View Full Version : Scabs on my Cat

04-11-2019, 08:58 AM
How can I get rid of scabs on my cat. I understand they are an allergic reaction to fleas. She gets Revolution and Frontline (Alternately Per the vet). And until 3 months ago I had a Seresta Collar on her. She is an indoor cat. I let her go outside maybe an hour or two a day, in my fenced in backyard that has grass. I understand the scabs could also be a food allergy. I feed her the same canned food and some dry food she has always gotten. Maybe the food formula has changed. She does not tolerate baths - water on her. She was originally a feral - now my indoor cat. I scrape the scabs off of her with my fingernails - she is tolerant of that - but she gets them back. Must be an allergy that I do not know of yet. Or...? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can eliminate the scabs on my cute little girl cat? thank you. Marnette

04-11-2019, 02:01 PM
First, the flea treatments are a good start to eliminate one source of allergies. Also make sure that your house is flea free.
Did the vet give her any medicine, like a steroid injection, oral prednisolone or antibiotics? Those are usually the initial treatments for scabby cats.
If she had been given any of those medications and there was no improvement, then something more significant could be going on, like an autoimmune condition.
Let your vet know that she has not improved.
Please do not scrape the scabs off unless they are about to fall off, you could introduce infection.
Good luck, and keep us updated!

04-12-2019, 11:23 AM
What food does she get? What are the ingredients in it? Is this scabbiness something that recently developed?

04-12-2019, 01:18 PM
Where are the scabs located? If they are black and under her chin it could be kitty acne.

Benzoyl peroxide is usually used to treat it.

What does your vet say?

04-18-2019, 02:27 PM
Marnette, how is your kitty doing?