View Full Version : URGENT

08-25-2001, 06:14 PM
This was posted on one of my Dog Sites. I don't know how to post these letters very well so will try.


From: Gayle (Original Message) Sent: 8/25/2001 3:10 PM

I have a very urgent message I would like to get out to everyone ASAP!!! There are 5 GSD's in a shelter in Northeast Ohio that are due to be put to sleep soon (one will be put to sleep on Monday if a foster home is not found.)


Here is the letter that explains and includes links to the site to view the dogs in trouble and also e-mail addresses of the people to contact if you can help or know someone who can:

Feel free to CROSSPOST

EMAIL me, jan at [email protected] or Debbie at: [email protected] if you have available foster, qualified homes or know of someone that can help.

Please forgive all typos, ramblings, etc. . . as I'm typing fast and trying to rush to get help for the listed German Shepherds below.

I have placed these dogs up on a site to view them: http://www.ameritech.net/users/moegs/URGENT.htm

I JUST got home from a NE Ohio Shelter that had FIVE GSDs.

A 4 yr old male, Bear due to be PTS Monday. He is a very, very, frightened boy. Tail tucked, shows teeth from the bars of the cage, but once he's out of the cage he's a little better. He showed no aggression towards another dog. (He met my dear friend and co-rescue's dog with absolutely no care in the world about another male.) He's truly scared shi_less. (I'm sorry we just learned of ALL these dogs and ran out to the shelter this morning) I have Bear's Pedigree papers but the breeder's phone number is unlisted. . . So I've not been able to contact the breeder for help on him *YET*

There are two young Black GSDs both approx 1 year and/or less both beautiful boys. Goliath, owner surrender and a stray. Both boys are going to be nice size dogs.

There is an 11 mos old named Hercules, he was dumped at this shelter by Maryann J. of Second Chance German Shepherd Rescue because he was destroying her kennel. GRRRR

We pulled a 2 1/2 yr old female who's fear in the cage was so devastating and we were afraid for her. So at least she's safe in rescue with us. Gypsy was also tested with Rocky, my friend's dog and she did well.

All the dogs met my friend's dog Rocky and all dogs did well with him. All but one of the blacks (sorry we just forgot in our trying to evaluate everyone) were taken into the cat area and all of the dogs appeared to accept kitties, meowing & hissing at them, from behind the bars.

I have placed these dogs up on a site to view them: http://www.ameritech.net/users/moegs/URGENT.htm



Gayle Bosko

[ August 25, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

[ August 25, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

08-25-2001, 06:46 PM
jackie, yet another gsd tragedy...i do not in any way want to make a blanket statement...but i am getting a bad taste in my mouth from gsd rescue groups...boomer and precious still have no homes...they come out of quarantine monday...gsd groups have not answered to my knowledge...they have not returned my phone calls....but that is not nearly as bad as a representative of a rescue group dumping a dog at a kill facilit!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: that woman should not be affiliated with that association anymore after that....i would post her name to all rescue groups!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: sorry,can you tell how ticked i am??????i will e-mail the story to some rescue groups down here but we are pretty far...maybe there is a reputable gsd rescue group in ohio??????please keep us updated....the deli dog

08-25-2001, 06:58 PM
OH NO!! I don't think I can save one of these beautiful, sweet, loveable doggies! :mad: :mad: :mad: I wish I could sooooooooo bad! I wish every animal shelter was a no-kill shelter. It's terrible! I once went to this Lab Rescue site, and found these 4 dogs, that were going to be put to sleep soon, and it just broke my heart! So I typed out a flyer that said:

(4 dogs' age, gender, and Lab color)
(and website address)

Sadly, nobody answered! :( I even passed the flyers out to every house in my neighborhood! I posted the rest of the flyers on the street light posts thingys. That just breaks my heart that people would put any animal to sleep just because nobody will adopt them. :( :mad: :( :mad:

Daisy's Mom
08-25-2001, 09:17 PM
I hate hearing things like this, especially when I can't do anything to help. Hopefully, my prayers will be enough, as they are all that I can offer :(

08-25-2001, 09:29 PM
Breaks my heart to pieces :( Remember the ending to the 1st 101 Dalmatians where they lived on a huge estate? If I win the PowerBall I swear that's what I'm going to do! I'll name my city "Rescue". I wish I could, I wish I could.....

