View Full Version : Rescue me Gabe!

Edwina's Secretary
12-26-2002, 03:58 PM
Dear Gabe,

For the last few days I have been confined to....oops....staying in this hotel. The room service is deplorable! Look at this!


I'm accustomed to good china, nice placemat...you know the good life. Here I am eating out of margarine tubs...PLASTIC no less and on a metal tray...with no cloth? I hope when you come to town we will stay at a better place than this!

I hope to get out...I mean check out...tomorrow afternoon.

Meanwhile...I'm yours in elegance...


Miss Meow
12-26-2002, 04:50 PM
Eeeeek, I'm surprised Edwina is looking so composed. Plastic, indeed!

12-26-2002, 04:51 PM
My gosh girl, you have been subjected to such ... well.... plastic...what can I say! How dare them! You should complain to the management.

My Mom took the photo below, of me tonight, while I was having my dinner. Notice the china, and not the plastic tins you have. I will confess to having a beer bottle top on the plate, rather than some tasty meal.

Winny, what do you say to getting together for New Year's Eve? I could fly to your part of the country, we could meet in a NICE hotel, and celebrate the incoming of 2003!

Let me know - I know how to treat a LADY like you, dear Winny.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Your fella,



12-26-2002, 06:02 PM
Edwina, I think you should take Gabe up on his offer and step out with him for New Year's Eve!!!
Of course, we want to hear all about it!!!:D

12-27-2002, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Edwina, I think you should take Gabe up on his offer and step out with him for New Year's Eve!!!
Of course, we want to hear all about it!!!:D
I say take the offer :)
Plastic!?! Never!
A lady like you Edwina shouldn't even come close to plastic plates.

12-28-2002, 11:21 AM
Yeek - Edwina , plastik indeed!! We'ze all finks youz shuld komplane to da management - and kwik too. Dis is a dissgrase an needs stompin on here an now! We'ze shuld all startz a China Only Fur Us Felines Party. Go on Girl be a rebel wiff a cause! We'ze iz all wiff ya.
Purrs and nose rubs frum Bagel and Dan and Ketchum xxxxxx

Edwina's Secretary
12-28-2002, 04:18 PM
Good news all!!! Those pesky canines are gone and I'm back to dining on fine china! (After momma THOROUGHLY cleaned off the dog germs!!)

And Gabe.....my momma and poppa are going out New Years Eve !! And the blond in the basement went home for winter break and took the guinea pig with her so I'll be all alone....
;) ;)

I've got out my party hat...http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid44/pf960f5c4ccd8fdfd247eeac3eefaa175/fcdfb2f2.jpg

and I'm ready to roll!

12-28-2002, 06:38 PM
Dear Winny,

I left for your house, today, as I know it will be a long walk. I checked with the airlines, and there are no seats available before Jan. 1st, so I must hoof it to your place. What time will your parents be going out? I suppose I could pick you up and we could go to a hotel. Do you think you should mention it to your parents before hand?

Anyway, I have my bag packed and I am heading out tonight, after sunset.

See you New Year's Eve, Winny dearest.



Country Road.................

12-28-2002, 06:52 PM
WOW!!! Gabe must really be smitten to WALK all that way to Edwina's house! And looks like in the snow too. I hope he makes it by New Year's Eve. :eek: :D

12-28-2002, 09:55 PM
It's a good thing you grew back your thick coat, Gabe...you look pretty warm. Make sure to pick up a nice gift for Winny on your way to her house & have a safe trip :) What a cute couple! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
12-30-2002, 09:14 AM
Dear Gabe...

You should be to about Cleveland by now. Oh! the anticiptation. I am trying to work up the nerve to tell my parents. You know how my poppa can be!

Meanwhile...I am keeping a constant vigil!




12-30-2002, 12:44 PM
Hey Edwina,
try to tell your mom. She will have to tell your dad then. This is how girls around the world do it;)
Good luck tomorrow.

12-30-2002, 12:53 PM
(hee hee, you are all too funny!!! :D )

So Gabe....are you there yet?

