View Full Version : How can I tell if my kitten is PREGNANT? And other questions...

01-01-2003, 06:15 PM
Sorry this is so long, in advance... :)

I have had Zeke and Jordy for almost 4 years. They are both neutered. Noel was found at work on Christmas Eve. She is TOTALY scared of Zeke and Jordy, still. She hisses and shakes when I open the door to the guest room which is where she's been living. I have been trying to introduce them but she is so freaked out by Z & J that I feel so bad for her when I take her out. She is totally loving and purrs when I go in the room alone.

She was 5 lbs when I found her, and the vet said she was between 6 mos and 1 yr old. I'm guessing only 6 months cause she's so little (to me) :) She is now 6 lbs and she eats like a huge pig! She eats SO MUCH I can't believe it! She's always starving acting when I give her the food, which is several times a day MORE than I would expect to give her.

So she was supposed to get spayed in 2 weeks, when she goes back for her booster shots. But I have been wondering if because she is NOT spayed yet if that has something to do with her being such a freak and NOT ANY calmer around the other 2 yet. So she's going to get spayed this Friday.

The more I thought about it, the more I remembered when I took my cat to this same vet (different cat, 10 yrs ago) to get spayed. My stupid exbf let the cat outside before she went to get spayed. The vet told me after getting spayed, that she had been pregnant with 6 kittens. :eek: I was like, OOOoooookkkkkkkk... So you gave my cat an abortion????? I didn't say anything to the vet because I was pissed. But anyway now I'm remembering that, and that made me wonder if THIS kitten is pregnant which is maybe why she's so hungry and why she is so scared of the other 2 cats? I checked out her titties today and they are normal looking, tiny little pink bumps, nothing more. Is there any thing else I can check before I take her to the vet? And which would be worse, if she is pregnant, to let her get an abortion or to let a bunch of unecessary kittens in the world?

(For the record, and I don't want to start and argument, I just want your thoughts.... but for the record, I am pro-chioce in real life, though for ME I would never have an abortion. But since I have never been put in that situation, I would never push my beliefs on others... It's more involved than that but anyway, your thoughts please? And also, ho can I tell if she's pregnant??)

Thanks so much!
Alexis <><

01-01-2003, 07:39 PM

The teats are usually the first sign. They get big and pink. Depending on how far along a cat is, the belly will bulge a little. As far as her appetite is concerned, it could be she might have a case orf worms. Ask your vet to give her a dose or two of Drontyl. They can usually be seen in her poops. There are other types of parasites that would also cause her appetite to increase.

As far as being pregnant and aborting kittens, let me explain it a little better.

When a cat is pregnant and goes into be spayed, it's not like a human abortion. The vet takes out the whole uterus, kittens and all. The kittens never meow, breath or move. I am pro-choice and would rather have THAT than bring in unwanted kittens into an already over crowded world. But that is only MY opinion.

I highly doubt your cat is pregnant. The best way to find out is to have the vet check her out. Bring a stool sample (no more than 24 hours old).

Good luck and keep us posted.

01-01-2003, 07:40 PM
the vet should be able to tell if she is pregnant if she is far enough along. If you do NOT want her spayed if she is pregnant, than just postpone it and wait. If you will get her spayed either way, then the sooner the better (while they are small)

She may just be scared because she is more timid. It takes some cats longer to adjust to a new environment and new furpals. Give her time and introduce slowly. My pesonal experience is females are harder to introduce than the easy going males (But that is only my opinion)

She could be eating a lot because she always had to fend for herself, and not knowing where her next meal would be coming from. I found that it took quite a long time for a few of my cats to stop eating like there was no tomorrow and it had nothing to do with pregnacy.

If you are prepared to responsibly find homes for each and every kitten, take care of them for the full 8 weeks and give them all the necessary medical care required to a mom and babies than you can allow her to have the babies. But sometimes abortion really is the best choice.

Hope some of this is a help to you. Good luck

01-01-2003, 08:19 PM
When a cat is pregnant and goes into be spayed, it's not like a human abortion. The vet takes out the whole uterus, kittens and all. The kittens never meow, breath or move.

Well that's how abortions work him humans too, the babies don't breathe or cry or anything then either, they are just too young. Anyway, she was tested for worms when she went to the vet that day. They stuck a thingie up her butt (poor Noel) and got a sample. Then they put flea stuff on the back of her neck that was also a de-wormer (or something like that)

She wasn't thin when I got her, but she was hungry acting. It was obvious that she wasn't living out on her own for very long because she was clean and her ears were clean and she wasn't too scared of us.

