View Full Version : Beautiful Nautica!

05-12-2019, 12:00 PM

Happy Mother's Day to a great foster dog.
You take care of everyone, human and animal.
What a loving sweetheart.
Celebrate your special day.

05-12-2019, 12:05 PM
Hi Nautica! Happy Mother's Day, Happy Dog of the Day to you!!!:)

What a beautiful, gentle and loving girl you are, Nautica, and being the devoted foster mom to your furry charges that you are, the perfect choice for our Mother's Day honors! How blessed those assigned to your care over the many years are, having been so lovingly nurtured by you until that happy day when they too might find their way to devoted forever families!

We have dogs, cats, ferrets, and even a Guinea Pig in our home. Some of them are rescued pets waiting for forever homes. Nautica loves them all. She helps raise all the unweaned babies that for some reason or another are not with their birth mother. Nautica takes care of them all, like the best foster mom ever, no matter what species they are.

How lucky your forever family is, Nautica, having a furkid as beautiful and loving, as compassionate and giving as you! It's never a happy day when a family finds need to surrender their animal companion, but I truly believe it was meant to be, that you would find your way to that family that had longed for you years before you became theirs. After all, you had a very important job to do!:love::love::love:

Great thanks to your family for sharing you with us today, giving us the chance to pay tribute to one very special girl...foster mom, best friend, loyal and loving furkid! I hope you're enjoying a very special day of celebration, sweetheart, being showered with love by your humans and furry charges, treated to all your big heart desires and more! Lots of love, hugs and smooches to you, beautiful Nautica, our very special and most deserving Mother's Day honoree; Dog of the Day, EVERY day! Love to all of your furry friends too!!!:love::love::love:

Motherly love!!!

05-12-2019, 05:34 PM
Dearest Nautica, what a beautiful, sweet American Pit Bull Terrier you are, and what a perfect Mothers Day doggie you are! That great photo of you with tiny kitten Leo cuddling up to you is absolutely precious.

What an amazing, heartwarming personality you have, a true gift, helping your dear people raise so many unweaned babies of many species that come through your home. Blessings and great thanks to you all! You and all your family members love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Nautica, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope you and all your "kids" and family and friends, all species, are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


Felicia's Mom
05-12-2019, 08:49 PM
What a beautiful, caring dog you are Nautica.
A perfect choice for Mother's Day.
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!