And Edwina...if your parents are gone...they may not even know you were gone...maybe you could just put a pillow in your bed? ;)

12-31-2002, 06:13 AM
Dearest Winny,

I arrived at the Ritz-Carlton a few hours ago. I have the Honeymoon Suite. Ahem.

I managed to find a flight late yesterday evening. I took the "Red Eye" flight, thus the funny colored eyes! The walk was just too exhausting for me and I needed to save some of my energy for you my dear.

I will send a car for you tonight, around nine. I trust your Ma and Pa will be out celebrating at that time. Bring your toothbrush Winny, it may be an over-night stay! X O X O X O .... I will supply the catnip and beverages! Maybe a little caviar too! A bottle of Dom! The sky is the limit for you Winny dearest.

P. S. My hat in the photo below came from Harrod's, I thought you would be impressed.

See you tonight my dear Winny.



Edwina's Secretary
12-31-2002, 03:43 PM
Dearest Gabe...

Oh my gosh!!! The Ritz!!! (wait til Ritzy hears about this! ;) )

I'll be ready. The folks will be out on a boat by then.

What do you think of my outfit???? No little black dress for me. I want to be the belle of the ball for you Gabe.

I'm also bringing along a few toys...just in case...

Oh gosh...will the hours never end until I see you tonight????


Ready to ring in the new year.....

Your Winny

12-31-2002, 03:47 PM
You look so beautiful in your outfit Edwina. You will be the belle of the ball. I hope you and Gabe have a wonderful New Year together.

12-31-2002, 05:54 PM
You certainly will be the belle of the ball Edwina. I can't wait to hear about your date and the fun you have. (Well, what you feel inspired to share anyway.) ;)

12-31-2002, 06:32 PM
Dearest Winny,

I hope your folks will not be upset to find you have gone out for the evening with me. The car should arrive at your place at 9!

Here are a few of my favorite things.......hope to see you soon, dear one.


12-31-2002, 07:16 PM

Young love! Aaaaah! Takes me back! ;)

01-01-2003, 07:50 AM
(The cats just left the room because I was laughing far too loud).
Very curious to hear more!

Edwina's Secretary
01-01-2003, 01:24 PM
Darling Gabe...

What a night! The Ritz, the wine, the food, the dancing....and you my fluffcake!

I swoon every time I remember the moments (maybe that's the wine?!?)


And my parents didn't get home until noon today so they are none the wiser of our little tryst!

Until we meet again...

Your in the new year....


01-02-2003, 04:49 AM
What a happy New Year party!

01-02-2003, 05:03 AM
Dear Edwina
unfortunately it's all public: Can you believe it: My mom has a cat calendar every year that shows new cat pictures daily (it's published by a German cat magazine). And yesterday: there was a picture of you, my dear, with a bottle and a glass of French champaign Veuve Clicquot. The world will know it:eek:
I thought I better give you a warning.
Yours truly

Edwina's Secretary
01-02-2003, 10:46 AM
Dear Tigris,

Yikes! And I told momma I only drink the domestic stuff!



01-02-2003, 11:15 AM
Well, I for one think it is urgent that we get our Mayor (Miz Karen) to rate these threads. I was shocked SHOCKED to see this type of behavior on Pet Talk. What kind of influence will Edwina's behavior have on our sweet young kitties? She certainly has become "worldly".

Rascal just started to drool all over the screen - I had to shield his eyes. Oh, this has me so upset!

:D :D :D

01-03-2003, 07:12 AM
Oh my what a time they had! Gabe please do report in so that we know you arrived home safe and sound. I am sure you are bragging just a bit now to Graemer about your romantic night with Edwina. ;)

01-04-2003, 03:03 PM
Dear Winny,

The memory of your company on New Year's Eve will be with me for a long, long time. We enjoyed ourselves didn't we?

I arrived in Vermont the following day, only to find out that Miley and Graemer had gone to a party without me. But Winny, your company far surpassed any party I could have gone to with my roomies.

I have a photo of the aftermath. Remember?

I can't wait to see you again Winny. Same time next year?

Your love,

The Gabe

01-04-2003, 03:27 PM

01-04-2003, 03:30 PM
Are there any news about Miley's and Graemer's party? Filou is interested.

01-04-2003, 03:58 PM
Barbera, that's interesting! :eek: If noone else is interested in partying, Fister surely is! We heard him racing around and found that he'd knocked a lamp down from a table last night, so he's surely ready for some action! You see, it's a little too cold to go out, and all this cold white stuff he gets his paws into as soon as he steps out of the door - :eek: Still got a bottle of Cava left! - And lots of shrimps. Let us know if Filou is on his way, and we'll take them out of the freezer! ;)

Any others want to join?

We're going to build a cat tree as well, have got the bottom and two long pieces from a newly cut cherry tree, so new designs are welcome!

01-05-2003, 05:41 AM
It must be the weather. Filou came tonight 2 times and said it was time for a party. At 2 a.m. and at his usual 5.30. I'll better send him to Copenhagen. If I tell him about the shrimps he'll be there in no time:)

Believe it or not. I was just telling Siegmar what I was writing and there came Filou asking for a map!

01-05-2003, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Believe it or not. I was just telling Siegmar what I was writing and there came Filou asking for a map!

What a bunch of kitty travelers we have here at Pet Talk!! LOL! LOL! Too funny! :D Better tell Filou to hang onto that map, because, being a male, we know he would never stop to ask for directions!

01-05-2003, 07:33 AM
Wait 'til the folks read this thread. I think there will be some 'splaining to do and a few kitties might have their outdoor privileges restricted.

01-05-2003, 09:58 AM
Hey there Filou!
Why should Edwina & Gabe have all the fun?

What a great idea you have there, why don’t you pop up here for a while and boogie the night away, I’m a bit BORED at the moment. All that yucky snow stuff outside, and no one to play with!
The trip should be easy enough, it’s mostly overland. Can you smuggle your way onto a big lorry and hurry up here as quick as possible? There’s a boring bit near the end where one has to cross that water stuff. But those humans have got that together, they’ve got things called boats. Hide yourself on one of those, you might even be able to get some scraps from their tables. (Just look for a sign which says “Restaurant”)

Have a lovely trip, can’t wait to meet you on my own turf. We can sneak out together when my humans aren’t looking and paint the town red! There’s a nice park just across the road, and some lovely smelly garbage bins out in the back yard. I can also show you the place where I was born (before I adopted my humans).


Can’t wait to meet you,

Head bumpies & scritchies from your ever expectant Fister

01-05-2003, 11:59 AM
Dear Fister,

many thanks for your invitation. Today Tigris is bullying me all day long therefore I am very glad to pack my stuff.

The way on the map is just what I figured out by myself. And I know everything about boats because Mom and Dad have a sailing dinghy and they always talk of buying a life-jacket for me and getting me there:)

We can have all fun tonight because I know from your "nocturnal antics" thread how well we'll feel together. The only food I can bring is some smoked trout that I found in the fridge. There was no more caviar:(

Looking forward to meeting you


Pam: men don't have to ask for directions because they can read maps;)

Rachel: it is not so easy to restrict me because I can de-materialize here and materialize somewhere else again.

Edwina's Secretary
01-05-2003, 02:28 PM
Sweetest Gabe....

we'll always have the Ritz...


Yours in reverie...


p.s. Fister and Filou (say that real fast!) Sorry I won't be able to join you guys...I'm grounded! Momma INSISTS she smelled Jack Daniels on me! :rolleyes:

01-05-2003, 04:19 PM
Filou, I'll have to warn you. It's been snowing quite a lot here today, so you can forget about your dingy - or any other boat. You'll most likely need an icebreaker! :eek: Or you may even be able to cross the sea on foot, but remember to take some really warm boots on and a wollen sweater!

My human mom went down in the yard earlier to feed Pjevs, but his house was barely visible - there was half a meter of snow and she had to borrow John's moon boots just to get to it! Then she had to find something to scrape all that snow away from the entrance, and eventually Pjevs' little face showed up. :) Luckily there was a covered porch in the front, so Pjevs could eat the food standing inside. :D "Mom" said it looked really funny, because she had put a soft plastic curtain up a few days ago - you know like the ones they use in foreign warm countries to keep the flies out (I think). It was too dark to take a picture, but I bet you can imagine!

