View Full Version : has your cat ever caught a "real" mouse?

01-01-2003, 01:15 PM
Just wondering...last night hubby and I were sitting in the garage while he was having a smoke and we saw a mouse(including Rocky) I think it was the first time he ever saw one, I have never seen him act the way he did...his tail got all puffy, and started shaking practically and he got in attack mode and went after it...that little mouse was way too fast but man...I could have sworn he was gonna get him...after that though he kept begging and begging to go out in that garage but we won't let him out there without my or Steve's presence so..anyway...just wondering...has your cat ever caught one?

01-01-2003, 02:27 PM
Yes - Bo has! I used to live in the country with a couple acres, and Bo was allowed outside. I remember his first mouse - he was playing with it, and in his excitement, it got away. :)

Then there was another time (same house) I knew there was a mouse in the kitchen cabinets. In my junk drawer I found chewed up napkins and photos, and a few mouse droppings. All four cats would sit and stare at the cabinets, but they couldn't get at the mice. Finally, I used my head and opened all the cabinet doors and drawers before I went to bed one night. The next morning, there was a dead mouse on the floor.

We plugged up the opening (the vent from our stove that was built in to the island thing) and no more mice in there.

Desert Arabian
01-01-2003, 02:40 PM
Our cat Dudley is too dumb. He "stalks" the rats in the cage, but they lunge at the bars and he runs away. He'll also watch the squirrels in the backyard, he goes nuts over them. One time he was laying in the grass and had a vole walk 1 foot in front of his face- he never saw it . :rolleyes: Our old cat used to catch things a lot- cicadas, baby rabbits, etc. I will leave that up to my mom to tell you, since I was little when she did all of that.

Heather Wallace
01-01-2003, 07:02 PM
Never a mouse but Max is terrible for going to the pond next door and getting the poor frogs. I have had to rescue a few and put them back over the fence, hoping that he hasn't injured it to badly.

01-01-2003, 07:08 PM
My cats to whimpy to catch a mouse!!! She's a small russian blue , she'd probaly run if she saw one!

01-01-2003, 08:49 PM
Sometimes, I allow the cats access to the fenced in back yard. I sit out there with them. One day, I noticed Dakota acting a little too interested in what appeared to be the grass. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that he had captured a small little snake. UGH! As much as I dislike snakes, I couldn't let this little baby snake get harmed. I was forced to get Dakky to release it, and finally he did. UGH!!! How gross. The thing slithered away, and so did my feelings of nausea.

Felicia's Mom
01-01-2003, 09:27 PM
I had a cat that caught a mouse. It wasn't one of the cats I have now. This was 20 years ago. When I came home from work, there was a mouse just inside the door. It wasn't a grey mouse either. but brown and white. A day or two later, one of my cats caught a grey mouse.

That was the first and last time for me.

01-01-2003, 11:03 PM
My cats have never caught a mouse since their indoor only cats. My parents cat used to be quite the mouser and bird catcher. A few times when I'd be taking care of her there would be a decapitated small rat in the house that I would then have to clean up. :eek: I also found many bird feathers but no bird. She passed away a few years ago.

01-01-2003, 11:06 PM
When I was a child we had a pet gray tabby named Sylvester. We lived at the edge of a farming area. One day about harvest time, Mom was impressed to find Sylvester playing with one mouse with one paw. With each of his other three paws he had a mouse trapped. I think that was probably a record for mousing...

(Now if Cassy or Livvy ever caught one, I think I would freak out completely!!!)

01-02-2003, 12:37 AM
The Meezer Beans are NOT Mousers. WE are "Informers".:rolleyes: WE will "Inform" Mommy & Daddy of the presence of some tiny furry intruder....However it is up to Mommy & Daddy to remove the offending freeloader.... Well, it's up to Daddy because Mommy will scream at 180db if the mices come in from outside!:rolleyes: :eek:

We have a friend named Salem who is a GREAT mouser, however her Mommy doesn't think it's so great as she likes to bring the live ones inside and THROW them at her Mommy to play with her.... :eek: :eek: :eek:

01-02-2003, 01:45 AM
No mices from my cats, but a while ago Corkscrew caught a small lizard.

01-02-2003, 04:52 AM
Our RB Meezer Kisi - used to bring dead mice in as pressies for us! Charming! Sometimes she ate the mouse and present us with the head! SORRY IF YOU'RE EATING AT THE KEYBOARD!

Of the three musketeers Bagel is definately a hunter - but brings her trophies in alive! Can't be doing with mice, so I always need help to get 'em outta the door!

I know I've mentioned before she brings frogs in - ALIVE. These come from our friends across the road who have a garden pond! Luckily they don't freak me out, so I pick them up (she never hurts them!) and take them back to be returned to their pond - in Spring it can become VERY boring - back and forwards returning froggies home!


01-02-2003, 05:09 AM
Filou had the chance to stay with his cat mother until he was 15 weeks old. And one day she brought him a mouse for him to catch. (They were living inside a big old farmhouse where there were mice in the attic). He is reported coming down from the attic as proud as can be, little tail up with the mouse in his little mouth:) Must have been a big moment in his life.

