View Full Version : Kitten Box Training

02-03-2020, 09:23 PM
Hi there, I got a small kitten a week ago. He's 2 months old, and the problem is I can't train my cat to use a litter box. He pisses in there but poops always near it. I tried everything, silica gel, bentonite, pine, I tried put orange peel over the floor (I was told cats do not like the smell and will not poop where the orange peel is). I bought two litter boxes, thought probably the kitten kust does not like pooping and peeing in the same place, but no. I even put a marble piece into one of these litter boxes ( thought the kitten probably likes the surface and that's why popping on the floor). But still no. So, I'm angry and tired, I almost get used to it and just choosing one of these (https://houseweather.org/best-air-purifier-for-odors/) things from odor. This thread is just the last hope, do not want to spend $200 on air purifier. But you know, if you don't know what to advise, just tell me which one of the devices you have if you have one.

02-04-2020, 07:09 AM
Hi there, I got a small kitten a week ago. He's 2 months old, and the problem is I can't train my cat to use a litter box. He pisses in there but poops always near it. I tried everything, silica gel, bentonite, pine, I tried put orange peel over the floor (I was told cats do not like the smell and will not poop where the orange peel is). I bought two litter boxes, thought probably the kitten kust does not like pooping and peeing in the same place, but no. I even put a marble piece into one of these litter boxes ( thought the kitten probably likes the surface and that's why popping on the floor). But still no. So, I'm angry and tired, I almost get used to it and just choosing one of these (https://houseweather.org/best-air-purifier-for-odors/) things from odor. This thread is just the last hope, do not want to spend $200 on air purifier. But you know, if you don't know what to advise, just tell me which one of the devices you have if you have one.

Hi HoneyPie, sorry to read about the kitten trouble!
First, I have a few questions:
1. How old is the kitten?
2. Does he have diarrhea, hard stool or is it normal?
3. Has he had a vet check up yet?
Since he is peeing in the box, I don't think that it is a training problem.
Kittens often have worms or other intestinal parasites, which can be very uncomfortable, so he could associate the litterbox with discomfort and goes somewhere else. If you haven't already done so, take him for a checkup, and have a stool test done and a general exam.

Good luck, and please keep us updated!

02-04-2020, 10:50 AM
Do you pick up the poop and put it in the box? I would pick one litter type and stick with it, but agree that a vet check is likely in order. That he pees in the box means he is okay with that litter, and getting in and out of the box, so it may be something more medical than behavioral.

I the mean time, I would surround the box with easy-to wash towels or wash clothes, just for easy clean-up and odor control.

02-04-2020, 07:28 PM
Dear HoneyPie, your kitten is probably going through some adjustment problems moving into a new place! At two months of age, he's still quite young and may be missing his mom and littermates.

You've already gotten good suggestions here. Definitely get him a vet check, including a stool test and general exam, if he hasn't had one! If he has, talk with the vet who did the check and find out what was done. Ask for advice from whichever vet has checked him out.

That's good that he pees in the box. Where or how did you get him? Can you ask the people you got him from how he did with using the litterbox at his previous place?

Maybe pick one kind of litter, that he pees in properly, and stick with that as you and he work out solving this problem. And good idea, towels or wash cloths around the box for easy clean-up and odor control.

All our best wishes that everything works out well. Please don't give up! Your kitten is still pretty much a baby and learning the ways of being a growing-up boy, so he needs some time and space. What is his name?

Please keep us updated! And please give him a lot of affection and love, as he settles into his new home. My two cats and I are sending loads of purrrs and pets to him and good wishes to you both.


ema watson
02-26-2020, 07:40 AM
Hi there, I got a small kitten a week ago. He's 2 months old, and the problem is I can't train my cat to use a litter box. He pisses in there but poops always near it. I tried everything, silica gel, bentonite, pine, I tried put orange peel over the floor (I was told cats do not like the smell and will not poop where the orange peel is). I bought two litter boxes, thought probably the kitten kust does not like pooping and peeing in the same place, but no. I even put a marble piece into one of these litter boxes ( thought the kitten probably likes the surface and that's why popping on the floor). But still no. So, I'm angry and tired, I almost get used to it and just choosing one of these (https://houseweather.org/best-air-purifier-for-odors/) things from odor. This thread is just the last hope, do not want to spend $200 on air purifier. But you know, if you don't know what to advise, just tell me which one of the devices you have if you have one.

My expereince was so good with them https://www.freshairguide.com/air-purifier-pet-odor-allergies/
you should also try this one i hope they will never disapoint you.

03-02-2020, 07:53 PM
I'd put the poop in the litter and leave it there for a while every time she craps on the floor. You can try crapping in the litter yourself in front of her, maybe she'll get the message. Don't laugh, I'm serious. I had a kitten who was far too young and not weaned, had to show her how to drink water about 50 times before she got the hang of it 🙀👍🏿😻🤜🏻🤛

03-02-2020, 09:18 PM
I'd put the poop in the litter and leave it there for a while every time she craps on the floor. You can try crapping in the litter yourself in front of her, maybe she'll get the message. Don't laugh, I'm serious. I had a kitten who was far too young and not weaned, had to show her how to drink water about 50 times before she got the hang of it 🙀👍🏿😻🤜🏻🤛

03-02-2020, 09:22 PM
P.s. with my tongue in a bowl like cat. I was so scared she would get dehydrated. Now she drinks normally like any other cat from a glass on the island in the kitchen... 😹😻😺😺

03-03-2020, 05:44 AM
Lately I've been seeing more and more cats who drink from a glass on the island in the kitchen.

Mine haven't insisted on that from me yet, but it's probably only a matter of time. We don't have a kitchen island. Maybe they'll want me to set it up in the middle of the living room floor, where I'll accidentally kick it over each time I walk by.


03-18-2020, 02:16 PM
A lot of the times this is an issue with the cleanliness of the litter box. Always make sure to keep it clean or else your kitty will refuse to use it. In this case though, that doesn't seem to be the issue since he's peeing in there. Like everyone else said, rule out any medical issues at the vet.

Most likely it's just an adjustment period since your kitty is still very young. Instead of that expensive air purifier, I would just get another litter box. Plenty of cats refuse to pee and poo in the same box, so this could be a quick fix.

Do you have another cat? Sometimes cats will poop outside the litter box (https://mycatsupplystation.com/why-does-my-cat-poop-outside-the-litter-box/) if a 2nd cat is guarding it and being territorial. If this is the case, adding another litter box would solve this problem too.

Good luck!

05-06-2020, 06:03 AM
My expereince was so good with them
you should also try this one i hope they will never disapoint you.

Thanks for your advice. It's really help