My humans dinner guests just left, but I saw from the window that they were struggling to get to the main road, so I fear they're coming back to stay the night. Lets hope not! I like the space to myself! So much fun to race around and knock down lamps etc.

Anyway, bring your mobile phone and get in touch if you get stuck somewhere on the way! I'll be waiting in anticipation! And I think they left some real goodies for us in the fridge. ;)

Edwina and Gabe, you should book a plane ticket right now and join us! The airport you want is CPH - get a business class, it's comfy! We're only 20 min. away from the airport and can pick you up! What do you say? There's enough goodies in the fridge for all of us! ;)


01-05-2003, 04:52 PM
Dear Fister,

Thanks so much for inviting Winny and me to your home. I am afraid we are both in "hot water" for our meeting on New Year's Eve. We over-celebrated and now I am exhausted. I would love to visit with you another time. I am sure you and Filou will have a good time - and the food sounds so yummy too!

Here is a photo of me taken just moments ago, while I was trying to sleep. As you can see, I don't look much like a party animal.

Enjoy your company Fister. Regards to Filou!

The Gabe. the tired Gabe

01-06-2003, 04:59 AM
Hi Fister,
good idea with the plane. I'm also just 20 minutes from our airport here. I will take a dress of holy king so nobody will recognize me and there will be many around today collecting money and sweets.
A pity Gabe and Edwina can't come. I wonder whether we can invite some girls like Inka and Maya.
Looking forward to the party

P.S. I can easily get away this afternoon as my big ones are going to watch Lord of the Rings II

01-06-2003, 06:24 AM
To Fister:
Arriving 18:50 h. Flight No. SK 1662
Will you pick me up?

01-06-2003, 07:47 AM
Filou, I'll get my boots ready now. It will take me a little longer to dig my way through all this snow, it doesn't seem that the streats have been cleared as much as I would have liked - but I'll manage! ;)

What a great idea to invite Maya and Inka also! If we plan it right, they can just about make it. There's a good connection from Brussels for them. I'll ask their mom if she could get them to the airport in time for SN 2263 - arriving at CPH 18.05. Then, there'll be less than an hour to wait for your arrival, Filou! :)

Uhhh, I'm looking forward! :D :D

01-06-2003, 08:25 AM
Ohh Inka, jumping and playing and being naughty is just my cup of tea. I am making myself ready for the airport:) :) :) :)

01-06-2003, 11:28 AM
Oh Maya, I do hope you got your mom off the computer, so you had time to book the flight! In case you didn't, here's the schedule for later flights. :)

International Arrivals CPH (http://www.cph.dk/CPH/UK/main/flight+timetables/international+arrivals.htm)

Here's a pic of the situation in the airport:


Filou, I checked whether your flight had been cancelled or not - some have, due to the weather, but I can see you should be safe on your way. I'm SO exited to meet you! I hope they serve some good snacks on the way - they usually do. :)

Edwina and Gabe, when you have got rid of your hangover, you must consider joining us - but perhaps it would be a good idea to wait a little, and maybe - just maybe, you can get your humans to pay for a ticket on the Concorde! :eek: You will of course then have to get on the normal flight from Paris - Copenhagen.

Edwina's Secretary
01-06-2003, 01:48 PM
And to think Gabe and I had our passports with us on New Year's Eve!


It sounds like you guys will have such fun!!

Will you be sledding in all that GORGEOUS snow?

Grounded...:( :mad: :(

01-06-2003, 03:02 PM
Dear Randi,
I must say it was a little a sad moment when Filou was not at the door greeting us (and asking for food) when we came home from the cinema. :(
I just cannot understand that my little boy now goes to partys with girls but I know I will have to accept that just as any mother has to.
However I hope that they have fun together and do not cause to much trouble to you. Keep the aquavit in a closed cupboard and try to relax.

