View Full Version : The brave little poodle

01-03-2003, 02:03 AM
This is the story of the brave little poodle:

The human decided to feed the big husky dog. She put down his bowl of food and walked away. The big husky dog is not known for being nice to dogs with his food. He just loves his food too much to let other dogs near it!

The human heard the sound of dog food being munched. She walked away, figuring the big husky dog was having a nice dinner. Then she turned around...

A very interesting sight was to be seen! :eek: The ancient 10 lb brave little poodle was standing BETWEEN THE LEGS of the 50 lb husky with big teeth....EATING HIS FOOD!!! The husky was just standing there with a strange "What is he DOING?" look on his face...

Not 10 minutes later the husky dog was to be found laying on HIS bed chewing on HIS bone. The brave little poodle lays by his HEAD and sniffs the bone.

I think the brave little poodle is turning into the "not-so-bright" little poodle! :eek:

01-03-2003, 05:33 AM
*lol* that is soo funny!! Sounds like one of those "wish I had the camera moments"!!! Did Nebo tolerate this, or did he tell him to get lost??

01-03-2003, 07:08 AM
Ya gotta love those poodles!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

01-03-2003, 08:50 AM
that's what I call it:D He is Smokey the courageous poodle!!

Guess we know who the boss is in that house hu?:p