Her stomach is bulging out now. But of course, she EATS SO MUCH. I mean, should I stop feeding her so much? Her titties are DEFINITELY small and flat and light pink just like the boys titties. If she were pregnant, would they be big and brighter pink already?

Oh yeah also, the vet checked her belly for a scar in case she had been spayed before. She checked for the scar by feeling her, not by moving the hair around and looking. She was rubbing her a lot in ber belly area (which she loves by the way) and if she was pregnant, would she have known already? Unless she was brand new pregnant?

Alexis <><

01-02-2003, 04:50 AM
If she's brand new pregnant the vet couldn't have felt it. Later on, you can even see the kittens move inside. If her belly is bulging it can come from the food (BTW cats that have been outside on their own sometimes tend to overeating as they had never enough food -so be careful. She should get enough food but not overweight). If the whole cat is very slim and just the belly bulges it could be worms.
Good luck with her. I am sure she is very happy she found you (although she may not know at the moment)

01-02-2003, 11:57 AM
We've had Olivia for three weeks, we brought her home on December 14th...she is JUST NOW not hissing and/or freaking out when she see's the other cats. I thinks girl cats just need a whole lot more time time get used to other kitties and people...even their environment. Her bahavior sounds like she is fearful, but that'll go away with time.

As far as eating a lot, the vet told me the same thing Barbara said above...that, and kittens tend to overeat anyway.

I would take her in for her spay...the vet will be able to tell you if she's pregnant.

Let us know how it goes. :)

01-02-2003, 03:28 PM
a cat needs to be pregnant for three weeks before you see the enlarged teats (known as "pinking-up")

So, hypothetically, if she got pregnant the day before you found her, (a little over a week ago) - the vet should know if she is pregnant in less than two weeks.

The cat could be eating so much because of worms or because she is finally getting a decent amount of food and has catching up to do. She's so young, she could just be storing up for her next growth spurt.

Are you feeding her kitten food or cat food? It's always best to go with a Vet's recommendation, but I switched my kittens over to cat food when they were 6 months old.

01-02-2003, 08:23 PM
The vet didn't offer a suggestion. I think they asked what kind I was already feeding the other cats but I can't remember. So I started letting her eat the same (Nutro's MaxCat hairball management) But she doesn't shed and she was so hungry acting I just bought Nutro MaxCat for kittens. I'll get regular MaxCat adult when this bag is gone I guess.

So Noel is out of the room tonight!!!!!!!! Milestone!!!! She's sitting on the dresser, mostly relaxed looking, but hisses everytime Zeke or Jordy walk by. Zeke got tired of that game so now he's lying down also. I'm going to start a new thread with a bunch of pictures. :) Stay tuned. Shouldn't take me long. :)

Alexis <><

PS Catland thank you so much for the description. I have an appointment for the spaying tomorrow. I guess I don'tw ant to know if she's preg and about to get an abortion or not.
Oh, Noel is now still on the dresser, hissing at herself in the mirror. :rolleyes:

01-02-2003, 11:38 PM
Happy thoughts for her spay tomorrow!!! Let us know how it goes!!;)

01-03-2003, 05:50 AM
hissing at herself in the mirror......that is too funny.

My newest, Kim, hissed at the others for quite a while. But she is settling in now (it had been about 6 weeks)

01-03-2003, 06:07 AM
When I first brought Tiger home as a tiny kitten, she would also gobble down more food, in proportion to her size . It was because the people who had her didn't feed the litter very much. When she saw all the food, and water, she would growl and hiss at the others and keep them at bay with her front paws, until she ate. But after about a week, she began to realize that there was plenty of food to go around and began to eat more civilized like the others.


01-03-2003, 04:15 PM
Noel is home and perfectly happy! (in her room by herself of course) The spaying went fine and she is more awake than I thought she'd be. She keeps picking at her stiches though so I'm thinking she'll get them out by herself and won't have to take her back! I'm not LETTING her though, but everytime I open the door, there she is licking and pulling. :rolleyes: I tied a handkerchief around her belly and that made her lie down but then she scooted right out of it. (sigh) I hope she doesn't put herself apart. It looks like it's been healed a few days though, funny.....