We have no mice here and we have thought sometimes (politically very uncorrect) to buy them some:eek: . But we could never do that as we love mice and other small animals just as much:)

01-02-2003, 07:36 AM
No mice here, but as in Russian we call the bats - flying mice, I can say Juni cought two. She ate the fisrt one, eeeeekkkgghhhhhhh :eek: We released the second one (as Barbara said, we love all kinds of animals. OK OK, bats not too much, at least we have mercy).
Last year I visited a former boyfriend in Germany. He had a kitty, he rescued when coming back home from a date with me (from Romania to Germany through Hungary where he found Mitzy). I love this Mitzy - she has the most beautiful paws I've ever seen. Of course, I showed her how much I love her and she showed me her feelings too - she kept bringing me gifts every morning - dead mice. After I left, she stopped bringing mice too. I bet my friend was relieved (not that I left, we were and still are friends).

smokey the elder
01-02-2003, 08:00 AM
I have several former ferals that are good mousers, and believe it or not, my CH kitty Diva has caught a couple. Mittens, a former foster, was an awesome mouser, with those catcher's mitts of hers.

The best mouse story from my place comes from last winter. Six of my cats had this poor mouse surrounded in my front hall. Nobody would go after him so he got away! Later I saw 4 cats staring under the fridge in the kitchen. The next morning I found a poor little dead mouse in the kitchen. When will they learn that this place is feline central??:confused:

01-02-2003, 09:02 AM
Our two adopted strays, Patty and Krissy were really proficient mousers. They used to deposit gifts on the doorstep constantly. A few years ago we had a little field mouse in the house and our three cats Patty, Ginger, and Louis stalked and stalked, and finally caught it. We don't know who actually did the deed. Our previous cat Ella was no mouser. We had a squirrel run in the house once and I was rushing to get a paper bag to try and trap it and put it outside. But before I got the bag it ran right by Ella who just looked at it with very little interest.

01-02-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
I know I've mentioned before she brings frogs in - ALIVE. These come from our friends across the road who have a garden pond! Luckily they don't freak me out, so I pick them up (she never hurts them!) and take them back to be returned to their pond - in Spring it can become VERY boring - back and forwards returning froggies home!

LOL! I just had a picture of you trudging back and forth to the pond to release those poor frogs! The cats probably think it's part of the game: we catch the frogs and bring them to Mom and then she puts them back and then we catch the frogs and bring them to Mom and then she puts them back and then.......:D :D

As far as mice go, we've only had one in our apartment. All I can say is that Squirt is not a mouser! He swatted at it a few times and then lost interest and started washing his tummy. :rolleyes: Eventually I caught it in a towel and took it outside - I don't think he even noticed it was gone. :)

All Creatures Great And Small
01-02-2003, 11:07 AM
Well, like YLL said, our kitty is a little "slow on the draw", so he probably wouldn't be able to catch anything live. He doesn't have the opportunity, since he's an indoor/outdoor on harness only kitty. I do let him play in the attached garage sometimes, and he corners chipmunks that sneak in through the gap at the side of the door, but he has never actually gotten one. I wouldn't want him to catch or eat anything.

Now, my mom's cats, on the other hand, were ferocious hunters. She used to live in an upper flat (duplex, apartment, etc.), and she would let her kitties roam freely through an open window at the bottom of the stairway, day and night, summer and winter. The boy kitty, Phil, is now 12 years old, and the girl kitty, Taffy, I think is about the same age, so they were both getting pretty old then. Both are declawed in the front, yet they would catch FULL GROWN RABBITS and drag them up the stairway to present to my mom. They brought in countless birds, including cardinals, mice or chipmunks nearly every day, and yes, frogs and lizards too. (Amazing, since she lived in the city, nowhere near any open country!) She finally trained them to take whatever they had into the bathtub, so she could more easily clean up the gore that was left. :eek: :eek: Most times the poor creatures were brought in still alive, so my mom had birds flying around fairly often, and was constantly returning animals to the outdoors. She also had kitties getting sick from eating outdoor animals. She would call me and moan and complain about all this, but when I suggested she keep the cats inside and only take them out when supervised, she said she "couldn't". (She's retired too, and home all day, so it would be easy enough for her to keep an eye on the kitties.)

Now she lives in a lower apartment in a complex that has a large pond, and keeps the sliding patio door open day and night, winter and summer. The kitties are still bringing in the occasional frog from the pond, but they've gotten older and maybe their eyesight isn't as good. One time, as she was trying to return a frog to it's natural habitat, she slipped on the bank and FELL INTO THE POND in the middle of the night (yuck!! it's all full of algae and pond scum!!) And she's still calling me to complain about the apartment being too cold in the winter and too warm in the summer, and her heating/cooling bills being so high, and all the spiders/bugs getting in, and of course the only response I have is SHUT THE *&%@ DOOR THEN!!!!!!:mad: :p (Parents these days, I tell you.....)

01-02-2003, 11:26 AM
My cat Samantha was a great mouser in her younger days.
When she was 4 we moved to a new house in a new development with a big hayfield behind our backyard.
There were plenty of field mice for her to catch and she was always nice to leave them as gifts right in front of the door on the back deck.
Now there are more houses and more neighbor kitties to do the hunting so less mice are available.
One neighbor cat in particular has been very thorough in ridding our yard of mice, chipmunks and birds(right from the feeder and birdhouse even!):(
It was a stray cat they found by the train tracks so she hunts to feed herself and usually leaves feathers as evidence that she has been in our yard.
Our cat has never been a bird hunter which is good since she shares her house with a bird now.:)

here is a photo of how Samantha catches her toy mice now-by sitting on them!;)


All Creatures Great And Small
01-02-2003, 12:40 PM
:D :D LOVE that picture!!:D :D

01-02-2003, 02:16 PM
Rocky's mamma- I know you, I think. Don't you post on Purrfect Paws???

01-02-2003, 06:44 PM
Yep-Moonpie gets them all the time.......we live out in the country and she gets field mice?I guess thats what u call the ones that live out in pastures and barns:)
