View Full Version : Fantastic Felix

12-22-2019, 03:00 PM

Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
What a handsome boy you are.
You get good things to eat and company.
Celebrate your world famous day.

12-22-2019, 05:45 PM
Dearest Felix, what a beautiful rabbit you are! Your black and white fur is so pretty and looks so soft, and you have the sweetest face with that cute nose and those lovely big dark eyes. You have the most delightful personality, too. You know a good trick: you ring a bell, and after that you get a reward! You and your dear person are great companions, and you love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Felix, on being chosen today's Pet of the Day! We hope you and your dear person and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats, maybe a special serving of grass, salad, hard bread, and rabbit food!


12-22-2019, 05:56 PM
Hi Felix, in
Beselich-Niedertiefenbach, Germany! Happy Pet of the Day!:)

What a beautiful bunny you are, Felix! No matter your breed, when it comes to looks and personality you're pure perfection!:) And what a very special bond of love and trust you and your young human share! She/he clearly loves you SO very much, and just as she/he says, you love her/him back every bit as much! What a team!

It's wonderful to learn of the happy, love filled life you're living, Felix, treated to all the best that life has to offer, most of all love! Your human is one lucky girl/guy, having a beautiful, smart (ringing a bell!:eek::cool:), sweet and loving best friend in you, Felix! Every young human should be so lucky!:)

Thanks for the BIG smiles, Felix! Meeting you tonight, learning of the very special bond you and your human share, seeing your heart-melting photos has been such a treat! I hope you enjoyed a very special Pet of the Day celebration, sweetheart...treated to some time playing in your garden, weather permitting; chowing down on a yummy salad; cuddling with your human; being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, snuggles and kisses to you, beautiful Felix, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!:love::love::love:

SO beautiful!!!

Felicia's Mom
12-22-2019, 07:48 PM
What a handsome rabbit you are, Felix.
Congratulations on being Pet of the Day!

12-23-2019, 06:58 AM
Congratulations, Felix, on being POTD! You are adorable and we love your name! :) Our wish for you is to live inside your human's home because you are a SMALL PET and pet rabbits should not live outdoors due to predators, poisons, weather, loneliness, boredom, getting lost and never found again. Advice from pet bunny experts: "Outdoor pet bunnies are more likely to be preyed upon. They can be frightened to death without even being touched by a predator. Rabbits need companionship and interaction often from humans daily. Pet bunnies hide illnesses. Could mean life or death. You must act quickly when they are sick. When indoors, you notice their eating & behavior changes more quickly. Indoor pet bunnies live longer. They are safe from poor weather conditions (heat/cold/rain), threatening animals, poisons, boredom, loneliness and are happier pet bunnies. Pet indoor bunnies become a part of the family, not easily forgotten about or given away or lost. The human/animal bond is optimized when you get to see your bunny dancing and enjoying your companionship. Outdoor pet bunnies are sometimes even afraid of humans because they are not familiar with them. Housing a pet bunny outdoors is usually the beginning of the end. They cannot adapt happily to wild life." We are praying for your safety and happiness, Sweetie. :love: