he tries to wake me up by meowing in my ear. Also when he forgets to cover up his business.

Even though my cats can be bad boys, I still love them very much. I also can't stay mad at them very long because they're so cute. :)

01-05-2003, 06:30 PM
I shouldn't ruin it, by saying anything, but my girls have been really good lately...they don't listen as well I would would like when other people/animals are around, but they try. Sadie tends to be alittle aggressive with some dogs when she is on a leash, but never mean. Cincy hasn't dug in along time...I really can't complain!!!

01-05-2003, 11:35 PM
Smokey is old. He pees ALL the time. I know he can't help it.....but sometimes he'll bark to be let out, and sometimes he doesn't even bother. Even when he was younger he'd still lift his leg on this certain couch in our living room. So now, we have a 17 year old little black poodle running around our house wearing a diaper.....I'm not even kidding.

His bark drives me mad! And sometimes he's just so whiney and won't stop barking and begging.......he is horrible at begging for food! He'll even jump and grab it right of your hand! (good thing we have Nebo now! He wont' let Smokey beg at all.......it's hilarious ) He is totally in love with my mom and will cry if 2 feet away from her.

Reggie is a SNOT!! He is so grouchy, he growls over *everything*!! He is always waiting for Nebo to even move so he can run out and growl at him. Lol, and he must be great friends with Loud Louie....because he is LOUD also! If somebody rings the door its a mad dash barking as loudly as possible. He barks over nothing. He just likes to bark. He is very dog aggressive also. He really has a talent for ignoring me....and he's very excellent and jerking his head at all the wrong moments when trying to groom him.

Nebo tends to get really bitey sometimes, he gets in his "moods." Nebo is totally independent at times. He definitely has that husky attitude...meaning.....yeah, he knows what you want him to do, but maybe he just doesn't feel like doing it lol. He'll behave *great* for me, but if I ask him to do tricks in front of people he really enjoys acting dumb. When he was in puppy kindergarten he'd be great at home, and pretend I wasn't there in class. He destroys *everything* he gets his mouth onto. I didn't think it was possible to kill that many toys! He's also a little bizarre at times.....as some people he'll come right up to, and other times he is terrified of people...all in the same day. :confused:

LOL ok that was fun.....haha we're always talking about how good our pets are and now I'm complaining about them! But you KNOW that all of my complaints don't really mean anything....I love the little buggers no matter how big of brats they are! I could make a list a lot longer then those of all the things I *love* about them!! :D

All Creatures Great And Small
01-06-2003, 07:27 AM
Gina, I didn't get a chance to welcome you to Pet Talk, so.... welcome! :) You know, I honestly can't think of anything my kitty does that is "naughty". He's never broken anything, he lets us sleep, he's a quiet bather.....I know he gets up on the counters, but only when we're not home :p . There's one time in recent memory that I was pretty mad at him, and here's a link to that thread. Every Picture Tells A Story (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16431)

And Rottieluver45, I agree totally - it drives me nuts when I see dogs loose in the back of a pickup truck, especially with an open bed. I once followed a guy on a freeway in Tennessee for MILES, going about 85 MPH with a beautiful chocolate lab in the back. :mad: :mad: Would they treat their HUMAN family that way?

01-06-2003, 07:32 AM
The first thing that comes in my mind , is MY X-MAS CARDS !!
Inka seems to love to jump in the middle of them ...:mad: . They are all on my dresser , and everytime she "admires" them , she makes sure they ALL fall on the ground .... . Poor me ..! Usually I hang them on a ribbon at the wall ; but as my cats love jumping at things , I put them on the dresser :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek:
CATS , ....:rolleyes: :D

01-06-2003, 06:13 PM
Well :o :o :o , it's more me than them, I suspect...

Cassy: 1) Door dasher extraordinaire! I can rarely catch him when he gets outside. So far, he's been fine and gotten home safely on his own (after I had a sprained ankle last summer, I quit chasing after him. He just seemed inspired to run further and faster when I chased...) It's just very nerve wracking when he gets out. As a nominal 'indoor only' kitty I don't think he's safe outdoors. 2) He's taken to sleeping on my chest/arm when I'm on the computer. When my typos get REALLY bad, it's usually because I'm 'touch' typing one handed while a kitty is nuzzling my face. Charming, but distracting.

