View Full Version : Help Save Wolves petition

05-22-2001, 07:20 PM
Subject: Help save wolves petition

Hello fellow Pack Members, We could use your help with an Online
petition to try and stop a wolf hunt in alaska.

This cause and petition is being done in the hopes to save the lives of
5 wolves (or more by now) who are being auctioned off on eBay to the
highest bidder for a 'wolf hunt'

The highest bidder will travel to Alaska, hook up with Castle Rock
Outfitters, who then will take the highest bidder out to 'hunt' and kill 5
wolves in the name of "Ted Nugent's Kids Kamp" (TNKK). All proceeds
from this 'hunt' go to TNKK, minus Ebay's cut, to send underprivileged
children to "Ted Nugent's Kids Kamp."

Sign the online petition: http://www.care2.com/petitions/takeaction/168636381

You can view the ebay site at: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1131653454

Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you know what loves
wolves and would like to help.

Thank you
If you guys could help out that would be great. Also there are alot of petitions at this site that deal with animals that could use you help http://www.care2.com/petitions/takeaction/

[This message has been edited by ownerof3dogs (edited May 22, 2001).]

05-22-2001, 07:32 PM
I signed the petition. How could they do such a thing in the name of charity? It's outright murder! I'm appalled!


05-22-2001, 08:50 PM
I signed the petition

05-23-2001, 02:57 PM
I also signed the petition, with a rather strong comment about what I think of their idea. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/mad.gif

05-23-2001, 05:01 PM
Thanks guys. I thought it was the most terrible thing and we ahve to make sure it doesn't happen. How could they do that?

05-23-2001, 05:23 PM
What an outrage! I signed the petition, of course. I know Kurt Russell, the actor, at one time had a "wild animal" hunt in the name of charity at one time. Due to public outrage and condemnation, including petitions such as this, he finally agreed to give up this outrageous activity in the name of charity. Killing of living creatures in the name of charity and good will ?? What a paradox!!

05-23-2001, 07:10 PM
i signed the petition and forwarded it to PETA. there's gotta to be more we can do! we have to get Ebay to stop running these types of auctions too. we've got to be loud on this one or its gonna continue....(okay TN's history - it will continue) but lets make it really tough for him to continue!

i just looked on ebay - these hunting packages - charity and profit - are there - i saw three on two pages....(the bids weren't high at all - so if we all bid we can spare the animals and spoil the hunt by not hunting or going and being a disturbance keeping the animals at bay!)

[This message has been edited by bugmom (edited May 23, 2001).]

05-23-2001, 08:29 PM
Truly disgusting!!! killing these wonderful Animals for entertainment makes me sick.

05-24-2001, 11:33 AM
Don't forget to get your friends to sign this petition! Its a starting point.
I got an e:mail from Silver (the person who started the petition) . Ebay was non-responsive to the pleas and the Nugent representative says oh well. so its up to us animal lovers to step forward and get the word out - if we can't stop it we can at least enlighten and embarrass.
The winning bid was $1000.
please help!

05-24-2001, 05:14 PM
I love wolves so much! They're so cute and even though they're carnivores, only 1 out of 100 actually attack human beings. I wish people could learn more about their good-doings instead of all the bad things they have heard. Thanks, I'm visiting the sites right now. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Any of you who think love is not bought, has never bought an animal.

05-24-2001, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Tiger_Lover:
I love wolves so much! They're so cute and even though they're carnivores, only 1 out of 100 actually attack human beings. I wish people could learn more about their good-doings instead of all the bad things they have heard. Thanks, I'm visiting the sites right now. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Accually, I just finished a research paper on Wolves and there is no docomented account of a healthy Wolf ever attacking a humane

just thought you might want to know

05-24-2001, 11:00 PM
I signed and sent emails to friends. I hope we can make a difference.

05-25-2001, 05:57 AM
I signed it. What a shame that this stuff happens. So sad. I hope, with everyones help, we can prevent this from happening.

05-25-2001, 11:21 AM
Thanks for posting that Ownerof3dogs. You're right, there is no documented case of a healthy wolf attacking a human. People's ignorance and lack of education/information pertaining to the wolf is what has caused its demise. It's sad to think that the wolf once roamed all across the US...but has been obliterated because of fear. There are several species of wolves alone that have already become extinct, and I'd hate to see that happen to the Alaskan wolves as well. This definitely hits a sore spot on my part. I actually hadn't seen this petition. I can't believe that anyone would allow something as senseless to happen. I belive that wolves are threatened in Alaska, which means it is illegal to hunt them...
Also makes me not think much of ebay...that's for sure. I actually lost respect for eBay when they were auctioning off a little pomeranian dog. That's just rediculous! Plus, I don't have any respect for Ted Nugent...after hearing about some of the things he's done in the past. So sad...

05-25-2001, 11:33 AM
I signed the petition. That is so disgusting. I can't believe they might get away with doing something like this.

05-26-2001, 12:08 PM
Has anybody gone to the community page where the "Save the Wolves" petition is?
If you haven't, let me tell you that somebody has called us (the one who signed the petition)"goody two shoes" http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif I'm sure that all of us will take that as a compliment and not an insult. I rather be called a"goody two shoes" than all the names the people promoting the wolf hunt deserve but are not fit for posting in Dog of the Day. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

05-26-2001, 01:13 PM
Actually, only sick and weak wolves attack humans, my meaning being.

05-26-2001, 01:21 PM
I have also signed the Bonsai Kitten, dog slaying, and supporting the marine reserves, and many more. Thanks!

05-27-2001, 05:57 PM
Jeez, I just looked at the eBay site, and it said something about "take your kids hunting, so you don't have to hunt your kids". Yeah...that's a good thing to teach them...it's ok to kill for sport and ruin the beauty of the environment....oh, and while you're at it...hunt your classmates in school. When will this stop?

It also said:
Ted Nugent Kamp For Kids is dedicated to teaching and educating hands on values and to getting kids out of the malls, off the streets and into the outdoors.

Values??? I didn't see any good values about slaughtering endangered animals for fun...