Miss Meow
01-06-2003, 06:32 PM
This is racier than the Bold and the Beautiful :D

01-07-2003, 06:00 AM
Oh my! Fister and Filou please do be careful with little Inka and Maya. They are just little young ones you know and not quite used to the ways of the world. Stay inside Inka and Maya and keep warm. I know the big boys will be along soon. ;)

01-07-2003, 06:18 AM
I'll have you keep you in suspense just a little longer, but they all arrived safely. ;) I've had to warm all their little paws up and after that, Fister was busy helping them wash. :)

I don't think they managed to get all that much on the plane, course they were starving when they arrived, so they've eaten all the cat food + ..... so now I have to go shopping for some more.
While I do that, John will keep an eye on them and provide entertainment. :rolleyes:

We'll all check back later! - Don't worry! :D

01-07-2003, 06:29 AM
Randi, I am so glad to hear about them. I was already wondering. I was not sure whether it was ok with the party when everything is so cold. And Filou loves the warmth so much.
Send him back on the next plane if he's a bother.

01-07-2003, 07:29 AM
Fister, Filou, Maya and Inka please have a good time without me. I have been grounded, as has poor Winny. I know the six of us would have a wonderful time playing together. I wouldn't want to be the person having to clean up after us!

Have a great time - and be safe on your way back home guys and gals!


Edwina's Secretary
01-07-2003, 09:21 AM
Edwina was behaving very odd this morning (I thought perhaps a full moon???) When I came out of the shower I could hear her calling for me. Wandered all over the rather dark house looking for her. Keep her company while she did her business :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .

She followed me back upstairs.

"Do you want to go out on your screened porch?" "No, thank you."
"Do you want a drink of humidifier water?" "Just a little please."
"What do you want?????" (Heavy sigh) "Oh, nothing. I'll just sit here looking sad and pitiful."

Now I understand. She was blue because Filou, Fister, Maya, and Inka are partying without her and Gabe!

01-07-2003, 02:22 PM
Fister here! I'm exhausted, but I'll tell you a bit about the visit.

First thing I had to do, was to show them all my birthplace in the yard - they were not impressed! Especially not Maya! She's a real little lady! ;)

Then we had to get a bite to eat, and luckily my humans had some yummy leftovers from their dinner party the other day, including caviar - well not the real one, but who cares! We were not allowed any wine, my mom grabbed that, but she put some tuna flavoured bits in our drinking water, so that was OK!

We then all snuggled up together in the bottom of the big bed and slept and slept and slept!

After breakfast today, we all went out in the snow on my old sledge - there was room for all of us. :eek: I was sitting in front with Filou, and Inka was holding on real tight to Maya in the back - what a ball we had! :D It got a little wild though, so my mom said it was time for lunch and we all came in. My mom tried to get a picture of all of us, but no luck, she was not quick enough! But here's the sledge.


Then, a good nap, and after that, we started discussing where to go next. I suggested sunny Spain, I've heard there's some excellent fish restaurants right by the sea - and the weather is gorgeous! :D

Let's see what Koxka, Iuri, Paloo, Ginjol and Pericot say to that! :rolleyes:

I'll let you know tomorrow if we can get 4 seats on a flight! But I think, Maya, Inka and Filou will have to go visit their mom and dad first! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
01-07-2003, 04:38 PM
she put some tuna flavoured bits in our drinking water

what....no clam juice????

01-07-2003, 04:41 PM
Well, Sara, I SAW that too, but "I" left it alone......:D :D :D

01-07-2003, 07:41 PM
Well right now they are all snoring in their favourite spots:rolleyes:
But as soon as I let them know what's going on they'll be all excited. Specially litlle Pericot.... to meet Fister his Hero...

01-07-2003, 08:55 PM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

01-08-2003, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Edwina was behaving very odd this morning (I thought perhaps a full moon?? - She was blue because Filou, Fister, Maya, and Inka are partying without her and Gabe!
Dearest Edwina, Have you really been grounded? And Gabe too?? You should have held on to your passport on New Years Eve! ;) - But, perhaps we can meet another time - when it's warmer.

Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
What ..... no clam juice???
:o I didn't dare mention it, because Phred might just send the rest of his store over! :D

Barbera and Lut, you can rest assured that Filou, Maya and Inka has kept warm - I would never send them home with a cold!

