View Full Version : Rough day

07-01-2019, 05:42 PM
On Saturday, I took Mindy for some routine bloodwork. Since she gets upset about vet visits, I pre-medicated her with gabapentin. We use it routinely as a sedative for wild kitties.
She was drunk, but that didn't keep her from not letting us draw blood. So she had to go in our kitty box, which gets filled with gas to put her under.
When we got home, she still was in an excitatory phase, meowing relentlessly.
After a few hours, she just gave out and slept on that chair for a few hours, and then she was back to normal.

07-01-2019, 07:44 PM
Aww, Mindy! I'm sorry that you had a rough day, but I'm glad you are back to normal! I hope everything comes back okay with your lab tests. :love: :love: :love:

07-01-2019, 08:19 PM
My goodness, Mindy, what a busy day (to put it mildly)!

I hope you've gotten all rested up by now, and I hope the lab tests come out well!


07-02-2019, 06:46 AM
Thank you, Elyse and Pat.
Her bloodwork came back normal.:) And she's back to being a sweet lap kitty again (it's just those :mad:vet visits that turn her into a Tasmanian devil). :D

Queen of Poop
07-02-2019, 11:37 AM
I'm so sorry you had such a hard time at the vet's Mindy. Sounds like you could swap stories with my boy Diego. He becomes a devil child as soon as he realizes he's in his kennel and at the vets. He is untouchable, growls, swats, you name it. In December the new vet asked to sedate him and he had his first thorough health check in many years - the old vet wouldn't sedate him but also wouldn't touch him. When he gets home after the vet he pops out of his kennel like nothing ever happened and goes to lie down like he won the battle - stinker!

07-02-2019, 01:58 PM
I always feel bad for those kitties who get so upset when they have to leave the comfort of their homes to see the vet.
Luckily, the "fear-free" movement at veterinary hospitals is becoming more common to encourage especially cat parents to see the vet more often.
Sedation has become much safer, and I don't hesitate any more to "drug" my cats to make the visit easier and safer for everybody.