Oh, and she was NOT pregnant, or if she was, there was no note saying she was. But she is suddenly SO SKINNY I got scared and called about that, They said she had a HUGE BM right before surgery (and she was laughing when she told me) so that, plus not eating in almost 24 hours, plus having her insides taken out, makes her look skinny. I'm talking concave sides though... freaky actually.... Well she's alive so it's not like I think they accidentally took out her intestines and stomach LOL

Alexis <><

01-03-2003, 04:26 PM
Your description of the kitty seems a little odd. I don't know if you are just being overly dramatic, or if something is wrong with the kitty. I don't think I would notice concave sides in a cat after a spay, nor do I think a vet would 'not tell' you if she was pregant...you seem a little uncertain about this vet, and I think I might watch things carefully, and go somewhere else, if you aren't getting answers to questions, or notice your cat looking suddenly different. (I don't think even a large BM would make the cat look concave- unless there was serious bloating going on). Just my opinion, but something seems off, and I don't know what it is.

01-03-2003, 04:34 PM
Don't let her TOUCH her stitches.....you have me wondering why the vet didn't give you an e-collar so she COULDN'T go near them....

01-03-2003, 06:28 PM
I actually have one of those things to put on her from when Zeke scratched his eye a few years ago. I'm sure it would fit Noel. But the stiches look fine really. I've checked on her a few times lately and she's been sleeping. I even gave her a bit of food a little whle ago. She didn't even chew it. I wonder if I can try to take a pic of her stomach. I wish I had taken before and after pics. I certainly didn't expect this!

Well, the thing about the vet was, I did NOT express my concerns about her being pg when I got there. I didn't even mention the possibility because I didn't want them asking me what I wanted if she WAS pg. So when I picked her up, I didn't even see the vet. When I called about her stomach that's when I asked about being pg, the receptionist said no, she checked the paper work and said there was no note there of her having been. Maybe they are required to say so? I have no idea. But she didn't think it was an unusual question and acted like she knew where to look...

Ok off to take some pics.

Alexis <><

01-03-2003, 06:45 PM
I think its cute that you call Noel "little girl". That's our nickname for our female kitty Jan. I probably call her "Little Girl" more than I call her by her name.

01-03-2003, 07:04 PM
Little girl :) Well I've had a hard time remembering to NOT call her little boy :) Jordy's nickname is "The Jordy Boy" and Zeke's is "The little Zeke" which sometimes gets extended to "Who's not so little anymore" So now Noel is "Mommy's little girl" or "The little Noey Girl"

Ok so here are the pictures as promised. Of course, the pictures don't show what her stomach area FEELS like. The other thing is, Jordy is naturally this skinny. That's why I'm not THAT scared about seeing such a skinny cat. Plus, Noel was 5 lbs at the vet on Dec. 24 and 6 lbs here on Dec 31. Just a moment ago I weighed her and she was 5.5 so it could be the unusually large BM. Heheh. Without further ado.....


you can see her stiches sticking out here.

This pic shows it the best I think:

This was taken last week:

So can anyone see the concave-ness? Can you tell in the pics? Look at the shading of the fur just in front of her hind leg. If my palm rubs down her back, and my thumb goes on one side and my fingers go on the other (remember that old manwich commercial??) then I feel like my fingers could touch. Again though, that's the way Jordy was when he was much younger. But Noel was NOT like this last week. I guess I just have to wait till she has a few days worth of food in her again.....

smokey the elder
01-05-2003, 08:25 AM
When Bosun was spayed it looked like she was super-skinny. I think it depends on the cat's build; even when she was pregnant she didn't show. Also, the shaved belly calls attention to the aft end of the cat! Even if she is underweight, I'm sure that can be fixed. Good luck.

01-06-2003, 03:30 PM
WOW, I totally see the concave-ness in her. I think that is pretty dang impressive...not in the good way, you know? How is she looking now? I don't know what to say...but, I guess keep her away from the stitches..maybe the vet treated them with nasty stuff? My cats always got the off white ribbed sleeve to wear...and I know all vets are different, but, I woulda thought you woulda been given something....

Anyhow, she is very very cute, and I wish I could pet her, skinny and all.. :)

01-06-2003, 06:10 PM
The skinniness is very NORMAL in cats who are spayed. They took out her whole uterus, what do you expect? They get over it within a week. Again, NORMAL!

I am sure if she was pregnant it would have been noted in her chart, and they would have let you know.

As far as stitches, vets just usually let the animals be, no E collar or anything. If you call the vet I am sure they would be happy to offer you an e collar, at aroung $15 dollars. If she doesn't leave them alone, go get some bitter apple and that should do the trick.

Some vets will use dissapearing stitches that desolve, so that there is no need to have sutures poking out or to be removed. They are placed under the skin, you can't see them but you can feel them. They slowly dissolve while the wound is healing.

