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12-30-2002, 01:23 PM
I did the dumbest thing yesterday...I stepped on a needle!! :eek: :eek:

It was horrible! I was sewing (whats that!?!?!) cute lady bug ribbon on a collar for Basil and got up to get something. I went to sit down on the couch again and realized that I dropped the rinestones for Noel's collar. When I got up to get them off the floor, I dropped the needle and thread that was still on the lady bug ribbon. I walked back to the couch and stepped ON the needle. I had stuck straight up in the carpet and in entered my foot 'eye' site up!!! I still get woozy just thinking about it! :(

David had to pull it out while I sat there crying because I was so scared. (I hate doctors, blood, sickness, etc.) David could barely do it because he was so freaked out, it was in my food a good 1 1/2 inch! It was so totally horrible! :( :(

I hurt a lot today, and will watch it. There was no blood, so we think it will be OK. They were brand new, so I don't think I need a tetnus shot...

Guess I'll blame this one on my blonde hair.... ;)

12-30-2002, 01:27 PM
lol :D

hope your foot gets better :) glad it was nothing serious.

12-30-2002, 01:38 PM
owwww...thankx now my feet hurt, i cring just thinking about it!

Dixieland Dancer
12-30-2002, 01:45 PM
I stepped on a straight pin that got embedded in the carpet the day after Christmas. Probably from someone's new cloths when we were unwrapping presents. I know your pain. :eek: Just glad it was me and not one of the pups!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-30-2002, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
... it was in my food a good 1 1/2 inch!
There was no blood, so we think it will be OK.
They were brand new, so I don't think I need a tetnus shot... :)

"Doktor" Dad sez...

Inch and a half is really DEEP - and even with a new, "clean" needle - there is risk of serious infection. The "no blood" part is problematic - bleeding helps to cleanse a wound site...
Even putting peroxide on it probably won't clean the entire wound.

Be a good idea to call your doctor and ask his advice!
Also see: "Facts About Tetanus". (http://www.nfid.org/factsheets/tetanusadult.html)

Ouwchie! :eek: Hope it feels better soon!

12-30-2002, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
"Doktor" Dad sez...

Inch and a half is really DEEP - and even with a new, "clean" needle - there is risk of serious infection. The "no blood" part is problematic - bleeding helps to cleanse a wound site...
Even putting peroxide on it probably won't clean the entire wound.

Be a good idea to call your doctor and ask his advice!
Also see: "Facts About Tetanus". (http://www.nfid.org/factsheets/tetanusadult.html)

Ouwchie! :eek: Hope it feels better soon!
Now I'm scared! :(

I'll call my doctor....thanks for the link...better be safe than sorry. :)

Dixieland Dancer
12-30-2002, 02:22 PM
Thanks for the link Phred. I too am going to check with the doctor on when my last tetnus shot was. ;)

12-30-2002, 02:40 PM
I concur....call the doctor. Tetnus shots suck, but, once you get it, they say they're good for up to 10 years...

12-30-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
I concur....call the doctor. Tetnus shots suck, but, once you get it, they say they're good for up to 10 years...
Where do they poke you??

Sara luvs her Tinky
12-30-2002, 04:37 PM
:eek: OMG!!!! OUCH!!! :eek:
Makes me shake all over ..... I would have never lived through that.... I am really not that bad about dealing with pain but that sounds soooo painful!!!!!

12-30-2002, 05:06 PM
Owwwiiieeee!!! When I was about 7 I ran a big saftey pin through my big toe. I was in the park and had tennis shoes on. It went through my shoe and the bottom of my toe and out the top by the nail. Of course I was screaming bloody murder and my brother was no help at all. He's 3 years older and kept telling me they were going to have to cut my toe off. I yelled all the way to the emergency room. Mom was about ready to strangle us both. He later told mom he meant cut my shoe off not the toe. Nice save, don't you think? I still get sharp pains in that toe once in a while. I got a tetnus shot in the behind. Believe me, I feel your pain.:eek:

12-30-2002, 05:12 PM
They're either in the arm or the butt. I just know that you're sore for about 3 days afterwards!! That stuff is really thick that they shoot in there. Sometimes you even bruise, but not very often. Like I said, they're a necessary evil. Now, don't go and get scared off of getting one or I'll hunt you down and take you myself!! lol :p ;) :D

12-30-2002, 09:04 PM
Kelly, how awful and painful. :eek: I once stepped on a bee when I was barefoot and I thought that this was painful. I agree with the others in that you need to call your doctor. I had a tetnus shot in my left arm several years ago. It really hurts a few days later but it's well worth it since it lasts 10 years. Good luck.

