View Full Version : Rascal's Non-Encounter

01-02-2003, 12:08 PM
Rascal has survived the holidays, but just barely! His cousin came to visit and what an ordeal!

Mingus is a black lab and his experience with cats....well, read on.

Rascal is a boy who can handle himself, so I didn't confine him when Mingus arrived. We all went outside to the back yard and all of a sudden we heard the most horrible sounds coming from my living room. We raced into the house because it was clear from his howling that Mingus had been very seriously injured.

We rushed to him and started looking....and looking......and looking for the damage. Was it an eye? Was it an ear? Where was the blood? Maybe a paw? We searched and searched - but could not come up with one scratch. And then the truth came out.........Mingus said "well, Rascal MIGHT have attacked me if I let him get any closer."

Mingus also told us how he feels about cats when he went outside for a bit of relief. There is a steel one dimensional cat on the picnic table that has turned orange in the weather..........and he barked at it furiously!

Edwina's Secretary
01-02-2003, 12:22 PM
Edwina can certainly relate....when the first of her three canine cousins --- Gavin -- arrived for the holidays she laid down the house rules for him -- with a few quick slaps across the snout!

He passed on the info to the others and they would not even acknowledge Edwina's existence. In fact...they would scoot to the other side of the room if she entered!

Edwina's Story (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19201)

Poor Mingus...Gavin, KC and Odin....it's a dog's life!

01-02-2003, 01:27 PM
Poor puppies....but these stories are too funny!!! See? Not ALL dogs chase cats, its the other way around!!! :D

01-02-2003, 03:15 PM
LOL :) :)

01-02-2003, 05:27 PM
My cat boys agree with Rascal, you got to lay down the law with dog critters or they just walk all over you. :D

01-02-2003, 07:56 PM
LOL Rascal was just defending his territory. :)

01-03-2003, 08:21 AM
My cat boys are also a little racist. The story with Tigris and my parents' dachshund Amber was the same than with Mingus. Poor Amber.

But Filou showed a better education. He even gave a nosekissie to Amber but then he went. Upstairs. Under the bed.

01-03-2003, 08:42 PM
These are too funny!! And Mimi says "yippee" since she now knows that she is not the only one to put those dogs in their place!!! :D