View Full Version : im not gunna pick between them!

01-02-2003, 06:40 PM
We have 5 cats 3of them mine-Missy,Moonpie,and Casper....
well my 5yr old brother has a cat named BP(balloon pop) and he and my male cat got into another fight today and my mom said that Casper has to go!!!well then i went in there a lil bit latter and she said that we have to pic and can only keep 2 cats!!
Casper i raised scence he was a baby and moonpie too!and i got Missy from my aunt..I love these three very much! and iv came to a conclusion that my moms just gunna have to get over.......IM NOT GUNNA PICK BETWEEN THEM!! ....

what do yall think???if this where you?


01-02-2003, 07:52 PM
I'm sorry that your Mom put you in this terrible position. :( I know that I could never give up any of my cats either. Hopefully you can talk your Mom out of having to get rid of any of your cats. If not then maybe you could have a very close friend or relative adopt your cat so that you could visit he/she as often as you wanted. I sure hope that everything works out okay. Good luck.

01-02-2003, 08:08 PM

I hope that every thing works out ok......hopefully this will blow over and I dont have to choose...



01-03-2003, 07:44 AM
This the most difficult question ever ... ! I would NOT be able to choose too... ! I hope your mom changes her mind , because this is really an impossible request of her ...
Let us know how it turns out , hey ! Success !

01-03-2003, 09:54 AM

I have a question...are the cats neutered? If not, that's probably the reason why. Whole (not neutered) males will fight for territory. Before you have to go picking which cat to rehome (I think it's unfair of your Mom to make either one of you choose) you might want to have them neutered. This will DEFINITELY help.

I could NEVER choose from any of my furbabies to rehome. I love them like they are my children. When you have a multi-cat household like yours (and mine), there will be confrontations from time to time. It's just nature. As long as there is no blood shed and no one gets hurt, the best thing to do is let them sort it out.

I'm sorry your Mom has put you in this situation. I hope she will reconsider. Good luck and let us know what happens.

01-03-2003, 03:12 PM
I am very sorry you have been put in this horrible position....it is very unfair.

Have things gotten any better?

01-05-2003, 11:29 PM
Things have gotten a lil better....
Shes not going to make me pic if......they become outside cats,this is okay with me because they are already out side cats....aperently she hasnt noticed this:eek: :confused: :eek: ....
Moosmom-No they are not fixed,hopfully I can get Casper into the vet soon,I also have to get his rabies shots soon..........

O yeah,good news this isnt about my cats but I found my cousin a Kitty!!!She had been wanting one because her cat Lil bit ran away after her cat Jughead ran away:( So I found her a beautiful white kitten......I will get pics asap of Dusty.........

Thanks everyone for your support!


PS-When I said that I have to make the cats outside cats,im not really like makeing them because 1.they all ready are outside cats&2.you CAN NOT keep these two inside,they love being outside!!


01-06-2003, 12:54 AM
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have them all neutered/spayed, *especially* if they are outside! You don't want your cats to be creating more unwanted kittens!