View Full Version : Lovely Leila!

11-18-2018, 10:13 AM
Oh my goodness, dearest Leila, aren't you ever just the sweetest thing! That black and white fur is so shiny and soft-looking, and you have the sweetest face with those lovely big brown eyes. Thank you for sharing those great photos! You are absolutely adorable, both resting on your leopard-spotted bed and all dressed up as a bug. You have the most delightful personality, too! You love to cuddle with Dad and sleep under the covers at Mom's feet. You enjoy playing with your stuffed bunny Boo and chasing flashlight lights in a dark room and going on bike rides with Momy. Now you have a new little brother, Bogey, and you are working hard at getting used to him! You and Mom and Dad (and Bogey too, we know) all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Leila, on being chosen today's Dog of the Day! We hope you and your dear Mom and Dad and Bogey and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.


11-18-2018, 10:54 AM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
Pugs are a wonderful breed and you just prove that.
Little brothers can be annoying but just remember,
your Mom and Dad have plenty of love to give to both of you.
You deserve to be honored, so celebrate your special day.

11-18-2018, 12:55 PM
Hi Princess Leila! Happy Dog of the Day!:)

What an adorable, pawsitively pugalicious girl you are, Leila! You look SO precious, all decked out in your bumble bee costume, hehe, and those BIG brown eyes of yours could melt the coldest and hardest of hearts!

Now, as for little brother Bogey...:D It's hard, I know, having to share your Mommy and Daddy, not to mention your cherished toys with a loud, boisterous, annoying little puppy brother! hehe But no worries, sweetheart! Your Mommy and Daddy have love enough for two! And as for those toys? Like my Mom used to say to me and my brother, "You two need to learn how to share!":p And by all accounts, that's just what you're doing, Leila, being so patient, giving Bogey all the time he needs to grow and learn!

How lucky your Mommy and Daddy are, Leila, having a furkid as adorable, as big-hearted, as sweet and loving you! You're the best, a treasure, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to paw off a note to us, sweetheart, giving us the honor of paying tribute to one EXTRA special princess Pug! Hope you're enjoying a happy and fun filled day of celebration...playing with (aka keeping in line, hehe) brother Bogey, maybe taking a nice bike basket ride with your Mommy, chasing that elusive flashlight beam and tonight, cuddling under the blankies with your dear Mommy and Daddy! Lots of love, snuggles and smooches to you, precious Princess Leila, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day! Love to dear little brother Bogey, too!:love::love::love:

My best come hither look!:D

11-18-2018, 06:12 PM
If Leila was any more adorable I am not sure I could stand it! Just the most cute, darling and patient little sweetheart! I could go on forever I'm sure. Been going through a bad time and I feel so much better just seeing her and knowing that little, wee Leila is DOTD!! Our perfectly sweet little honouree! Please forward a small cuddle for me.

Felicia's Mom
11-18-2018, 08:39 PM
What an adorable Pug you are Leila. Congratulations on being today's Dog of the Day!