View Full Version : Awesome Ollie

07-26-2018, 10:07 AM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
What a little cutie and so well behaved.
I would love to hear you whine to get your way.
Celebrate your world famous day.

07-26-2018, 01:31 PM
Hi Ollie in beautiful Barrie, Ontario, Canada! Happy Dog of the Day!:)

Be still my heart! What a painfully precious, cutie patootie pupper you are, Ollie!:D You sure know how to strike a pose (gopher:D); such a model!!! And OMG, how adorable you look in your formal wear, that tux and bowtie!

It's hard to believe how anyone could surrender a pup as personality packed and playful, as sweet and loving as you, Ollie!:( As your mommy says, you've never met a stranger! A friend to ALL, that's you!

He's a happy dog that loves everybody he meets, he loves all other animals and trie to make friends with all species, even if it means a scratch on the nose or spray of stinky perfume, he'll try to befriend you lol. He steals the hearts of everyone he meets, we have to keep a close eye on him for fear someone will try and steal him!

How blessed your mommy and daddy were, the day they chose you to be their very own! You're the poster boy for doggie adoption! Even sister Daizy gives you the big 2 paws up! What a lucky pack is yours, Ollie, having a best friend and loving companion, a full fledged furry family member in you, Ollie! You're the best, beautiful inside and out, a treasure!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Meeting you today has been pure joy! I hope you're enjoying a very special Dog of the Day celebration, sweetheart...playing with sister Daizy; meeting new people and making new friends; munching on yummy treats; being loved and pampered to pieces by your proud pawrents and all of your adoring friends and fans! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, adorable Ollie, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day! Love to Princess Daizy, too!:love::love::love:

Gopher pose!!!:D

07-26-2018, 02:02 PM
Aww, Ollie is just way to cute for words! Everything he does is adorable and each photo is cuter than the next. Between the gopher pose and the pro whine, its pretty clear he's clever too! I'm sure he generally gets his way eh. Hope you are well in Ontario, need the A/C here in B.C. Sending lotsa love to sweet Ollie, the most wonderful DOTD!

Felicia's Mom
07-26-2018, 04:31 PM
Ollie is adorable, I would love to see him in his Gopher Pose!:D:D

07-27-2018, 11:21 AM

Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
What a little cutie and so well behaved.
I would love to hear you whine to get your way.
Celebrate your world famous day.

AWWWW! This just melts the heart. I love it.

07-30-2018, 09:55 AM
Aww, Ollie is just way to cute for words! Everything he does is adorable and each photo is cuter than the next. Between the gopher pose and the pro whine, its pretty clear he's clever too! I'm sure he generally gets his way eh. Hope you are well in Ontario, need the A/C here in B.C. Sending lotsa love to sweet Ollie, the most wonderful DOTD!

*Ollies Mom** I actually took video of our little ham doing his Gopher Pose outside lol, i'm not sure if there is a way to post it but i'll try figure that out and if there is then you will see him in action, and you can't help but laugh every time you see him do it because it's so darn cute LOL:love:

07-30-2018, 09:57 AM
Hi Ollie in beautiful Barrie, Ontario, Canada! Happy Dog of the Day!:)

Be still my heart! What a painfully precious, cutie patootie pupper you are, Ollie!:D You sure know how to strike a pose (gopher:D); such a model!!! And OMG, how adorable you look in your formal wear, that tux and bowtie!

It's hard to believe how anyone could surrender a pup as personality packed and playful, as sweet and loving as you, Ollie!:( As your mommy says, you've never met a stranger! A friend to ALL, that's you!

How blessed your mommy and daddy were, the day they chose you to be their very own! You're the poster boy for doggie adoption! Even sister Daizy gives you the big 2 paws up! What a lucky pack is yours, Ollie, having a best friend and loving companion, a full fledged furry family member in you, Ollie! You're the best, beautiful inside and out, a treasure!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Meeting you today has been pure joy! I hope you're enjoying a very special Dog of the Day celebration, sweetheart...playing with sister Daizy; meeting new people and making new friends; munching on yummy treats; being loved and pampered to pieces by your proud pawrents and all of your adoring friends and fans! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, adorable Ollie, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day! Love to Princess Daizy, too!:love::love::love:

Gopher pose!!!:D

* It didn't take Ollie long to wrap me and his daddy and his sister around his little paw. He fit in with us immediately, and yes, he does get everything he wants, he just gives us that cute little whine and voila, it's his LOL *

07-30-2018, 10:07 AM
Thank you for your kind words everyone. Ollie is an amazing little boy and were so happy he is apart of our family. He has brought so much love, laughter and happiness to my family. He knows which buttons to press and how to get his way. Even if he misbehaves (don't let that cute face fool you, he can get into trouble lol) you can never get mad at him. He has us wrapped around his little paw. Ollie has bonded with me especially, his mom, he is my little shadow and people comment on that all the time. He does not miss a beat when it comes to being with me and following my every move. I'm lucky enough to work from home which benefits both Ollie and his sister Daizy Duke because they LOVE to hang out in my home office with me all day, and i love the company. Ollie is always at my side, all i have to say is, " Ok Ollie time for mom to go to work, are you coming" and he flies up the stairs and lays in his bed under my desk and stays there all day with me till i'm finished. I wish you could all meet him, he would steal your hearts too :-) :love::love::love::love::love: