View Full Version : Carbs are the best

04-22-2019, 06:26 PM
At least that's what Olive thinks. She will make a special trip across the room if she senses anything remotely related to bread is on my plate.
I just had finished my pretzel bun (with great difficulty since I had to fight of a cat!:D), and I set my plate down for one second, and there she is, the eternally hungry cat.
I let her indulge in the few crumbs left, but I think she was a little disappointed.
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04-22-2019, 08:08 PM
Oh, how funny, and how cute! And that is clearly HER plate, so of course she expects that what is put on it is for her.

Thanks, Heidi and Olive!


04-24-2019, 10:43 PM
Be glad you weren't eating a hamburger, you might have lost a finger :D:D