12-30-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Now, don't go and get scared off of getting one or I'll hunt you down and take you myself!! lol :p ;) :D

HA HA HA!!! :D
To "lighten" Mugsy's threat, I tried to uppie-date mine during the summer. At that time, there was a nation-wide tetanus shortage and they wouldn't gimme one.

Connie-- ROTFLOL @ your brother! When I use to baby-sit my sister, I'd threatened to glue her nose to the floor! Even carried around a small tube of elmers and/or krazy glue. :eek: lol If/when she was bad, I'd pop out the glue bottle to spook her and *PrEsTo* instant attitude adjustment! lol

As for my "ouchie" tale...
(This was quite awhile back tho)... A few friends and I were playing "construction"-- had some old boards and we were making a bridge over a muddle puddle (to us it was the Atlantic Ocean :rolleyes: ). I was first to try out the bridge... everything was goin' great until I was about 1/2 across. I picked up my foot and the bridge came with me... had run a rusty nail up into my foot!

12-30-2002, 10:44 PM
Wow NoahsMommy! Looks like we both got a taste of pain today. That must have smarted!! I hate stepping on tacks and such, but none have never gone as deep as that! I hope you'll be okay!

12-31-2002, 01:33 AM
Oh my! OUCH! Just reading your post made my foot hurt! You poor thing! I have had needle go in my feet but NEVER than deep! Hope you feel better soon!

12-31-2002, 08:45 AM
I once I kneeled on a tack in a carpet.. went into my knee, below my kneecap. EeeEEEwwWWWw.!!!
I had to pull it out myself.

12-31-2002, 09:57 AM
OWW!! An inch and a half is deep...consulting a doctor is definetly in order. And I thought it was painful when I stepped on a thumb tack Christmas day..I jumped before it could go all theway in.

I always get my tetnus shots in the arm. They do make your arm sore after...but the tetnus shot itself doesn't hurt at all compared to the flu shots and the hepatitis B shots I got. Whatever was in those shots stung like crazy going in.

At least you don't have a Mom that's a nurse and does vaccinations. If I don't want them, she'll just bring them to my house and stick me. I'll never forget earlier this year when she woke me up to give me a tetnus in my left arm and hepatitis B in my right arm. Talk about sore after...I couldn't raise my arms over my head for a week.

Hope all goes well with the doc and your foot feels better soon.

12-31-2002, 11:47 AM
You'll all be happy to know that at 10:45, I'll be getting my very own tetnus shot! Yay! :(

Have I said that I hate needles?

I keep telling myself...if I could get a tattoo, I can deal with this....jeeesh! What a baby! :D

Thanks for the advice guys!

12-31-2002, 01:48 PM
I got my shot....it was no big deal.... :D

(I was so brave! :) )

Sara luvs her Tinky
12-31-2002, 02:33 PM
You are so brave!! But if you think about it having a sewing needle 1.5 inches in the bottom of your foot has to be worse than ANY shot!!!!!!!:eek:

12-31-2002, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
You are so brave!! But if you think about it having a sewing needle 1.5 inches in the bottom of your foot has to be worse than ANY shot!!!!!!!:eek:
You are totally correct...I'm just a baby! :) Oh well, its all over now...I can step on whatever I want for 10 years! :D

Russian Blue
12-31-2002, 03:24 PM
I'm just reading this thread now! Ouchhhhh!

When I was 8, my friend and I decided to take a huge TV cardboard box out of the dumpster. We wanted to go sledding behind our homes and didn't have a sled, so we thought we could flatten the box and use it.


So I flatten the box, jump on with one leg folded under me and down the hill I went. Unfortunately, when I stood back up, I was bleeding everywhere in the snow. I almost fainted!

When I jumped on the box, it still had one of those 'very' thick box staples attached. Of course it tore up a good 5 inch wound in my calf, and I still have the scar today. You can imagine how sharp it was, considering it went through my snow pants and my jeans!

Lesson for today boys and girls, don't go dumpster diving for a make shift sled!!!

Ok, I'm off topic, but I bet I took your mind off your needle wound!

:p :p