They're all really into going to Spain now, but so far I've booked them seats this afternoon on flights SK 1661 at 14.40 and SK1593 at 15.05. They told me to say they're expecting to be picked up at arrival. :)

It's been fun getting to know them, they're real cuties! And Fister will miss them in bed! ;)

hugs and purrs to you all! :)

01-08-2003, 10:30 AM
I was very worried when I saw SK 1661 was cancelled but Filou was calling me.

If you look close at the picture you can see that he has his tiny mobile phone in his right paw.

01-08-2003, 10:31 AM
He told we how wonderful the food had been. I asked how about charming Inka but he said the salmon has been most wonderful. Of course he had to steal the last bit from the plate.

01-08-2003, 10:33 AM
Tigris however wishes now that Filou came home. He says it is very boring if he cannot chase Filou.

01-08-2003, 01:17 PM
So I take that Filou got back home safely - lucky he had that mobile phone! ;) What a reunion Tigris and Filou will have! :eek:
Don't let them knock everything down!

I'm glad that he liked the salmon, it's also one of my favourites! :p I'll post a little something to put on top on the Recipe thread. (for us humans)

01-08-2003, 04:39 PM
Yeah Filou is home but it was an incredible story. When Filou called he did not know when he would catch a flight. So, Siegmar just drove to the airport because it is late now, cold as well. He was driving around (there are 5 terminals) and finally saw him. With his little bag and a red scarf (thank you Randi, I will send it back after it's washed) he was hoofing along the highway.

He had taken a plane to Frankfurt from CPH and had then found a machine to Munich. It was fully booked but he was lucky to find someone with a senator card (the Lufthansa VIP card) who was fond of abyssinians (I'm still shivering -think what could have happened :eek: :eek: ) and helped him to get in.

He was very tired and is sleeping on the radiator. But I am afraid this will make him fit for another party tonight.

I hope soon to hear from Inka and Maya how their journey was.
Filou is talking about nothing but Spain at the moment -about merluza frita and sangria. The first one may be ok for him but I doubt about the second:confused:

Cinder & Smoke
01-08-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
What... no Clam Juice!??? :p

Originally posted by Randi
:o I didn't dare mention it, because Phred might just send the rest of his store over! :D

Smokey, cummere, QUICK!
Go grab da Jugga Klam Juze outta da fridge - we gotta send it ober to the Kat Gang in a place called Denmark... They'z havin a Partee an wunna *try* the stuff out...

NUTZ ta you, Cinnerz :p!
Go grab it yer selfz - *I* aint touchin dat Jug - prolly getz me pawz all :eek: taminated!

OK... tell Bootsy to go get it, then...
We gotta wrap it up an find sum stampz ta lik 'n stick - this mite be our onlee chanz ta unload the durn Klamz affore Dad tryz ta pour em on our dinner sum nite!! Ya know he jest *hatez* ta throw ennythin away... :rolleyes:

Uhhhh, Cinnerz... YOU tell da Kat.
He's layin there doin Dat Thing wiffa tippy-tip-tip uvva tail; an I tink he'z flashin hiz Klawz, too!

I'z gonna go find a hunka Crismuss Papur - we'll rap it up purdy :cool: fur da KatKidz.

Awww, NUTZ! Why do I hafta do allua Durty Werk round dis howze!? :p

01-09-2003, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Smokey, cummere, QUICK!
Go grab da Jugga Klam Juze outta da fridge - we gotta send it ober to the Kat Gang in a place called Denmark... They'z havin a Partee an wunna *try* the stuff out...

My am I glad that Filou is here now. Don't give anyone our snail mail address. This house is off limits for CLAM JUICE.

01-09-2003, 05:08 AM
Lut, Randi and Barbara - you three have such funny kitties and such travelers too! I have enjoyed reading about their trip to and from Denmark. Too bad I was TOO BAD over New Year's Eve!

Love, Gabe:)

Edwina's Secretary
01-09-2003, 09:34 AM
Darling Gabe...

I didn't think you were too bad on New Year's Eve....meeeeooooowwww!


Yours in memory....


