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Redneck Pit Lover
12-31-2002, 09:40 AM
how do you get someone that is following the notion that all pit bulls are mean bad and dangerous into seeing the gentil side of the breed ? :confused: :(

12-31-2002, 09:55 AM
1) find as many people as you can to tell them of their experiences with nice pit bulls
2) introduce them to nice pit bulls
3) ask vets and groomers who work with them to describe how they can be

Stereotypes are hard to break sometimes. I happen to be a groomer and I have NEVER come across a nasty pit bull. I know someone with 3 and they may be rambunctious but never cause you to be afraid. My dad is one of those people that only believe the bad news that they read in the newspaper. Just because there are some bad ones (Made that way by humans) you cannot condemn them all. I have been bitten more by schnauzers and chihuauhuas than by any breed once thought to be nasty.

12-31-2002, 10:37 AM
1. realize that there are stupid, ignorant people everywhere.

2. spread the word of the goodness of Pits

3. introduce them to sweet Pits and watch their eyes when they realize how nice they really are...it's truly fun!!

12-31-2002, 12:44 PM
I know I love ptbulls all my relatives say no I will never get a pitbull they are mean and they are killers..umm no they are not most of them are sweet and loving just like all the other dogs.Just because they see on the news that a pitbull got loose and put some black little boy in critical care in the hospital..so that dog was probably trained to do that or there was a reason..people need to get the real truth about that breed


01-01-2003, 10:46 PM
pits arent mean..their really sweet......Most people see them as agressive dogs because of movies and that alot of people fight them..Pit is the most common dog that people fight right?Correct me if im wrong.......and i think thats really where people get the impression that their mean....my uncle breeds and shows his pit bulls and they are really sweet dogs!!!