08-26-2001, 02:45 AM
My heart is breaking. :(

08-26-2001, 05:23 AM
I wish these lovely GSDs weren't an ocean & half a continent away. I have contact with 3 groups here in Australia that would take those dogs...one is a no-kill dog orphanage, the second is a no-kill shelter & third a wonderful GSD rescue person who's linked with our national dog rescue network (which I'm part of).
One of the first things done here when GSDs come up for rehoming is to check with our wonderful police dog squads that are always looking for new dog recruits...& they test the dogs for their suitability police work. The quarantine( customs) service & the air force are also contacts that are often willing to look at the GSDs, too.

08-26-2001, 09:38 AM
I think Australia has a wonderful and humane approach to saving the dog population. To tell you the truth I am ashamed that here in this country people can get dogs and then decide they don't want them and throw them out like yesterday's trash. A living, breathing animal, beautiful, sweet, loving animals. If I didn't have heart trouble, arthritis, knee replacements and age to hinder me I would be out there along with Don who loves dogs as much as I do and we would be fosters to dogs in a heartbeat.
The sad part is that about all we can do is give Daisy and Perry the very best home and love that we can, and give donations to places like "Best Friends". Sorry to get on my soapbox, but seeing these beautiful GSDs
most likely going to be euthanized makes me cry.

08-26-2001, 12:28 PM
I just e-mailed the message to Best Friends and Petshelter.
If anybody else would like their addresses, here they are:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

I hope the dogs can be saved, I'm crying as I write this.

08-26-2001, 01:10 PM
Albea, I just sent messages to the addresses that you provided, hopefully help will come for the five of them before it's too late.
Thanks for providing the addresses.

08-26-2001, 04:28 PM
jackie, i e-mailed 3 gsd rescue groups in ohio....so far no response....we will see...deli dog

08-26-2001, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Jackie:
<STRONG>I think Australia has a wonderful and humane approach to saving the dog population. To tell you the truth I am ashamed that here in this country people can get dogs and then decide they don't want them and throw them out like yesterday's trash.

Jackie, Australia has a much smaller population than the US so we're able to link up the good rescue people & places more quickly. You, too, have wonderful rescue people & no-kill shelters so it's a matter of making the links which will help dogs in urgent need. And the people contributing to this discussion about the GSDs are doing just that. I hope that the right contacts are made in time for these lovely dogs. There are lovely, caring people, somewhere (just like you!), who could help these dogs...

08-26-2001, 10:13 PM
The issue of GSD rescue has many sides. Several months ago, I was at a shelter which is very active in a very large city. As we toured the kennel area, the guide mentioned the high percentage of GSDs and mixes in their cages. The statistics for adoption at their shelter amounted to 70% of non-GSDs were adopted, and only 10% of GSDs were adopted.

The shelter guide mentioned that the issue of backyard breeding, and the wide range of temperament of GSDs are the downfall of adopting. We all know of wonderful GSD guide dogs and rescue dogs. We also know of the horror stories about GSDs that bite and maul innocent children and animals. Some stories are exagerations, but there are cases of individual GSDs being very dangerous dogs.

Because unethical and uneducated breeders and owners continue to produce GSDs, even the most experienced dog owner needs to be careful about adopting a GSD. Until the human side of this problem is controlled, even the best GSD rescue groups will not be able to help the large number of abused and unwanted GSDs.

I can understand why GSD rescue folks are overwhelmed by the unlimited supply of dogs suffering due to human stupidity. I hope that continued prevention and education will one day minimize the number of GSDs needing to be rescued.