Livvy: 1) She seems to evaporate whenever I get the camera out. Not really, but 80+% of the photos in our home are Cassy only because I can't find her usually when the camera's out. Discouraging when I want to show the world what a lovely little girl adorns our home. 2) When I'm unwinding in the evening over my sewing or crochetting, I get a lapful of Livvy. It would be great if she'd settle in, but she seems determined to run up and down my body a half-dozen times before she settles and I usually need to set the sewing aside due to fears of accidently stabbing her. (Now, if she skewers me with her claws, it's a total accident; but heaven forbid: it's a human plot if she gets an owie! Oh boy, does she pout and carry on if her scritchies become scratchies!!! BAD MOMMY!)

Both: occasionally there is 'duelling litter pan digging' contests staged in our bathroom at 3 a.m. Sometimes I wish the fur-kids were equipped with noise suppressors!

P.S. By the way - 1) Welcome to Pet Talk and 2) great question!

01-06-2003, 07:25 PM
Rottieluver45 - I agree! 400%! Someday I'd love to make a new law...if police sees any dogs in the back of truck...s/he is getting a a bear citation! Do you guys know if there already have a law like that....or how can we set that up!? Someday....we, all the pets community will! Pets Rule!

wolf_Q - *chuckles* I know what you mean, not one of us would mean it, but we're learning something new..like I did from you! Some pets behaved the way the others don't.

All Creatures Great And Small- Thanks for the welcoming! Made my day :) Yeah, have had a bad day already....(never with any animals) But they are not here with me today....once again..thanks!

To all - thanks so much for responding! Enjoying learnin' something new...esp to be prepared ;)

Miss Meow
01-06-2003, 07:34 PM
Raiding the rubbish bin during the night and leaving mummycat to clean up the mess :(
Vomiting on the carpet even though the tiles are only inches away
Wreaking havoc at 5am and then sleeping the rest of the morning while we are tired all day!

But that's nothing really. What really gets on my nerves is my neighbours. They have two big dogs in a small house block and never walk them.

01-06-2003, 09:15 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AmberLee

Both: occasionally there is 'duelling litter pan digging' contests staged in our bathroom at 3 a.m. Sometimes I wish the fur-kids were equipped with noise suppressors! LOL AmberLee :D

01-07-2003, 09:01 AM
I don't have too many pet peeves about Juneau but he also does that playing dumb thing around other people, lol. And that aaaaaawwwwfullll slurrrrrpppp noise when he cleans himself! EwwWWwWWWw. Sometimes he steals human food, anything that touches the floor is his, also he stole half a chocolate orangey thing off my desk and gobbled it, grrrr. :)

01-07-2003, 02:52 PM
Noah: How he bites people that come over, especially after I tell people what a little lover boy he is to us. :rolleyes:

Noel: Having a "tortietude" is cute, just not ALL the time...

Basil: That EVERY TIME I go to kiss/pet/talk to Noah, Basil is over there in 2 seconds flat...he wants to love Noah too...thus Noah gets annoyed and walks away. Its really hard to give Noah lots of extra loving (because of Olivia being there) when Basil has to help! :rolleyes:

Olivia: She is the dominant kitty in the house and we've just learned she gaurds the bed at night! Now, Noah, Noel and Basil are afraid to sleep with us at night!!!! This makes me so mad!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Dixieland Dancer
01-07-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Nebo is totally independent at times. He definitely has that husky attitude...meaning.....yeah, he knows what you want him to do, but maybe he just doesn't feel like doing it lol. He'll behave *great* for me, but if I ask him to do tricks in front of people he really enjoys acting dumb. When he was in puppy kindergarten he'd be great at home, and pretend I wasn't there in class.

I don't think it is strictly a Husky thing. I mean mines a Golden and if you want to see the ultimate independent dog - it's Dixie! Actually she is an Alpha Bitch in every sense of the word but she is 100% loyal to me. All I have to do is ignore her and she goes nuts!!! When I tell her to do something and she gives me that "you want what?" look I cross my hands and turn my back on her and she immediately does what I told her too!! LOL She can't stand for me to ignore her. I guess this is her Pet Peeve!

Amy - I just wanted to let you know that 99% of all dogs do wonderful at home and act like they were never worked in class. This is normal. He is not acting dumb but is truly distracted by the environment because there is so much more to focus on than you. lYou need to start working Nebo around distractions. This is taking his training to the next higher level. In a non formal class environment take him where there are alot of distractions and work on his attention there. Go to the Pet store, a park, anywhere there are other dogs or kids. When he focus's on you and not the environment, praise him and reward him like crazy. This is an excellent area for clicker training!

