View Full Version : The Meanest person in the Whole World

04-06-2018, 01:56 PM
Yesp - that's me! There's a little dog, Susie, that I take for a mid-day walk when her grandma is away in California. Today was the last day of a two-week stretch. And it is snowing! I had to pick her up off the bed where she had been nesting/napping, to convince her to go out. Once her feet his the floor she was "Okay, let's go!" Until we got outside, She immediately wanted to go back in. Changed her minded, sniffed the yew in front of her house for several seconds, then said, "I'm done! Let's go inside!"

I had to resort to carrying her the length of the street, during which she was perky as can be, then set her down so she at least had to get SOME exercise walking home!

Here is her picture from Wednesday - similar situation - the image of misery. She had gotten to go for a car ride, which she loves, but then I had left my keys in the car and had to leave her there while I walked 5 steps to ad from the car. That day it was rain instead of snow.

The other picture is to show you what she normally looks like!

04-06-2018, 03:56 PM
Sounds like you go all out for her! No one does that for me...... who's a good girl? Karen is for sure, as for the darling lazy doggy....not so much 😁 🤓

04-06-2018, 04:00 PM
P.s. Susie is so cute!

04-07-2018, 08:07 AM
She's SO cute!!!:D How could you be so mean to such a sweetie?:p

04-07-2018, 09:39 AM
I heard from her grandma - who said as of Monday I will only be the second meanest person in the world, as Susie will be going on "a forced march" daily! :)

04-11-2018, 05:13 PM
Alas, your title was fleeting...sigh. How quickly we can be replaced 🙈 😢 🤧

04-12-2018, 02:13 AM
Alas, your title was fleeting...sigh. How quickly we can be replaced   蠟

Indeed, Mon, dogs can be so fickle!