View Full Version : Do you think its OK to feed feral cats?

12-30-2002, 12:39 PM
I sure do....to me, its the same as setting out a bird feeder for the birds...

We have a feral cat that I've seen outside at work about once every other week. She's a big gray, long haired cat and I think she lives in a drain pipe that goes through the length of our building.. Ever since I first saw her, I've thought about feeding her. This weekend, I bought five of those wet food packets and have decided to put food out for her...

Do you think this is wrong? Someone at work here gave me a hard time. She's not someone I respect, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt...but what are your opinions on this matter?

12-30-2002, 12:45 PM
I have mixed thoughts on this. I know that a well fed cat is a fertile cat, so in a way it's like contributing to the problem if you are feeding but not getting them fixed. I feed ferals in my neighborhood, but I have taken all but one in to get fixed. The only one left is Corktwo and as soon as I can scrape up some money he will get taken in too. So I guess I think if you aren't willing to take them in to get fixed then don't feed them. As mean as it sounds cats are self sufficent when it comes to food, well feral cats are. But it's always a good idea to leave some fresh water outside for them. Just my 2 cents.

12-30-2002, 12:49 PM
I don't think there iss any way to catch this cat to have her/him fixed. I so rarely see her.

The water bowl is a good idea, thank you.

12-30-2002, 12:53 PM
If you feed her around the same time everyday she will start comming around everyday. Every evening I can hear mine meowing waiting for me to feed them. Some are just strays and they are tame enough for me to catch them, others are very feral and need to be trapped.

12-30-2002, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
If you feed her around the same time everyday she will start comming around everyday.
ooooh! I never thought of that. I'll do that and she if she comes out...thank you.

12-30-2002, 01:06 PM
I feed ferals near my home. I'm associated with a Feral Cat Association so there are several of us which makes it easier since I only have to go on Sat and Sunday nites. The cats are captured and fixed and if any new ones show up they go thru the same routine. I know people give some of the daytime people a hard time but I agree that it's like putting out a bird feeder. The cats we take care of are fat and healthy but it still breaks my heart to think of them during the fierce storms we've been having here in Northern California. Last nite I got the wits scared out of me by a racoon who came right up to me to eat what I was putting down for the cats. THAT worries me. Trying to think of a solution to that one....

12-30-2002, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by kitten645
IThe cats we take care of are fat and healthy but it still breaks my heart to think of them during the fierce storms we've been having here in Northern California.
That's why I've wanted to feed this cat as well....its been so cold lately...something that is rare for us too.

12-30-2002, 02:00 PM
We've been feeding a cat in our backyard for years - and built a house for him, lined with polystyren and a sheepskin blanket to lay on. He even has a porch with a curtain now. :D

Someone left him before we moved in and he was sleeping in an old pram someone had left. He (Pjevs), was neutered already, so that's not a problem. We're only two families left to take care of him, but we have arranged certain days to feed him - next to his house. We feed him after the birds go to sleep, otherwise they'll take the food.

If you start feeding a cat, you have to continue - every single day! They'll very quickly get used to it. Winter, summer, holidays, Christmas eve, New Years eve.

We wish you the best of luck! And thanks for caring! :)

12-30-2002, 02:09 PM

I think it's wonderful that you're thinking of this poor baby. And yes, I think you should feed her. Afterall, if it weren't for her irresponsible owners, she wouldn't be out there fending for herself. And you can tell that know-it-all at work to mind her own business!!!

12-30-2002, 02:45 PM
I would definitely feed her.

12-30-2002, 02:52 PM
I say feed her. Perhaps get in touch with a local feral organization and see if you can arrange for her to be trapped and spayed.

Everyone in our apartment complex used to feed the ferals by the dumpster...that's probably how I got my Scout...the kitten from one of the ferals...who was too dehydrated to put up a fight when he curled up outside my doorstep. Our complex became really strict about feeding them..putting up notices, asking people to report anyone seen feeding the cats (it was ridicuolous)..heck when I read my lease again, it specically states that we are not allowed to feed any stray animals on the premisis. I don't feel to bad though. ...there is a sushi and steak restuarant in front of our building and the bus boys took a liking to our 3 ferals. If it wasn't for that, you can bet for sure I'd still be putting a little extra cat food out.

12-30-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Randi
If you start feeding a cat, you have to continue - every single day! They'll very quickly get used to it. Winter, summer, holidays, Christmas eve, New Years eve.
I am doing it this week on a trial period...mainly to see if the food is gone in the morning. I really hope the gardeners leave the food there....If the food is gone, I will continue to feed her until we move in June. I have a suspicion this building will be bulldozed and rebuilt for someone else...

I'll try to find a rescue group in the area. Any ideas on how I would find one? The closest Humane Society is the one we volunteer at, at least an hour away from where I work. I guess I could start with them though, huh?

12-30-2002, 03:14 PM
Perhaps someone from Alley Cat Allies could help you locate a group in your area.

Alley Cat Allies (http://www.alleycat.org/)

Good Luck!

12-30-2002, 03:31 PM
HINT: When you put water out for her, desolve a little salt in the water to prevent it from freezing. :D

12-30-2002, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the link Chinadoll. :)

Moosmom....thanks for the tip...I'll do that. I actually gets very cold here. I only live about 10 miles away and at home, it gets cold at night (cold to me) and when I drive in to work, the cars are COVERED in frost....poor kitty!