View Full Version : Happy Birthday to PetoftheDay.com and DogoftheDay.com and CatoftheDay.com!

09-01-2019, 12:58 PM
Today begins the 23nd year of PetoftheDay.com - Paul and I started it on September 1, 1997. And a year later, Dog and Cat got their own pages!

I am sorry I have been tardy getting the daily sites up some days, and thank you all for your patience with me.

Life in Vermont is wonderful, and busy, and full of animals, bu of course these websites are still of paramount importance! It is part of Paul's legacy on this earth, after all.

Please help keep the sites alive - nominate your pets, and tell friends to do so as well! I love carrying on the path we set out, to bring people a new reason to smile every day, and to celebrate pets, people, and the love and relationships between them.

Here is a picture taken from my front porch August 11, that tree is where the peafowl like to spend the night sometimes.


09-01-2019, 01:25 PM
Happy Birthday, PetoftheDay.com and DogoftheDay.com and CatoftheDay.com!
Thank you, Karen, for all of your hard work!:love: What a great picture, the rainbow is perfect.
This is my favorite site every day to visit. Here I can brag about my kitties and come to when something sad is going on with them, because I always get support from all the wonderful Pettalkers!
Thank you all so much!:love:

09-01-2019, 04:51 PM
Dear Karen, what a wonderful anniversary to celebrate! This is my favorite site to visit, too.

Thank you so very much for all your hard work, Karen! I can't tell you just how much I enjoy and appreciate the Cats and Dogs and Pets and Pet Talk. You and Paul brought something wonderful into the world 23 years ago!

That rainbow photo is fabulous, and absolutely perfect for today! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Congratulations on this fabulous occasion, Karen!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy

Felicia's Mom
09-01-2019, 06:27 PM
Happy Birthday Pet of the Day!

Thank you Karen, for bringing Pet Talk to us.

I am here every day, but I don't post much. Maybe because I don't have my cats (or any pets) any more).

Queen of Poop
09-01-2019, 08:00 PM
Thank you for all you do Karen!

09-01-2019, 10:21 PM
Thank you Karen for all you have done.
I look forward every evening to read about DOTD, COTD and POTD ( since I am in Europe, I have to wait whole day
to read about the pets). Once again a big thank you..
Prathima (mbsmum)

09-02-2019, 01:47 AM
Happy Birthday Cat of the day, Dog of the Day and Pet of the Day! It has been so nice to see all of the animals and share stories with other pet lovers here. Thank you for keeping the sites up, Karen! :love:

What a lovely rainbow. :)

09-08-2019, 08:25 PM
Happy Birthday to PetoftheDay.com, DogoftheDay.com and CatoftheDay.com! What a beautiful photograph!

09-09-2019, 07:15 PM
Happy Birthday

09-09-2019, 08:53 PM
Thanks again, everyone!

09-19-2019, 04:11 PM
Happy 23rd Birthday, Pet of the Day, Dog of the Day and Cat of the Day!:love::love::love:

Wow, how time flies! Can't believe next month I will have been posting here for 19 of those 23 years!:eek: That's scary!:D

Thank you, Karen and Paul, for bringing so many people together to share their love for animals and so much more! And a special thanks to you, Karen, for keeping the site up after Paul's passing. I'm sure it's not been easy, especially after the big move. As you say, Pet Talk is Paul's living legacy, and you do him proud! The photo is lovely, btw, and so happy to hear you're loving it there!:love::love::love:


09-19-2019, 08:39 PM
Thank you.

09-20-2019, 06:54 PM
Oh, a double rainbow, how lovely! Saw the most beautiful one in Hawaii in the eighties once. Excellent photo. I should be honoured to thank you as well for all of the time, effort and love you have put into Pet Talk for so many years. You have done such a beautiful job and always gone above and beyond to bring so much joy and happiness to all of us peeps hopelessly, madly in love with our pets. I feel sure that Paul is very proud of you and all the life you have lived and love you have to share. You're the best Karen 💕❤️😻🐇🐓🐰🐥🐾