01-06-2003, 06:22 PM
Bastet looked like that *concave* when she was spayed. The uterus in cats is a BIG organ. The vet didn't give me an e-collar either - he said that if she touches her stitches let him know. Cats hate not being able to groom themselves and puts psychological pressure on them if they can't. Maybe your vet didn't give you a collar for that very reason. Noel looks like such a sweet little kitty. She will be fine after a good sleep and a good feed :)

01-06-2003, 07:57 PM
All three of my girls were skinny like that, and with Tilly it lasted about five days (the longest of all of them). The vet warned me though and it's perfectly normal! Even though it doesn't look very good! :eek: :D

01-06-2003, 10:00 PM
I think the "look" is normal as well .... as far as the stitches, the vets stitch them internally as well ... so even if the outer ones were pulled out, she wouldn't pop open...but you would still need to call the vet!

Most animals know (sense) how to clean and care for their own wounds ... their licking actually helps healing along! Try not to worry unless you see obvious decline in her!


01-07-2003, 05:22 AM
After their spaying, Tiger, and Cookie were both a bit thin, but now they look pregnant, with all the weight they have put on. It takes weeks for them to fully recover from the shaving and thinness.


01-07-2003, 10:13 PM
Our baby girl Wobbles had a VERY concave belly when she was spayed. However, we couldn't stop her from picking her stitches, so we had to get an e collar for her. Trust me, she was NOT happy, but she was going to pull out those stitches if it was the last thing she did. A week or two in the collar (and a very unhappy kitty) we were able to take her to have the stitches out, and she healed up nicely. :)

01-08-2003, 09:53 AM
Wow thanks for all the replies! She is not quite as concave looking today. She stopped picking at the stiches that night. But yesterday I looked at her belly and it looked like she was picking them again. But it's healing nicely and they'll come out soon anyway. It doesn't look like she's hurting herself just maybe licking them.

I did weigh her last night and she weighs 5.5. When I got her she was 5 and a week later I took her for the spay she was 6. Now she's the same as the day I brought her home, 5.5. She's not eating as much as when I first got her, I guess she's realizing the bowl will always fill back up.

She is not getting along AT ALL with Zeke and Jordy however. I am able to let her out of the room for a while, she's BETTER than when I first brought her home. She even went nose to nose with Jordy, just as I was about to say "Awwwwwwwwww" She jumped back and hissed and even clawed at Jordy. He didn't do anything to provoke it, they were just nose to nose, Noel jumped back. Then Jordy just stood there for a second looking at her as if she was not even there, then he turned around and walked away. So she spends more time out of the room, a LITTLE less time hissing, and more time with her claws out.

The biggest problem is I am moving into a house on Friday. So I'm busy packing and nothing is normal for any of them anyway. I figure once I get settled into the new house we'll start a routine and she will settle in a little better. :)

Thanks everyone! I'm so happy I found this place!!! :D

Alexis <><

01-08-2003, 10:28 AM
Well, did I ever learn something about spaying and concaveness...I wonder if I can get 'spayed'? I would LOVE concaveness..for once in my life:D

My cats were sooo young when they were spayed, and I just don't remember it being so traumatic. But, it must have been:confused: Maybe the white sock they wore kept it hidden from me.

As to the introductions and the soon new house, it may work out extra good...cause no one will have a territory, and all of them will be a bit off (well, that isn't good), but, they can all adjust together.

Good luck with the move, the unpacking, and the introductions!

01-08-2003, 10:44 AM
Glad to hear that she is looking a little better now. :)

Good luck on the move and like Cataholic said, this could be a good thing. They may just need a little more time to adjust to eachother, but I'm sure that they will grow to love eachother in time, and if they not, at least tolerate eachother. Good luck again.

01-13-2003, 11:24 AM
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! They are getting along great now!!! They touch noses, and if Zeke or Jordy stick around longer than it takes to touch noses, Noel will hiss at them. But at least she LET'S them touch noses. And last night, I couldn't believe it. Zeke snuck up behind Noel, sniffed the top of her head without her noticing, then he started to LICK her head! And she let him! I couldn't believe it!!! Yay!!!!!!!!! This day came MUCH sooner than I expected!!! :D

Alexis <><

ETA: Noel's stomach is no longer concave either. She's back to normal. Stictches come out this week. :)

01-13-2003, 01:22 PM
GREAT NEWS! I am so glad things are moving along better than anticipated! Thank you so much for the updates.