OK - My Major pet peeve is when they go out and roll in the dirt immediately after I give them a bath (this never fails)! Rolling in smelly stuff when we go for walks in the woods is also very aggrivating to me. :rolleyes:

01-07-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

[COLOR=teal]Basil: That EVERY TIME I go to kiss/pet/talk to Noah, Basil is over there in 2 seconds flat...he wants to love Noah too...thus Noah gets annoyed and walks away. Its really hard to give Noah lots of extra loving (because of Olivia being there) when Basil has to help! :rolleyes:

If you substitute Dakky for Basil, and Tenny for Noah, that is my house! I cannot have two seconds alone with Tenny without Dakky coming on over to bust up the love fest. UGH!!!

Other than that, and that isn't really a PP, nothing my cats do gets on my nerves. They are absolutely perfect.....

/s/ Johanna (under great duress)

01-07-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
.../s/ Johanna (under great duress)

Hee, hee, hee! I love it when you talk lawyer! ;) :p

01-08-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee

Hee, hee, hee! I love it when you talk lawyer! ;) :p

And, I do it so tongue in cheek!!! I do it to my mom sometimes, and I don't think she appreciates my humor, I don't know why!

I answer my cell phone, "mobile law office"when my sister is calling me!

01-08-2003, 02:00 PM
Hans - his barking, he'll bark at anything.

Fritz - his kissing. He loves to lick your face. I don't mind one kiss, but 10 is way too many.

Sparky - when he bugs Hans.

I can't stand their jealousy. It's impossible to pet just one!

Edwina's Secretary
01-08-2003, 02:41 PM
Edwina's obession with drinking from the humidifer (particularily when she has a nice fountain of her own)

and being such a bi*** whenever my mother is visiting (it's because my mother's dog is ALWAYS with her)

01-08-2003, 03:32 PM
Thank you for starting this thread about pet annoyances. Our pet hooman can be a real pest!

Cassy: My meowmy just doesn't understand the allure and excitement of going outies! I gots ta sneak out to really get a good sniff of stuff and stretch my legs. Boy. It's an exciting world out there and Meowmy wants to keep me in cotton wool. I's a BIG boy now. Or, worse yet, she wants me to go walkies on a leash. How can I look like the tough guy I am on a ... l-e-a-s-h, I ask ya? I gotta slink by the next building in case the cute Siamese chick there sees me going walkies with my Meowmy. :o :mad: :o And Virgil, the Tom across the parking lot comes and sits on our patio and chants, "Leash walky Cassy, youse a dumb cat." It's humiliating. Oh, and at night when Meowmy's on her puter and tippy-typing and tippy-typing and tippy-typing away and I come in and remind her she has a gorgeous boy (me, ahem) wiff my claws on her hip she hurts my delicate ears wiff her screams. What is it wiff hoomans, anyway? My claws aren't that sharp. :(

Livvy: As you know, I am a furry love-godess. So I've got a responsibility to my fans and devotees. Lots of beauty sleep, lots of baffies, ... it's a burden, but one I gladly bear to maintain the standard, you understand. It seems like everytime I settle down for a refreshing snooze, my Meowmy sneaks up with a flashy light thing and wakes me up! She calls it a camera; I call it a nuisense. Humpf! Them flash light thingies make my eyes go ouchie! She should stop. And SOMETIMES she FORGETS to give me my nightly massage. What if I should lose my gently rounded figure? What is she thinking anyway. She should be more con-sid-er-ate, she should. Well, she's merely hooman, has a good heart, and a firm hand on the kibble dispenser, so I guess I should cut her some slack.

Hoomans: can't live wiff em, can't live wiffout em.

01-08-2003, 07:37 PM
Does your hooman sit in the play tub wiff WATER in it? What's at all about, anyway? She can't be trying to drink at stuff. Maybe she's trying to baffy herself? Silly hoomans! We worry about her sanity sometimes.

01-16-2003, 08:44 AM
I thought of one more...A huge pet peeves is when I see someone feed their Cats/Dogs the human food!!! Due to the experiences of my friends', killed, stomach removal, vomits and all...*yughy*. If Mocha eats a beef, actual size as same as ONE of rabbit's pellet, that fell on the floor in kitchen..she WILL make a yellow digusting puddle on our carpet in couple of hours... :(