01-09-2003, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
He had taken a plane to Frankfurt from CPH and had then found a machine to Munich. It was fully booked, but he was lucky to find someone with a senator card (the Lufthansa VIP card)
When I heard the flight was cancelled, I was worried sick about him! Wondering around on his own in Copenhagen with two girls!! But he is a brave cat and I’m so relieved he is safely home! ;) I bet the guy who gave Filou the VIP pass, thought that he was the Abyssinian Ambassador! :D

Originally posted by Lut
But , they fell asleep and stayed asleep until this same plane took off again from Brussels to London ...
Oh dear, two young girls on the loose in LONDON!! That could have been disasterous! How lucky the bad guys in Soho didn’t get their claws in them! You did the right thing, booking that flight, Lut! ;)

Edwina and Gabe, such a pity you weren't with us, we would all have been feeling a lot better had you been there to acompany us! Whatever did you do to deserve to be grounded??
Edwina, on that last pic. you look like the most innocent little girl on this planet! Come over in the summer, and I'll teach you how to wind your mom around your little paw. It CAN be done you know! ;)

Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Smokey, cummere, QUICK!
Go grab da Jugga Klam Juze outta da fridge - we gotta send it ober to the Kat Gang in a place called Denmark... They'z havin a Partee an wunna *try* the stuff out...

OK... tell Bootsy to go get it, then...
We gotta wrap it up an find sum stampz ta lik 'n stick - this mite be our onlee chanz ta unload the durn Klamz affore Dad tryz ta pour em on our dinner sum nite!! :rolleyes:

I'z gonna go find a hunka Crismuss Papur - we'll rap it up purdy :cool: fur da KatKidz.

OMG!! Our snail mail address is out dere in da world! :eek: Time to go down in da cellar and find some planks to build a barricade! But what do we tell the mail man??

Please, don’t send the clams - it would be considered a serious terrorist attack!!!

Nosekisses to you all from

01-09-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by lut

AW , they will be SO HUNGRY ...:p :p

HUNGRY enough for some CLAM JUICE?:eek: :D

01-09-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces

HUNGRY enough for some CLAM JUICE?:eek: :D
Who knows! :eek: And Belgium may have a more lenient attitude towards such products!

Watch out Lut!! The clams may be redirected your way! :D

01-09-2003, 05:33 PM

:D :D :D

Okay for you guys, I've hurt myself laughing! *pout*

01-10-2003, 04:39 AM
WOW! Alert the armed forces - man the barricades - prepare the boiling oil! Europe does NOT want 'gone off' Clam Juice! Haven't we got enough to put up with?!

PHRED - whatever you do, don't let them dawgies get anywhere near wrapping paper or the post office - and watch that darn cat too!


((Wanders of - searching for a spade - and muttering............)


01-10-2003, 08:32 AM
So this was the story I read in the newspaper about a strange accident in a plane that flew from London to Brussels.

Please Lut can't you send them to the European Authorities in Brussels to fight for a clam juice embargo. It must be some horrorful biological weapon......

(We will make it in the headlines, won't we:D :D :D )

01-10-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by lut
OMG , never heard of that .. Doesn't this stink ??:eek:

Lut and anyone interested in the GREAT CLAM JUICE SAGA, can find the whole story under the thread: Dear Phred by Edwina's Secretary under Cat Health. Be Warned!!! Clam Juice runs amuck!!! :eek: :D :eek: :D

01-10-2003, 12:35 PM
My nephew just told me about returning to college in the fall. Someone had left a dozen eggs and a chicken breast in the refrigerator - all summer - and they had turned off the power!!!!

He said that the smell was so awful that you ran screaming from the room.

Ahh, but he has never smelled KLAM JUICE!!

I think we have a biological weapon here right under our nose:D :D :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-10-2003, 12:54 PM
He said that the smell was so awful

One night this week I put four eggs on the stove to boil and...promptly forgot. All the water boiled away and the eggs started burning -- through the shells! (Thankfully didn't explode -- had that happen once!)

My husband came home shortly after and said, "Who's been cutting beer f***s in here!"

Put the eggs in the frig...right next to the Clam Juice!!!!:D ;)

01-10-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

My husband came home shortly after and said, "Who's been cutting beer f***s in here!"

D ;)

Well, Sara, we are certainly getting to know each other around here aren't we??

:D :D :D