View Full Version : AmberLee and I Went To 2 Cat Shows Today!

01-04-2003, 11:34 PM
Hi everyone. AmberLee and I went to two cat shows today. Are we crazy or what? :D We started at 9am and didn't get home until about 5pm. We had a great time and met a lot of very nice people. We also saw some very beautiful cats. Moosmom (Donna), there were a few sphynx's there but there was also a new breed of cat which is totally hairless. It's called a Hawaiian Hairless and the breeder said that there are only 12 of them. She said that they feel like a warm porpoise. We also saw more of the Shri Kirk Rex's. They are also a fairly new breed and their fur is very kinky curly like a little lamb's. They are called the cats in sheeps clothing. They're very cute and cuddly looking. I also saw a twin of my cat Storm. The only difference is that the cat is a female. Her name is Hallelujah and she's 2 years old and was in the adoption section. We were hoping that she would get adopted today but she didn't. I forgot the name of the rescue organization but they've had her since September. We also saw a young Norwegian Forest Cat that could be Lut's Inka's twin. So if you read this post Lut then I think that Inka is a Norwegian Forest Cat and not a Maine Coon. I bought 2 cat sweatshirts and also got some free samples of Royal Canin Indoor Formula dry cat food. I had a great time and a great day too. :D

01-05-2003, 06:54 AM
How can you come back empty camera-ed?


01-05-2003, 07:00 AM
you came back empty handed, too ?!?!?!:D

01-05-2003, 07:04 AM
Oh yippee! More Pet Talkers get to meet! I would have loved to see some pictures too. Maybe next time!

01-05-2003, 07:48 AM
Inka could be a Norwegian Forest Cat ? This thought crossed my mind too ; but is it normal then that she doesn't like to go outside ? Today , I took her with me for a walk (she was on a leash) . She walked alright , yes , but was always turning around and heading back to the house ...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: !
She also has fur on her paws , between the pads ! Is that Main Coon or Norwegian Forest Cat ?? I wonder :confused: :confused:

01-05-2003, 09:03 AM
Hawaiian Hairless??? :confused: I've heard of a Peterbald which is fairly new. But HH? I'll have to look that one up on the internet and see. I'm glad you had a great time. Cat shows are so much fun. I can't wait to show Moo in a couple of weeks. I like it when they have TONS of vendors and I just get paid :D I hope they have the Nok-Out vendor there. That stuff is the BOMB when it comes to ridding odors instantly.

But, I echo what everyone else does:

"WHAT???? NO PICTURES???????"

I promise to get tons of pictures Moo's showing. :D

01-05-2003, 10:03 AM
I just went on yahoo and looked up the Hawaiian Hairless. Forgive me, but a Sphynx is a Sphynx is a Sphynx. This cat is a Sphynx. I don't know how and why they come up with these names. Here's the link to where I got the picture and the history of the Sphynx, Peterbald, Mexican Hairless (which I always thought was a dog) and the Hawaiian Hairless (whatever!!!)


Also keep in mind that two of the breeders listed in the history of these cats (one of which is also an M.D. and geneticist) were also the breeders that I rescued MooShoo and Faberge from. I will leave it at that. :mad:

01-05-2003, 12:34 PM
I was at the Toronto Cat Show and they were introducing the Pterbald as a brand new breed! Just to rake a few more bucks in fronm the cat loving public. They also had the Munchkin , which is going a little too far as they will have back problems , you wait and see! catmandu.

01-05-2003, 04:11 PM
I also saw quite a few Munchkins. They seem to be very friendly cats. :) Sorry I didn't take any pictures but I decided to leave my camera at home this time. Since I was going to 2 shows in one day, I just wanted to be able to relax and enjoy the shows if you know what I mean. :) As far as the Hawaiian Hairless goes, I also thought that it was a Sphynx but the owner told me that the difference is that this cat has no hair at all. Not even any eyelashes. I always thought that Sphynx's were completely hairless too but when one of them was being judged I saw a few fine hairs on the end of it's tail. I tried to talk AmberLee into adopting Storm's twin but she couldn't do it either. I'm also at my cat limit with 3.

01-06-2003, 01:00 AM
I just plain forgot my camera, but had a marvelous day. So many gorgeous cats! You can hardly believe it.

I bought a toy for the furkids (feathers on a stick), a new fleece lined bed (at various times both fur-babies have used it. I think Livvy really loves it: she spent close to half an hour earlier kneading it!) and some clothes for my niece's birthday later this month. Oh, and some cleaning solution that I've heard good things about.

The CFA show had something I've never seen before (could be I've just missed it...). They offered each attendee a blue ribbon and mini-form to fill out for our favorite cat on exhibit. I'd been most impressed with a kitten that reminded me of Cassy's early months, but wasn't able to get his number for the form. A little girl (9ish?) who was exhibiting her cat for the first time asked if she could tell us about her fur-boy: he was Shamus O'Kitty, 21 months old, and a little intimidated by the crowd. He reminded me of Sara's Tinky in color and coat pattern. I was more impressed with the little girl's patter and spunk in inviting us to admire her cat so I gave her my ribbon. KAK had fallen hard for a red or ruddy Abby (an adorable cat, really!) and she gave her ribbon at that bench. The abby shared a cage with an adorable Scottish Fold -- there were a lot of ribbons left there, but I'm not sure if they were all for one cat or split between them. The exhibitor with the most ribbons at the end of the weekend wins a prize. I thought this was a neat way to get more audience interaction.

It was a great day, but I must admit I was exhausted by the end of it.

OH! Reminder to self -- We got to the TICA show just as it opened and for once all the cats on the benches were lively and friendly. I'd never realized that time of day means so much to cat's energy levels. Fascinating!