View Full Version : Have form of Autism

09-21-2019, 12:06 PM
I have a form of Autism called Autism Spectrum Disorder,I have trouble expressing myself and with socializing,I don't go out a lot.This probably started when I was born,mom says the doctor used forceps to get me out,probably where it happened.I was bullied all through Public and High School.I read in a Grade 1 report card that I was inattentive and slouching and also had a more of a memorizing mind than a reasoning mind,remembering things is not a problem but reasoning things out is.In Grade 2 ,my teacher said I was shy to ask question,I just rather sit and listen and learn.Maybe something should have been done years ago but wasn't.Probably why I couldn't hold a regular job,I was slow learning things,the only person that gave me a job was my Brother-In-Law Larry who said I as one of his best employees.Larry and my sister had an idea to help me get more money coming in,not making enough with doing grass so ended up going to Social Services,got a case worker,I get social assistance right now for food and shelter for $733 a month.For the last month or so ,I have been seeing a Psychologist,doing all sorts of tests,during the 3rd and final one,that's where he said I had Autism Spectrum Disorder.I have filled out an application to get that,the Psychologist did one as well,it has gone in to Toronto,will take 10-15 business days for a decision.The doctor said my case is a slam dunk and should get more money which will be $1000 a monthThis program is called Ontario Disability Support Program.

09-21-2019, 01:32 PM
I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and what makes me even sadder is that nobody became aware of your condition when you were a child.
You missed out on things that are normal for other children, and so part of your adult life was difficult as well.
Your sister and your brother-n-law helped you a great deal, and now you are getting even more help, and I'm glad that you have your precious girl Heidi to comfort you.
I wish you the very best for the future.
Keep us updated on your progress!

09-21-2019, 02:48 PM
It must be such a relief to have a diagnosis after all these years. Prayers sent your way, Fritz!

11-24-2019, 03:00 PM
I got the disability support I had applied for, it is $1169 a month ,I pay Mom rent now, started at the end of last month.I pay for Heidi's grooming every month and for my cell phone.

11-24-2019, 04:21 PM
Good for you, and for Mom and Heidi as well.

11-24-2019, 05:35 PM
We're all different, and we are so so glad you are getting what you think you deserve financially.

11-24-2019, 06:29 PM
i'm so happy for you, Barry, having finally been given a diagnosis! Unfortunately, it wasn't until relatively recently that those on the autism spectrum were diagnosed, the condition discussed openly and care given. Of course, all through the years your family (and the puppers!) have been there for you, and now with the addition of your monthly stipend from the government, life is a bit easier. There's pride to be taken in being able to pay your own rent, things such as Heidi's grooming and your cell phone bill. Good for you! Do keep us updated, Barry! We're here for you!!!:love: