View Full Version : To establish a business in the US

12-28-2002, 04:08 AM
We are pleased to anounce our decision to sale the genetic code of our cats.
The code will be downloadable via interned, in different files for each cat.

#1 . KOXKA: beautiful siamese mix,
strong temperament, but very

#2. IURI: siamese, a sweet pie, needs
cuddles at scheduled hours.

#3. PALOO: tabby, beautifull green eyes,
needs to play "To be or not to be",
inside/outside needs all the time.

#4. GINJOL: a rarity three coloured male,
big fuffly, golden eyed, good at
ironing clothes.

#5. PERICOT: Orange tabby, a purring
maching, fearless, always moving.

If you are interested or for further information, please contac me via PM or e-mail.

Koxka :cool:

12-28-2002, 07:43 AM
Sorry , may be I am a bit stupid ; but what the heck do you mean Koxka ??? Are you moving to the USA ? Or what do you mean exactly ?:confused: :confused: :confused:

12-28-2002, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by koxka
We are pleased to anounce our decision to sale the genetic code of our cats.
The code will be downloadable via interned, in different files for each cat.

#1 . KOXKA: beautiful siamese mix,
strong temperament, but very

#2. IURI: siamese, a sweet pie, needs
cuddles at scheduled hours.

#3. PALOO: tabby, beautifull green eyes,
needs to play "To be or not to be",
inside/outside needs all the time.

#4. GINJOL: a rarity three coloured male,
big fuffly, golden eyed, good at
ironing clothes.

#5. PERICOT: Orange tabby, a purring
maching, fearless, always moving.

If you are interested or for further information, please contac me via PM or e-mail.

Koxka :cool:

You're just kidding about the cloning news in the media right now, right?

12-29-2002, 06:49 PM
Well yesterady was Dec.28th. the day of Saint Innocents and is traditional make fun or joke. Even on the news and newspaper tell "false" news.:D

So I though it would be fun to post a joke at Pettalk.

Lut: I'm not planning to go anywhere. :(
To post we were moving to the USA was my firts choice . I'm sure there would be more replays. :D .

Karen: It seems that nobody is interested in bad tempered kitties, good on ironing clothes or with existentialist problems !:rolleyes: What a lack of sensibility!!:D

12-29-2002, 07:50 PM
I just think nobody "got it."

Never heard of Saint Innocent's day as being one to make a joke. Maybe it's like April Fool's Day here?

12-30-2002, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by koxka
Karen: It seems that nobody is interested in bad tempered kitties, good on ironing clothes or with existentialist problems !:rolleyes: What a lack of sensibility!!:D [/B]

Oh well just kidding!:D

Yes, I know April Fool's Day, is a special day but had never known what's on this day.:confused:

12-30-2002, 06:52 AM
sorry Koxka, I did not get it, but now looking back, it is very funny.
But do not be surprized, I am often the one who doesn't "get it". Hee Hee (laughing at myself for being very SLOW)

Edwina's Secretary
12-30-2002, 10:55 AM
I thought it very funny! Particularly "good at ironing!"

I'll take some of that DNA!

12-30-2002, 11:00 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: oh oh :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I must admit , like jen , I am a bit slow ... (retarded , he he ) !

We usually do this on April 1st . Today , we wish everyone a happy "name-day" !! LOL

12-30-2002, 12:27 PM
Too funny! :D

Miss Meow
12-30-2002, 09:01 PM
Now I get it! We have fun on 1 April too.

I'll have a kitten with Koxka's cleverness, Pericot's sweet little face, Iuri's love of cuddles, Paloo's green eyes, Ginjol's fluffy tail or maybe just one of each :)

Dixieland Dancer
12-31-2002, 09:36 AM
I thought you were making a joke about the first human being cloned coming to the US. :( The baby was born a few days ago from a cloning implantation so the mom and baby are duplicate DNA strands. They named the baby Eve.

I personally think this is going a little too far with Science and find it a bit strange. Using the cloning technique for medical breakthroughs is one thing but using it to clone yourself is something very weird.

There was a thread not too long ago asking if people were in favor of having their pets cloned. I believe the majority were against it.

12-31-2002, 09:43 AM
LOL! :D Seriously, it took me at least 5 visits to this thread to "get" the joke! :rolleyes:

I'm against cloning too. Its just ridiculous to clone yourself. What's the point? It different using it for health reasons, but using it to clone yourself just doesn't make sense. I believe it is "trying to play God" and that is just not right. Mankind has never needed cloning for billions of years. Why need it now? Its not like cloning yourself is going to bring any benefits to society. Just let nature go on as it has always been going. :rolleyes: